I wanna play with time...


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
I wanna turn back time!!!!!
I wanna stop time, back then, when you were here!!!

I wanna go back to that day that is still in my mind, when I was scared to death, but at the same time amazed to see you making "Thriller" a reality. That memory has got fixed into my mind, the custums, the make up, the special FX.

I wanna go back to the old, old days, when I saw "The Jackson 5" cartoons and loved the little child who sang so good... and I didn't know he was the same "monster" that got me scared at Thriller.

I wanna turn back time, to that day, while we were leaving school and we were all in the row and Lorena said "Today Michael turns 30!!!!"

I wanna turn back time, to the day when I first saw "Smooth Criminal", to the days and weeks and months that was the song ruling the charts, everywhere, always, and I would never loose the feeling of amazement at watching the film.

I wanna turn back time to those so many mornings I was dancing instead of cleaning the house, for I was listening to Dangerous non stop, dancing to Black or White and Remember the time, and day dreaming to Who is it? You know I did...

I wanna turn back time, Michael... to that night... to that night far away, when you were so close, when I could almost reach you, when we were in the same time and place, when you blew me a kiss and I told you how much I love you. I really wanna go back then, Michael... that was my only time so close to you, just for a minute... or 5 minutes... you chose me, I chose you, it was you and me.

I wanna turn back time to find a way to be at the roses campaign, at the Invincible signing, at the HIStory tour, at the chat, at the day the curls were back, to Japan for that special dinner, to Germany, for the awards, to Monaco where you were honored, to Brunei, to Neverland, to Santa Monica, to March to get the tickets and to 2008, to enjoy Thriller 25th...

I want this so bad, Michael... but then I know you will have to go through so much pain again... I must forget my selfish pain. I must learn to let go. I have to learn to trust again and to accept God knows better and He will never be unfair to you, to me, to anyone.

So maybe, it is time for me not to wish for time to turn back, but instead, to wish for time to move forward, faster and faster to that day when you, Michael, will wake up again. God is Love. God knows.

Let time fly. Let time fly.
I love you more and more... as times goes by.
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That's really beautiful! :weeping:

I so totally agree :cry:

I seem to keep wanting to go back to that wonderful time in the 80s where Michael was loved by everyone. And Michael Jackson haters were totally unheard of then. I so totally wish I could relive those days and just stay there permently. These are the times when we need a time machine. So we could all go back to those wonderful days.
I so totally agree :cry:

I seem to keep wanting to go back to that wonderful time in the 80s where Michael was loved by everyone. And Michael Jackson haters were totally unheard of then. I so totally wish I could relive those days and just stay there permently. These are the times when we need a time machine. So we could all go back to those wonderful days.

I wish so much we could have one of those. :cry: I always find myself imagining that I knew all what was going to happen, I imagine myself doing whatever I could to warn him of what was going to happen and I imagine myself now... Michael here, with us, physically. :cry:
Thanks for your post, PCR. I'm here for you. Know that. :hug:
I so totally agree :cry: I seem to keep wanting to go back to that wonderful time in the 80s where Michael was loved by everyone. And Michael Jackson haters were totally unheard of then.
Yes... back then everything seemed so natural. We all love Michael and it was that simple. No one would question why, no one would dare to trash Michael without being willing to received cold answer... to say the least.

But most of all, I think of those days and the pictures of Michael that come to my mind show him Happy. Young. Healthy. Beutiful. Strong. Loved.

Happy... just that is priceles.

I wish so much we could have one of those. :cry: I always find myself imagining that I knew all what was going to happen, I imagine myself doing whatever I could to warn him of what was going to happen and I imagine myself now... Michael here, with us, physically. :cry:
Thanks for your post, PCR. I'm here for you. Know that. :hug:

Dear... I know, I truly know and I thank you for your support during these days. It is really so important and so needed. I have also had those crazy dreams, you know, me going back in time, making my way to Cali and breaking all security just to scream at him NOOO, DON'T TRUST MURRAY, DON'T LET HIM GIVE YOU ANYTHING, MICHAEL, PLEASE, DON'T!!!!

But that is just my imagination.

Silly me.... while writing that, at some point, I felt all this was but a bad dream, the worst dream. My mind really played that trick on me and wanted to wake up to a better reality with Michael still around... OMG... this is killing us :cry:
I so desperately want Michael back...to see his beautiful smile and his hand displaying the 'peace' sign as it so often did - all that Michael stood for was in those two things. I love him so much, I would give anything to have him back! :cry:
I wanna turn back time!!!!!
I wanna stop time, back then, when you were here!!!

I wanna go back to that day that is still in my mind, when I was scared to death, but at the same time amazed to see you making "Thriller" a reality. That memory has got fixed into my mind, the custums, the make up, the special FX.

I wanna go back to the old, old days, when I saw "The Jackson 5" cartoons and loved the little child who sang so good... and I didn't know he was the same "monster" that got me scared at Thriller.

I wanna turn back time, to that day, while we were leaving school and we were all in the row and Lorena said "Today Michael turns 30!!!!"

I wanna turn back time, to the day when I first saw "Smooth Criminal", to the days and weeks and months that was the song ruling the charts, everywhere, always, and I would never loose the feeling of amazement at watching the film.

I wanna turn back time to those so many mornings I was dancing instead of cleaning the house, for I was listening to Dangerous non stop, dancing to Black or White and Remember the time, and day dreaming to Who is it? You know I did...

I wanna turn back time, Michael... to that night... to that night far away, when you were so close, when I could almost reach you, when we were in the same time and place, when you blew me a kiss and I told you how much I love you. I really wanna go back then, Michael... that was my only time so close to you, just for a minute... or 5 minutes... you chose me, I chose you, it was you and me.

I wanna turn back time to find a way to be at the roses campaign, at the Invincible signing, at the HIStory tour, at the chat, at the day the curls were back, to Japan for that special dinner, to Germany, for the awards, to Monaco where you were honored, to Brunei, to Neverland, to Santa Monica, to March to get the tickets and to 2008, to enjoy Thriller 25th...

I want this so bad, Michael... but then I know you will have to go through so much pain again... I must forgive my selfish pain. I must learn to let go. I have to learn to trust again and to accept God knows better and He will never be unfair to you, to me, to anyone.

So maybe, it is time for me not to wish for time to turn back, but instead, to wish for time to move forward, faster and faster to that day when you, Michael, will wake up again. God is Love. God knows.

Let time fly. Let time fly.
I love you more and more... as times goes by.
After reading this, it made me cry terribly for the second time since Michael being gone...:teary_eyed:
After reading this, it made me cry terribly for the second time since Michael being gone...:teary_eyed:
:hug: Oh, dear... I am sorry for that. You just don't know how much we could be closer now. You know especially why and how this hurts us so much. Let's just hope time moves faster and we all keep the faith until that day.

That was so beautiful.
:cry: :cry: :cry:

PCR you have an amazing way with words, thank you for posting this.

We want you back, Michael.
Wow... thank you so much for your sweet words to me. It's not me anyway... it's Michael. He gets the best of us.

Thanks so much for all your comments here, friends. Each one of you. It's so good to have this place, our secret and quiet place to post our feelings for Michael, his kids and our own pain. I need you so much, friends. And I know we all need to keep together, supporting each other. Thank you. Thank you so much.
I wish so much we could have one of those. :cry: I always find myself imagining that I knew all what was going to happen, I imagine myself doing whatever I could to warn him of what was going to happen and I imagine myself now... Michael here, with us, physically. :cry:
Thanks for your post, PCR. I'm here for you. Know that. :hug:

I'm too. I wish there is this time machine thing so I could travel back and warn him of all the things that shouldnt have happened to him :( He is my imagination now..never old and immortal in his Thriller Era.Carefree,healthy and happy..

Thanks for the post PCR. Beautifully written. You really said it all what I wished for as my english is really poor :(
I so totally agree :cry:

I seem to keep wanting to go back to that wonderful time in the 80s where Michael was loved by everyone. And Michael Jackson haters were totally unheard of then. I so totally wish I could relive those days and just stay there permently. These are the times when we need a time machine. So we could all go back to those wonderful days.

Wouldn't it be lovely? I can still remember those days so vividly, I get chills. It was like it was part of your genetic makeup to love him. The world is a good place when you feel that unconditional love for someone so beautiful.

PCR that was so beautifully written, yet sad at the same time. As I go through the process of coming to terms with him gone, it is very conflicting and difficult. I want him back so much - but I know he is in a better place, free of all the unjust negativity he was constantly dealing with. He gave me/us more than enough joy and happiness to fill the rest of our lifetime... now it's his turn
I wanna turn back time!!!!!
I wanna stop time, back then, when you were here!!!

I wanna go back to that day that is still in my mind, when I was scared to death, but at the same time amazed to see you making "Thriller" a reality. That memory has got fixed into my mind, the custums, the make up, the special FX.

I wanna go back to the old, old days, when I saw "The Jackson 5" cartoons and loved the little child who sang so good... and I didn't know he was the same "monster" that got me scared at Thriller.

I wanna turn back time, to that day, while we were leaving school and we were all in the row and Lorena said "Today Michael turns 30!!!!"

I wanna turn back time, to the day when I first saw "Smooth Criminal", to the days and weeks and months that was the song ruling the charts, everywhere, always, and I would never loose the feeling of amazement at watching the film.

I wanna turn back time to those so many mornings I was dancing instead of cleaning the house, for I was listening to Dangerous non stop, dancing to Black or White and Remember the time, and day dreaming to Who is it? You know I did...

I wanna turn back time, Michael... to that night... to that night far away, when you were so close, when I could almost reach you, when we were in the same time and place, when you blew me a kiss and I told you how much I love you. I really wanna go back then, Michael... that was my only time so close to you, just for a minute... or 5 minutes... you chose me, I chose you, it was you and me.

I wanna turn back time to find a way to be at the roses campaign, at the Invincible signing, at the HIStory tour, at the chat, at the day the curls were back, to Japan for that special dinner, to Germany, for the awards, to Monaco where you were honored, to Brunei, to Neverland, to Santa Monica, to March to get the tickets and to 2008, to enjoy Thriller 25th...

I want this so bad, Michael... but then I know you will have to go through so much pain again... I must forget my selfish pain. I must learn to let go. I have to learn to trust again and to accept God knows better and He will never be unfair to you, to me, to anyone.

So maybe, it is time for me not to wish for time to turn back, but instead, to wish for time to move forward, faster and faster to that day when you, Michael, will wake up again. God is Love. God knows.

Let time fly. Let time fly.
I love you more and more... as times goes by.

as for me i feel like i have seen what the future will be like
let me back go to 25 june 2009
it was a confusing day for most
for me it was like so 4 days before michael i could feel michael's pain
i felt hafe hot/hafe cold
then i have nightmares of been buried alive
for me time stood still but michael's ghost vist me just watching me sleep
till my nightmares went alway
2010 i stll ask myself/god what part is true
who is the mystory nurse who was with michael 4 days before he died?
and how/when did doc murrey accidently burry michael alive ?
qussion to you nice ladys it is ok to go grave diging when you know something and looking for answers to your own nightmares/past?
im not going back into time to june 2009 bad things that don't control over
do happen for the right reason
i learn this things from my own exprinces
in few years from now we look back and rembmer what michael teach us while still alive
and will pass on good storys of michael and his music to new/next gerantion of persons
and michael will just be anther membmory from our past but we will have nice music
michael will be alive in our broken heart
2010 will be the worst becourse there is news on how michael died
new unheard music will come to make happy/cry at same time
and there will be days when things go wrong and you just michael to be alive?
I would want to go back to the morning of the day Michael died and change everything - I would talk to him and let him see how loved he was and that although he was tired and couldn't sleep he should not take anything for this - I would keep watch over him, hold his hand, calm his soul and help natural sleep to come.

Oh take me back there - if I could change anything in this world - just one thing - it would be that.

I did it!!!

For the first time in almost seven months, I did it!!! I was able to feel it again, to feel that magic, to feel that power, to feel that emotion and excitment of watching Michael onstage. OMG I couldn't help BUT laughing in amazement, laughing from the heart, feeling happiness by watching him!!! It was such a nice, warm feeling of happiness and amazement. Michael Jackson!!!!!! THE MAN, THE ARTIST, THE BEST, THE BEST EVER!!!!!

Once again on stage, wowowww.... I just let myself go and get away from sadness while watching him at the MSG, then Bad tour and even some bits of Victory.... and I just let him take my heart and show what he can do. Once again, all the excitement!!!!!!!

Wowwww!!! I thought I would never feel this way again, but I did feel it again!!!!!!!!

Now I am even tired and happy, but also about to cry. This is such a neverending path of emotions good and bad, new and old, coming and going... Michael, Michael, how I miss your, darling, I miss you like crazy, I really do!!!! Thanks so much for all you DO, PRESENT TENSE!!!!!

Yes, yes.. Knowing me, I know I feel sad again soon, but at least for some moments, in seven months, I felt this again and yes.... I will cry bittersweet tears of joy and pain.

I LOVE YOU, MICHAEL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I did it!!!

For the first time in almost seven months, I did it!!! I was able to feel it again, to feel that magic, to feel that power, to feel that emotion and excitment of watching Michael onstage. OMG I couldn't help BUT laughing in amazement, laughing from the heart, feeling happiness by watching him!!! It was such a nice, warm feeling of happiness and amazement. Michael Jackson!!!!!! THE MAN, THE ARTIST, THE BEST, THE BEST EVER!!!!!

Once again on stage, wowowww.... I just let myself go and get away from sadness while watching him at the MSG, then Bad tour and even some bits of Victory.... and I just let him take my heart and show what he can do. Once again, all the excitement!!!!!!!

Wowwww!!! I thought I would never feel this way again, but I did feel it again!!!!!!!!

Now I am even tired and happy, but also about to cry. This is such a neverending path of emotions good and bad, new and old, coming and going... Michael, Michael, how I miss your, darling, I miss you like crazy, I really do!!!! Thanks so much for all you DO, PRESENT TENSE!!!!!

Yes, yes.. Knowing me, I know I feel sad again soon, but at least for some moments, in seven months, I felt this again and yes.... I will cry bittersweet tears of joy and pain.

I LOVE YOU, MICHAEL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Lolz..it's really really good to know that you could feel the magic again :D Magic is good..especially Michael's magic.

I do that too. I love to watch him perform. I'm addicted to youtube because it has all the old and new clips of Michael I have never seen before. The feeling is like rediscovering Michael.. ^^ But still, I would love to bring back Michael. I would want to rewind the time to 1958 to where it all started. I like to see him and his brothers to have a good childhood :(
We need this time machine
