I WAS RIGHT - Jackson Brothers and A&E at the "AfterParty"


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Tampa, Florida
Sorry to be right about this, but whoever did this A&E special has blood money on their hands.

MJ Burial After-Party -- Brought to You By A&E

Posted Sep 4th 2009 3:06PM by TMZ Staff
There were cameras shooting everything at the after-party for Michael Jackson's burial -- and we're told the whole thing could end up on A&E.

Sources tell TMZ footage from inside the party -- as well as the funeral itself -- will be used for an A&E special, plus a DVD at a later date.

Don't expect to see Joe or Katherine Jackson, Michael's three children or Elizabeth Taylor in the footage though -- we're told none of them went to the restaurant after the burial. (Ed: there are photos of them there, they decided not participate).

A few other random tidbits about the affair: Rat Pack music played all night, "Casablanca" was projected onto the walls, the brothers talked about a reunion tour -- and Janet seemed the most grief stricken of the group. (Ed: Big hug for Janet, I'm with you on thisl)

Filed under: Michael Jackson, Exclusives

Read more: http://www.tmz.com/2009/09/04/michael-jackson-burial-party-tv-cameras/
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oh wow the Jackson brothers should be ashamed on themselves. I hope Janet and LaToya aren't part of A&E.
I'll believe this once the Jacksons confirm it.

Due to my love for Mike, I am trying to understand his family's actions.
Wendy Williams were right about Jackson Brothers they need gets a job if they are so desperate for money.
i'm so happy for this:

Don't expect to see Joe or Katherine Jackson, Michael's three children or Elizabeth Taylor in the footage though -- we're told none of them went to the restaurant after the burial. (Ed: there are photos of them there, they decided not participate).

this shows who is in grief!
I'm not suprised Liz Taylor refused to participate and Katherine probably refused to let the kids be in it. Shimar, I too am sorry you were right about this. I wouldn't be suprised to see close up shots of Janet crying.

Rest in peace Michael. I know I'll see you in heaven someday.
oh wow the Jackson brothers should be ashamed on themselves. I hope Janet and LaToya aren't part of A&E.

Dunk and Toy don't have to be a regular part of the show to appear on it. God help Michael's kids.
If true (and it probably is), this doesn't surprise me at ALL. Not one bit. :ph34r:

There is more to life, actually, than money. Really, there IS. There is loyalty. Honor. Integrity. And how about self-respect? That's pretty high on my list, as something to achieve . . . . . It's not really about the one who dies with the most toys. . .winning. . . . .
honestly No Comment. I'd rather not say anything at all out of respect for Michael.
Who are those stupid people on that video? Why are these idiots screaming? God, i hate people that don't know that it's disrespectful to scream on or near the funeral.
This is sickening. It's your brother man. How in the hell could they do this? Seriously. Anything for money I guess. I hate to say this but Michael you're better off...
I'm not suprised Liz Taylor refused to participate and Katherine probably refused to let the kids be in it. Shimar, I too am sorry you were right about this. I wouldn't be suprised to see close up shots of Janet crying.

If they DARE do that - oh gawd.

there is more to life, actually, than money. Really, there is. There is loyalty. Honor. Integrity. And how about self-respect? That's pretty high on my list, as something to achieve . . . . . It's not really about the one who dies with the most toys. . .winning. . . . .