I Want To Have Plastic Surgery


Proud Member
Oct 25, 2009
Well, actually it's more like I really, really want to have it. Has anybody here ever done this? Do you know someone who has? Were they happy with the results? Would they/ you do it again if you were unhappy with any part of you're body? How did you go about finding a plastic surgeon?

I really want to get my nose done. I have been wanting this for a very long time. But I am afraid to do it. I am also afraid of not being able to find someone who will butcher a nose of a black person.

I have been to the American Surgery Assoc's site without much success. I also google African American Rhinoplasty and I didn't like the results of the doctors they showed.

Does anyone have any advice?

Thanks very much!:wub:
The problem with plastic surgery is that people who get it tend to have personal issues with themselves that surgery cannot resolve, and the issue remains even after they've had it done. Because the real issue is mental, not physical. As unless someone is disfigured or in pain, plastic surgery is not necessary. You want it because you don't like your appearance, not because you need it.
I knew someone who had surgery on their nose after wanting it for ages and they didn't like it afterwards, because they weren't them anymore. It was a different face in the mirror.
I used to hate my nose and I got teased for it when I was a kid. I really wanted to get it changed when I was older. But now I'm more happy and confident in myself, I wouldn't even consider it anymore. There's nothing wrong with how I look. And there's nothing wrong with you either!
Well, I had a rhinoplasty and I would do it again at any time (and most likely I will). I like my new nose much better than the old one, but I'm still not completely satisfied (certainly I knew before that it would take more than one surgery to get the nose I want, so everything is alright). Anyway, I like the idea of plastic surgery and I don't see anything wrong about it.

If you have a good doctor, there will be no need to be afraid. At no time after the surgery I was in pain and as far as I know that is characteristic for nose jobs.

Unfortunately I don't know anything about African American Rhinoplasty, so it seems that I can't help you any further.
I had my breast implants a few years ago. I LOVED them! not gonna lie I loved the attention too haha BUT the downside was my back started to hurt alot. I just got them recently taken out. and my plastic surgeon was referred to me by a friend who also got breast implants.

I guess you could do more research about it. you can also make an appointment for a consultation so you know what to expect and stuff. if you think getting a rhinoplasty will make you happy. i say go for it ... for me the only reason why I got the implants was not because I was unhappy with myself it was more like I have to because of my job which is extremely superficial I know.... but yeah it`s up to you. think it through and good luck :)
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Myself, I've had two rounds of rhinoplasty including nose thinning and upturn, I've also had jaw osteotomy surgery, which is realignment of the jaws. My bottom jaw was in front of my top jaw, so I had it corrected at age 18. I do have a cleft lip and palette though, which made it much more accessible for me. My confidence is 100% more than it used to be. I say go for it if it will make you feel better. But, be sure. I do think there should be more in the way of exploring the reasons why you want it done by the surgeon. It's not always the right way to go. But then again, only you know the reasons you want it. Good luck!
I haven't had any so far, but I want to have plastic surgery too, well to be precise like you I want a nose job. Good luck to you Ginvid, I wish I could help you but unfortunately I can't.
I can empathise with how you feel but would echo what others say in that you should be sure of your reasons first and whether you think you will be satisfied with just the one op. If you have access to someone to talk to first to explore why you want the work that would be the best route.

I had an Inman Aligner fitted last year to help deal with my crooked teeth which I had lived with all my life. It has made a huge difference to how I see myself - now I don't cover my mouth when I smile and turn away from people.

Sounds like you are being sensible about the whole thing though which is good!

Good luck x
I had my breast implants a few years ago. I LOVED them! not gonna lie I loved the attention too haha BUT the downside was my back started to hurt alot and I just got them recently taken out. and my plastic surgeon was referred to me by a friend who also got breast implants.

I guess you could do more research about it. you can also make an appointment for a consultation so you know what to expect and stuff. if you think getting a rhinoplasty will make you happy. i say go for it ... for me the only reason why I got the implants was not because I was unhappy with myself it was more like I have to because of my job which is extremely superficial I know.... but yeah it`s up to you. think it through and good luck :)

yeah..that's something people don't always consider, when they think that getting it is due to someting mental. society is superficial. people who get it don't necessarily have mental problems. one doesn't necessarily have anything to do with the other.

my guess is, if someone wants it, it might be a good idea to know if you can truly visualize the end result. then do a lot of research.
I've never been happy with my wide nose (I'm hispanic) but it's my nose and it's what makes me what and who I am. So I have come to accept it as I've gotten older. But I still can't help but admire people who have thin noses with the slight upturn at the tip. Oh well, lol.

I say, if it makes you feel better and you have the money (I always wonder how non-celeb people can afford plastic surgery) then go for it.

The only plastic surgery I would consider *if* I had a few extra thousand dollars to burn (which will be never) would be a tummy tuck and lipo on my jaws.

Edit: Oh, and I wouldn't mind a breast reduction. These things just annoy me sometimes, heh!
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a friend of mine had two nose jobs, one years ago and the second one last june. and she is happy about it. she didn't like her old nose and now she is more confident. I think if you really feel it's necessary for you and you want to do it, then go for it. But you should find a good doctor.
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I've always wanted to do it on my nose. I dont like my nose lol. I wish it was smaller
If you've hated your nose as long as I have, I think it's the only option. I also want to have a rhinoplasty, but sadly I'm po ATM and it will likely have to wait until after college.

IDK about African-Americans and nose jobs, though. Maybe google some more?
The problem with plastic surgery is that people who get it tend to have personal issues with themselves that surgery cannot resolve, and the issue remains even after they've had it done. Because the real issue is mental, not physical. As unless someone is disfigured or in pain, plastic surgery is not necessary. You want it because you don't like your appearance, not because you need it.
I knew someone who had surgery on their nose after wanting it for ages and they didn't like it afterwards, because they weren't them anymore. It was a different face in the mirror.
I used to hate my nose and I got teased for it when I was a kid. I really wanted to get it changed when I was older. But now I'm more happy and confident in myself, I wouldn't even consider it anymore. There's nothing wrong with how I look. And there's nothing wrong with you either!

I agree with this. Also sometimes the problem with having plastic surgery is, once people start having it done they start to notice other perceived "flaws" in themselves that were not even a problem to them before and end up having a lot done and never really feeling happy in themselves. Myself, I suffer from bouts of dysmorphia but I won't be getting surgery because I know I would be too critical afterwards, or end up wanting more and more done but that's just me, not everyone is like that.

Of course, it's your choice, but sometimes it's better just to accept the way you were made in the first place.

Good luck, whatever you choose to do and hope your decision makes you happy :)
I want to have something done on me too..., nose, ears, lips..., I think that its important to be and feel satisfied with yourself and if the plastic surgery is the answer, go for it!

I personally dont think that I would be dissatisfied, because Ive seen many pics and vids of such surgery and the results.... and I think only a few people are really "not satisfied" with that.

In my case, any result would be great..., of course, I dont take possible damages as a real danger..., simply you have to know as much as its possible about surgeries and the procedures... and of course to have a good surgeon with good references and recommendations ...
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Wow, I never expected the people in this thread to have had surgery! Woah.

Doesn't it hurt, though? :unsure: Like, on your nose/chest or whatever... It seems painful to me, haha.
If I had the money, I would have already done something to my nose! Even though my boyfriend says it's the most beautiful nose ever and he loves it, I wouldn't really doubt a minute.. I'm not perfect otherwise, but everything else I can deal with. :cheeky:

I've been told that the plastic surgeon will "photoshop" a picture of you first to make your nose look like it had been operated already. So you will know what it's going to look like in advance. And if you have doubts, they can show you your current picture and this photoshopped picture next to one another, so you will see whether it's worth it or not, before doing anything...

I believe if you have really thought of it a lot, you know what's best for you. :)
Thanks all of you very much for your thoughts and advice. I have a lot to think over. I just I hope things work out well!
I don't speak from experience, but from reading various articles about people who have gone for surgery.

Try to get some recommendations from people you know who have had a good experience with a doctor. Do you have a doctor who could make a recommendation? Visit at least 3 surgeons for a consultation, ask them about their experience with African Americans, ask them what they would do and how much it would cost.

They should expect these questions, be very comfortable talking about their experience and be able to show you photos of their work. They should also talk to you about why you want the surgery and what your expectations are.

The more time you spend getting a feel for the surgeon, the more likely you will get what you want. It is a big expense and you want to be happy at the end.

Good luck.