I was hoping that today "Tuesday" would come

missing mike

Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
OMG...It's Tuesday the second worst day of my life.
This is now very real to me, Michael is really gone, I can't see straight.

CNN said that fans are gathered to say goodbye.
Can we really say goodbye? How can we say goodbye to someone we love, knowing that goodbye is final? I'd rather die than say goodbye. OMG, I can't handle this.
I'm dying inside, I'm blinded by tears, Micheal is really gone. How could this be? Long live our king!
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I agree this is not a good Tuesday for anyone. We may have to say goodbye to Michael in the physical but he will ALWAYS be in our hearts.....This is so sad ...this has brought me to tears.....again....

Michael the world is going to be a quiet place without the sound of your voice, without the sound of your dancing shoes. The world will be a little darker without your bright smile, Your light continues to burn bright within my heart. Shine on in heaven Michael...Shine on in heaven.
Today is a day of celebration. We honor Michael and let him go be with the God he gained so much strength from. Even though Michael's body is gone we have what is important. We have the job of sharing his memory with the world and keeping Michael's dream alive. We can only do this together.
Hang in there honey!!!
We're all here for you, I know this pain is overwhelming right now, but we have to be strong, for our families, for each other and for Michael too.
I'm with MJJC Momma on this one.

This is a step (a big step) towards closure with respect to me accepting his death. My main focus now is getting on with it and celebrating his life, his music and what he's meant to me, all his fans and the world.
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He'll never really die, not as long as we keep him in our hearts and remember what a wonderful, kind, talented person he always was.