I want to get my teaching certificate, but do classes online...


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Hey everyone,
I have been thinking about getting my teaching certificate (i have an associate's degree in child development) but I don't want to go back into a classroom but I want to try to do classes online.Does anyone have any advice about online classes like from pheonix or some other major "universaty" online? Has anyone done something like this before? Please give me some suggestions. Thanks.
I can only speak about south florida and for us online courses are accepted because then certain tests must be taken and passed to get the certificate.Our state gives a list of universities which includes virtual classes so I am sure your certification department can help you. They usually have an online site.
I guess I should have said I am from the US and am speaking about sites that are from the US only. I really don't have time to go through a regular universaty since I am a full time teacher and mother. I just thought sites like kaplan and phoneix would be a better option for me.
Phoenix is accepted and accredited for their education classes.
Some universities and colleges offer online classes as well and you can get financial aide and then if you teach in certain schools the government wipes the tab away.
to be a teacher you have to have at least a Master's degree...a bachelor's won't do anymore..... so you need to do at least 3 years of classes still....2 for Bachelor's and 1 (accelerated) for masters

as for online/offline - Most universities offer online classes...I would say almost all of them do.... so it really doesn't matter where you go to school.

It doesn't have to be Kaplan or some other online site....just walk into any university and check out their online courses...

I got my Bachelor's in 3 years time because I studied during summer...so its really not a long process if you commit to it
Thanks for the info everyone. I shall do some research first and decide on what to do.
sorry but the university of phoenix is the worst possible choice for school. not only is their 'curriculum' not agreed upon by ANY state it's in, their degrees aren't looked at the same as if u were to get it from a 'real' university.

my professor said she'd never hire a teacher who had a dgree from there.

i currently work w/ a manager, in another department, who's getting his master's degree...wanna know what's funny about that? he doesn't even have a damn bachelor's so tell me how u can get a ma w/o a ba?

u can't. that's y univ. phoneix sucks.

any 'real' university worth it's salt has online classes and u don' tneed to go to school to get a degree. don't lower ur standards
Phoenix may not be the best, but at least here, once you pass the teaching exams they don't look at where you received the degree as long as the tests are passed. A Masters degree is desired but with the economy the way it is and since teacher salaries come from the principal's budget a Bachelor's degree is acceptable in this climate.
Damn I didn't know that Katie. Thank you for telling me that. I shall call my local universaties also as well. Maybe doing online classes from them would be a smarter thing after all.
Phoenix may not be the best, but at least here, once you pass the teaching exams they don't look at where you received the degree as long as the tests are passed. A Masters degree is desired but with the economy the way it is and since teacher salaries come from the principal's budget a Bachelor's degree is acceptable in this climate.

your logic doesnt make sense...

in this economy even a bachelors is good????

in this economy you need a masters to FLIP BURGERS!!!

even the best people have a hard time finding jobs so if you only have a bachelor's you dont stand a chance to get hired
Yea it doesn't matter if you have a high school diploma all the way to a doctrine it is still hard to find a job no matter what. Teaching is a very high demading job right now and teaching will always need people no matter what. I know here in Texas we have shortages of teachers and they are looking for people who don't even have a teaching degree but will work with you to get one. Engineers,buisness owners,auto workers, whomever are going into this buisness. Teaching will never be gone because there is something always to be learned and taught.

Anyway that is what I plan do to do is getting my teaching certificate in early childhood because there is always a high demand for teachers in teaching pre-k to kindergarden here where I live. Maybe later when I have more time and less to do with my own kids I will go for a Master's.

Thanks to all whom have given me advise again.
at my university they are very picky about who they hire....teachers are fired very often and theres not a lot of permanent faculty...

i guess it depends on the school and location too...

but overall teaching is a very desired job...because its a good job to be honest... the only downside is that you have to teach for about 20 years to become full time faculty....before that you'll be part time and will get a low salary

a very good tip for anyone who wants to teach is to write a book....at UCLA you can't even be a teacher if you haven't published your own book...they have this policy called "publish or perish" meaning that you'll get fired if you dont write books... A lot of my teachers write their own books so I think you might want to consider writing one too....
Well every place is certainly different as you say Strawberry. I just plan on staying where I am at and if anything better comes up after I get my teaching certificate than I shall go on. I just want to teach pre-k or kindergarden no other grades appeal to me as early childhood is what I am mostly interested in. After I retire I would love to write a book about child development or in that area.
any school that doesn't evaluate where the teacher got their degree has a few issues....in az, we have mergency certification that states that once u get an associates, u can get emergency certified as a teacher and have three yrs to get ur degree...it's pathetic. and they d on't even have to tell the parents that the teacher isn't qualified.

dm, EVERY college has online courses. they're fun and easy if u can manage ur time well! don't be discouraged and go for it!
I received my master of science from Nova Southeastern university, an online program. You can get student loans as well.
I'm in a PhD program there and it is very good I have classes on Monday and Wednesday at 5:00 p.m.. I'll be home in my pj's while in class online. Go to :www.nova southeastern university.edu.com.
They require students who take online classes to attend one summer session and your graduation on campus in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida. Yes, it is a real university. I would suggest that you check out their website. Let me know what you find.
As far as loans go, complete the forms online or the paper ones will do too but it's easier to do online. :)
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I recommend looking into surrounding community colleges that offer online courses. I'm currently a student at my local community college and am taking online courses in Early Childhood Education. Also, community colleges are great if you already work and have most of your time taken up as they have the option of night courses, as well. The few classes I do take at the campus are very interesting because of the difference in age of everyone in my class. From fresh out of high school to grandmothers and everyone in between. It's very neat to see.