I want to make a project uniting all MJ fans' voices to sing WE ARE THE WORLD for him!


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Michael Jackson, the greatest entertainer and most influential artist of all time, has left with a huge impact on history and music. He broke many world records, won numerous awards, and became the greatest entertainer of the world. Yes, he is a legend but you can see the humanitarian in him through his actions and powerful lyrics from songs such as Man in the Mirror, We are the World, etc.

I’m planning a project giving tribute to this great man. This project is about everyday Michael Jackson fans uniting together to re-create the song We are the World.

I've always wanted to start a project called "We are the World"
I was inspired when my uncle bought me the dvd ♥
when i heard the song, this idea popped into my head

How we can do this project is everyone who is participating, records themselves singing one verse of the song and chorus so everyone will get their voice heard. But, parts will be discussed in a group so there wont be any chaos xD And once i get all of the videos i'll put them all together.

If anyone wants to join please join my facebook group:

I'm posting instructions here in case someone doesn't have a fb. It would be easier for me if you do have one though



Lyrics ! Please download (they are color coded)
Please tell me if you have a problem downloading or opening the file

Here is the List:

The underlines will be filled with ur names :D

Tell me what part you want to sing! You must also sing the chorus though ♥

Answer these questions..
Which part do you want to sing? Ex. Line 3
Do you want to be shown in the video? Ex. Yes

After I replace the underline with ur name, begin singing ! :D

I recommend to download Audacity if u r recording by microphone only:

Upload your voice on youtube and send me the link
Send me the music file to my email : missingmelodie@yahoo.com

Have Fun!
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you dont need to sing well, i know im not good at singing haha
please join the group
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It doesn't matter how you sing. It's what you sing. So join folks, this is truly worthy. I am in.
I LOVE THIS PROJECT! Michael would be so proud...
Imagine, 200 or more people from all over the world singing the chorus...! Come on guys, please participate!! :)