i was on the bus today


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
and a little Geordie kid no more than ten years old was singing Thriller to us, as loud as his little voice could manage.

it was something to smile about..
thats lovely.my daughter is only 10yrs old and she knows most the words to michaels songs and the j5,she is coming with us to the concert,
Hehehe very sweet! I'm still in the process of making MJ fans of the 3 little french girls i live with. Marie (9yrs) is half way there i think! We were watching the 'number ones' dvd together and she was really getting into it, but her parents are anti-Michael so having to do it in secret now, ie. when I'm babysitting :p
Hiya everyone!!

wELL I was reading your thread, not all but a bit, nice that some of you are poets! so a i, but like Michael it comes only when it wants too lol!!

I might put up my poems i have done since 2007 , i want to know what people think of them lol.

Anyhow the other thing i started to reply with is to tell you of the other day, i was having a spring clean in my house, and what i like to do when i do that and its nice weather is open all the windows, doors. Then put my music on, and of course it was Michael! Well im cleaning round etc and then i went outside and to my astonishment a lot of my street where all out listening and dancing to Michaels tunes lol. Its was fantastic and everyone said how lucky i was going to the concerts, then i told them of my stories of meeting him and they where starstruck! It was fantastic seeing everyone happy and even some trying to do his signature moves lol! I was tempted to show them, but i did not lol!!

Anyhow just thought i would share that, hope you all feel good, and very soon new music coming!

that's cute:)!!!
my cousin is 5 years old and he is REALLY addicted to MJ now..I wonder who did that to him??lol
the cutest.thing.ever. was when we were watching MJ videos and he just said(this was when he was 4!!!)
stine, do you know what I want to be when I grow up?
me: who?
Noah: Michael Jackson!!!

and he kept talking about how cool his hair is..his clothes..his voice! he loves thriller,smooth criminal and beat it..