I want to visit Michael's grave - where will it be?

Starlight Sun

Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
I am going to California for the first time at the end of this month. I want to visit his grave and give my respects. Even if I am not allowed into the cemetery, I hope to leave flowers and a card at the front gate.

Where do you think he will be buried? I had heard that burial at Neverland Ranch would go against laws of that area (not allowed to bury an uncremated body on property that isn't a cemetery).

I thought he was going to be buried at that other cemetery, but I have not heard lately anything about that.

Still, if he is buried by the end of the month, and the site is in California, I plan on visiting.

But, where do you think that will be?
more than likely forrest lawn cemetery but realloy it should be unknown cos some nutter might try and dig him up like charlie chaplin. but if they dont allow people in there as u say, it shud be ok
All things considered, I can't help thinking that it would be best for the family to have him cremated and his ashes scattered at Hayvenhurst/Neverland/Gary - or at least SAY that's what has been done.

Whatever is (or already has been) decided, I think it should be kept secret. IMHO it's for family and closest friends to know. Fans can and will continue to mourn and remember him without needing to know where his remains are.

Incidentally, I have been a fan for 34 years and I'm just giving my opinion.
As ive said many times before on this forum, when they bury him, the casket will be encased in concrete so i doubt that, unless you had a pneumatic drill, anyone would be able to get to the casket.

I mean, lets face it... whose gonna leave a 24 carat gold leaf/gold painted bronze casket unguarded or not properly interred?!!
I would like to visit michael's grave some day to. unfourtinity there is no word on where Michael will be layed to rest. I herd the family is in the process of going through all the legal documents to get permission to bury michael at Neverland. Sadly it willtake up to 7 to even 30 days to even get approval. I dont know about him being creamated. I think only if thats what Michael wanted. Hi wishes should carried out as much as possible.
they haven't decided where they'll bury him yet, or if they have they haven't said anything. my guess is forest lawn cemetery, I used to want him to be buried in neverland since he used to love that place, but after reading up a bit I changed my mind and hope he doesn't get buried there, that place was like a bad memory in his last years and everytime people visit there they're going to wonder about those awful allegations, that's no way to end his life I hope Michael whereever you are you are HAPPY or at least at peace we love you more xx
Earlier on CNN they were talking about the interview LaToya did for the UK paper in which she stated something like she and Katherine absolutely do not want him buried at Neverland (although the brothers seemingly do) and they will make sure it's some place where he will have the peace he never got to have in life. That sounds like we'll never be able to visit.

On one hand I understand, but on the other it feels horrible in my heart to think of never being able to bow my head at that place and leave flowers. That doesn't sound like much, but it's much more meaningful in my heart than it looks in words. I hope then that there will at least be some kind of special monument, some place for us to go. One special place that will substitute for a cemetery we can't visit.
I would like to visit michael's grave some day to. unfourtinity there is no word on where Michael will be layed to rest. I herd the family is in the process of going through all the legal documents to get permission to bury michael at Neverland. Sadly it willtake up to 7 to even 30 days to even get approval. I dont know about him being creamated. I think only if thats what Michael wanted. Hi wishes should carried out as much as possible.

I dont know what Michaels wishes were. But I do hope it is neverland. Its such a beautiful place he created and will always be a part of him.
I really think he should be there.
I cant think about cremation.. its so hard to think about :(
i agree^. we dont know all if his wishes all we know so far is who he wanted to take his children and take care of his estate. even though Neverland was tainted by those awful allegations and sherrifs raiding it Neverland is still a part of Michael and that will never change.I think he belongs there and i think it would be the best place to pay him to rest other then a public cementary where haters will eather deface his grave or some crazy people will try and dig him up. i hate to say that i really do but it could happen. Neverland is private and it would be best.who knows maybe they will allow the public to visit it like Michael used to. whatever it decided i just hope its whatever Michael wanted. even if we dont know what that is yet.
I think that the family is trying to go with Neverland but there is legal stuff in the way. I wish they could get all that figured out so Michael can finally be at peace.
Earlier on CNN they were talking about the interview LaToya did for the UK paper in which she stated something like she and Katherine absolutely do not want him buried at Neverland (although the brothers seemingly do) and they will make sure it's some place where he will have the peace he never got to have in life. That sounds like we'll never be able to visit.

On one hand I understand, but on the other it feels horrible in my heart to think of never being able to bow my head at that place and leave flowers. That doesn't sound like much, but it's much more meaningful in my heart than it looks in words. I hope then that there will at least be some kind of special monument, some place for us to go. One special place that will substitute for a cemetery we can't visit.

agree! especially for fans that love him so much but never able to see him in person or see his concert live. being able to put flowers and told him how much we love him and thankful for everything he has done for our life. even if we only talk to a stone

i hope the family will try to understand it too
Tito said in the Daily Mirror today that the borther want to bury him at Neverland and turn the place into a tourist attraction.

They plan to lobby Arnold Swarzenegger about letting Michael being buried there.
Michael didnt sell Neverland completely - to me it means he still loved the place. i think that such a person as Michael if in love with someone or something for a long time - can never stop loving this place or person. i might be wrong.

i hope Neverland. because Jermaine was so right. it's so much him in this place. and i would be glad if they turn Neverland into a museum because people need to remember who Michael was. they need to come there and feel the peace and beauty of his soul. they will understand. at least they will feel it. and it will be better than a thousand words
I think laying him to rest at Neverland will settle a heck of alot of the financial issues that are alleged with him. Can you imagine how much money that would bring in, in the first year or so? I would say thousands of dollars.

When you go to the other side, you forget the bad and just remember the good. He will have forgotten all the nastiness that went on at Neverlandl

On one hand I understand, but on the other it feels horrible in my heart to think of never being able to bow my head at that place and leave flowers.

Michael's body is just a shell now. He is alive in spirit. If anyone is in alot of pain about not being able to go somewhere to talk to him, why not pick a nice quiet place that is special to you and make that the place to go everytime you want to talk or sing to Michael? Whatever you say, he hears anyway. You don't need to go to where his physical body is.
If his not buried yet,then they want to burie him at neverland..100%
and neverland is best place for MJ to be his last place to reast in peace..
Michael's body is just a shell now. He is alive in spirit. If anyone is in alot of pain about not being able to go somewhere to talk to him, why not pick a nice quiet place that is special to you and make that the place to go everytime you want to talk or sing to Michael? Whatever you say, he hears anyway. You don't need to go to where his physical body is.
I was going to say something similar. In fact, I had a few experiences that I had posted in the "He was there" thread. I completely believe he, or the soul who is/was Michael Jackson, is alive and well on another plane. Completely believe it. However still, there's that desire to go to a special place with flowers. I guess it's something that logic and belief never explain to some part of the human heart, some kind of inborn need for ritual. I'm actually quite surprised at myself, as someone who believed from the moment he left us that he's not really "gone", just in a different place, that I still feel a need inside to go somewhere... to a cemetery or memorial monument. It's like a keeping alive of the Earthly memory, in honor, in respect of, I guess, in some illogical way. Hard to explain. Well, in any case, if anyone needs to say something to Michael, go ahead. He can hear you.