I want to share my experiences regarding Michael


Proud Member
Jan 27, 2009
Hi everyone, I just wanted to get my story out there in the open and get some opinions on it.
I'm not trying to get attention or earn money, I just want to share my story.
For reference I'm on the fence regarding paranormal activity but a tad swayed towards sceptical.

This is a hand on heart 100% true story.

I'm a fan of Michael Jackson and have been since the early 2000s.
In 2009 I was very excited about the then upcoming This Is It concerts and the possibility of it coming to Australia.
Anyway, sometime between late May and the middle June (I'm not 100% sure) I got the random thought a couple of times of "What would happen if Michael Jackson died?". Of course I brushed it off as there was no indication or signs that I was aware of that he could die.

Nothing too spectacular happened on June 25th (or the 26th as it was here in Australia) other than the fact that I didn't completely follow my normal morning routine at the time which was to turn on the TV to have a breakfast program in the background while on the computer checking emails etc.

This is where dates may get jumbled up for one reason or the other.

Since Michael's death I've had at least 5 dreams with him in it. This is not a common occurrence and I never really have dreams containing celebrities or even friends. In the dreams from what I remember Michael never really says anything and is just there (usually interacting with me in someway but never really talking).
Anyway that isn't the main meat of my story but the following is.

In 2009 I was in high school and I had chosen music as an elective. In music I was asked to bring in my own composition for an assessment. I put the assessment on the back burner and never really though about it or worked on it.
On the night of August 29th (Michael's birthday) I was at my mother's place. She took me home to my dad's since I lived with him. When we got outside of the building she lived in a warm breeze rushed through me and a song started to play in my head. This was a song that I had never heard before. The song pretty much played from start to finish with all the instruments playing there part including Michael doing the vocals. When I got home I got on the computer and tried to salvage what I heard and wrote my first song.
I should add that although I did hand it in the lyrics for music the sheet of paper went missing and I was never asked for another copy or even heard about the own composition assessment after that point.
Now I've been writing songs since then (None in the rest of 2009, I only wrote one in 2010 and didn't start writing songs regularly until 2011). Every time a new song has popped into my head it has always been Michael's voice singing it (this is a point to remember for the next part).

In the middle of 2011 during school holidays I decided to call up a psychics line as I was always curious about them. I understand that some might not believe that they do anything at all but I'm on the fence regarding them.
Anyway, the psychic I was talking to was very nice and appeared to have been correctly guessing some things about me. As I've always been compelled to see if anyone was watching over me I asked the female psychic if there was. She mentioned an elderly female (most likely my grandmother on my mother's side who died of cancer in 1992 (2 years before I was born) if anyone is interested). She also said that there was a presence of a man who was white, thin and had black hair (note that I had not mentioned Michael at all the in the conversations preceding this).
She never said his name or suggested it was Michael which likewise I didn't as I was sceptical. She told me that I was able to ask questions if wanted to.
I asked subtle kind-of generic questions while implying that he was a friend as to make sure that I was wasn't getting bullshitted. The responses appeared to be valid and not out of character (as far as I can tell). Not long later in the conversation I reluctantly confessed that I believed that it was indeed Michael in order to enable me to ask much more specific questions.

Now I don't remember every question I asked but not long after I got off the phone I note down some notes on what had been said and it is as follows (these are not in order):
*Regarding his death, he said that he made a mistake and was angry (probably about making the mistake). He said that around 30% of the story hadn't been told.
*I asked about wither he really wanted to do 50 dates for This Is It instead of 10; he responded with "yes and no.".
*I asked about he Michael album which came out the year after his death; he said it was good but not complete.
*I asked about my ability to do the moonwalk; he said it was "not bad".
*I asked about my singing voice and he said that it was good and can improve.
*I asked about Paris being set to star in a film; he said that he was happy but worried and also envious.
*I asked if he had any messages for the fans; he said something about peace and treating each other well.
*I believe I asked something regarding a message to the world which replied that people "need to treat animals better".
*He apparently was holding up a newspaper at one point.
*I asked about him giving me songs to write and he nodded his head.
*I asked him that if I had the opportunity to buy Neverland was I allowed to do so; he apparently responded positively to this and concurred that I had his full support.
*He said that there where many things that were not done and he wasn't finished. He also said that he was a little envious of me.
*He told me to go for my dreams no matter what. He also told me to be myself more.
*I asked about a bracelet that I had recently bought (this one) and he said that he liked it.
*At the time I was considering performing Billie Jean at my high school's variety night and asked him about it; he said "Sure, why not" and "what's stopping you?"
*I asked about dying my hair back and he suggested "soft black, not jet black" and added that there was nothing against black.
*I asked if there was anything he wanted me to search for on the internet; he said that I should search the internet for myself and not for him.
*I asked if there was a song he wanted me to listen to. He responded with "you know which song it listen to" and suggested it was a song with a three word title (Best Of Joy? Keep The Faith? Heal The World?).
*He told me to be pure, honest and sincere and to also do whatever to help others.

In terms of other things, recently I was going to the shops and I was thinking about The Way You Make Me Feel and then it suddenly started playing on the shopping centre's PA system.

What are people's thoughts on this?
I don't know... It's a beautiful story. But why would Michael chose you?
Interesting, very interesting.

I'm reluctant to believe in psychics, but I do believe in the supernatural, so maybe this is accurate?
There is a thread here that can be interesting to read.
Threads are merged , first there is this woman who said Michael talked through her but later in the thread there are fans talking about theit experiences with Michael after his death.

Sometimes I can imagine him thinking she(I ´m talking about me)can´t make music,is not good at singing and dancing.. I keep her busy with stories about animals in need.
To me this is simply nothing more than a delusion. But if it makes you happy believing you had this experience for the rest of your life, it doesn't harm anybody. The reason I think it's false is because every question is vague, if you were to ask a more specific question that you and a psychic doesn't know but only the estate does/or an answer you can't remember, I guarantee you won't get a correct answer. Eg. the song length of 'California Grass' i know these are very boring questions but it quickly puts the myth to rest.

or something even more simple the first or last single off of bad.
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Oh god, I hate to sound like an ass but:

1) when you asked what song and the psychic said "you know which one"...the psychic probably couldn't think of, or didn't know a Michael Jackson song name.

2) Of all the fans in the world (and I say this with the greatest respect for you) why would he pick you, someone who has been a fan since 2000? There's nothing wrong with that, and you are surely a lovely and special person and everyone is equal, but why not choose someone who has been a fan for 20+ years and has spent intimate moments with him? Of course I don't mean to say that you are not an important fan, of course you are! And no matter how long you have been a fan you could still have a connection with Michael that noone else has. But I just don't think it's likely...

These are just my opinions and I'm sorry if they are offensive.
I too have had some weird experiences about Michael, except I don't think I've had any psychic encounters. I remember after his passing I would have frequent dreams about Michael. These dreams were pretty simple, I remember one where we were walking along an island having a casual conversation and no one walking around us took notice of his presence. I woke up feeling really nice about that dream as I felt Michael must have felt really happy being able to feel normal for a change. Another dream I had and were playing hide and seek together, maybe it must have been a result of watching many youtube videos of Mike mucking around at Neverland. All in all these dreams were really simple and made me feel happy as a felt they gave me the chance to interact with Michael as I was never able to in real life. The last dream I can remember having about Michael was when my family invited him over for dinner. I remember we were having a good time talking and laughing around the dinner table. When it was time for Michael to leave I suddenly became real sad and I remember Michael comforting me and saying "it'll be ok". We hugged for a really long time and I can't remember exactly what he said, it was something along the lines of "don't cry, I'll be ok". After he hugged me he was taken into a black limousine and driven off. Since recovering from that dream I have come to the conclusion that it was probably a sign for me to move on, since I remember still feeling down about Michael's passing. I don't know whether he was trying to reach me in my dreams or whether they were just figments of my imagination, and I guess I'll never know. In the end however I felt that last dream was a confirmation for me that Michael was going to be ok and it was a nice closure for my own grieving process.

It's very interesting finding out other fans own personal experiences with Michael. Most importantly I find it crazy how big of an impact he has had on so many people. (Also, I can't view the fans experiences after Michael's death thread? As I would've posted my response there.)
I won't say anything about your dreams mean other than that they are for your own interpretation. :)

Dreams are almost always more symbolic than they are actually true to the "storyline" of the dream. If you haven't already, it might be worth looking into interpretations of the things in your dreams. If you have already, you can just ignore the following paragraphs lol. There are a lot of "dream dictionaries" (I use the term loosely) online, maybe check a few to see if you come across any similarities among them?

The brain is a mystery, there's no actual "dictionary" that's entirely accurate, of course. But it seems that the meanings of symbols that tend to appear often in many people's dreams as certain objects, landscapes, people or activities resonate with the person dreaming about them according to what's going on in their life in particular. For instance, a common dream for a lot of people (including me lol) is losing all of your teeth all at one time. This doesn't translate to actual dental problems in real life lol, but instead, (supposedly) translates as a symbol for your stress levels being so high that it will start to affect your health unless you get a hold of it. I had that dream often during times of high stress before I'd even looked up the meaning. Made sense, I got to the point where I started having chronic anxiety attack. My teeth are still here tho lol, *knock on wood*. I consider myself to be a fairly rational chick so this certainly isn't something that I "swear by", but I've found some interesting, sometimes striking correlations when looking up the meanings behind things that pop up in my dreams.

Using AgentMJ's dream as an example (thank you for sharing with us btw!): "I remember one where we were walking along an island having a casual conversation and no one walking around us took notice of his presence." Maybe try looking up the meaning of "walking", or "island", or even "talking with a friend/stranger" or "being ignored by a crowd". By compiling all of the meanings of those things, you can uncover some pretty introspective moments that are specific to you. Some may think that it's nothing more than new age-y garbage lol, but the rational side of me says "hey, it hasn't been DIS-proven so it's worth a fair considering". You may find patterns that you didn't realize were there. :: shrugs ::

Now about that psychic lol... As far as psychics go, I think some of them are real and some of them are frauds. I wouldn't say that there's anything mystical or magical about people being psychic as much as I think that parts of some people's brains maybe be more sensitive or "activated' to pick up on extraordinary things. Maybe who you spoke with was actually psychic, maybe she wasn't. I do know though, that you made a mistake by telling her that it was Michael, cuz that gave her a scent trail to follow so that she could give you the answers that you may have wanted to hear. You should've maintained that it was just a friend and then saw where she took the conversation next. If she could give you personal details without you having to give her hints or lead her into them, then maybe she was the real deal. But you gave her a well-known public figure to go by. You gave her a trail of breadcrumbs when you should've kept her in the dark. Only way to know if they're bullsh-tting you or not.

You can never rule out coincidences. They may pop up at spooky times, but that can boil down to nothing more than bizarre timing. But if something truly shakes you, I say look into it to see if you can get some clarity. Whatever kind of clarity you can get when dealing with the metaphysical at least lol. :D
IDK but I think all these dreams, thoughts, abilities to write music or anything like that is the result of one thing – Michael is important to us. We feel a lot so our brain “plays” with us.
Just don’t take it hard to get to the point, enjoy what you have and be happy.