I used to dream alot....*my last dream*


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
I would dream about Michael all the time before last week...the most vivid one was about 3 months ago.

I was at the 02 and Michael pulled me up on stage. He had the black glittery jacket on and the curls were falling down his face, he was so beautiful. All the crowd disappeared, it was just me and him. Under a spotlight...

He took me in his arms and we danced to 'She's Out Of My Life'. His hug was strong but gentle.. I was so happy, I started to cry. He took my face in his hands, smiled at me and brushed the tears away. Then we just hugged...then I woke up crying. It was so wonderful. :cry:

Since last week, I have not dreamt of him at all, but I would dearly love to, I need to :( I am wondering why...is it because my emotions are too high right now...like a sort of protection incase it would upset me more??

I don't know...maybe this sounds nuts to you guys....
I would dream about Michael all the time before last week...the most vivid one was about 3 months ago.

I was at the 02 and Michael pulled me up on stage. He had the black glittery jacket on and the curls were falling down his face, he was so beautiful. All the crowd disappeared, it was just me and him. Under a spotlight...

He took me in his arms and we danced to 'She's Out Of My Life'. His hug was strong but gentle.. I was so happy, I started to cry. He took my face in his hands, smiled at me and brushed the tears away. Then we just hugged...then I woke up crying. It was so wonderful. :cry:

Since last week, I have not dreamt of him at all, but I would dearly love to, I need to :( I am wondering why...is it because my emotions are too high right now...like a sort of protection incase it would upset me more??

I don't know...maybe this sounds nuts to you guys....

yeah that's what it is..I just wrote about that with me and the "How do you sleep at night" post.

I'm a very vivid & lucid dreamer. 90% of the time when I dream..I know I'm dreaming and they feel awfully real. I dream about 3-4 dreams per night and I don't even get my full 8 hours.. So I tend to fall into "Rem" sleep very quickly cause I'm soooo tired all the time.

I have been dreaming but not vivid and lucid. I have been dreaming of MJ but my dream re-call is down to about 50%. I dream of him but can't remember and it take me a long time to remember. The few Dreams I can remember have taken me 1 hour to re-call where it used to be immediate.

My brain is just protecting my heart..and that's what yours is doing. We are sooo stressed and sad that the brain is signally the heart I think. But usually when you are stressed about something you dream of it..this is odd.

and the 2 dreams I remembered of MJ had tangled other current events with his passing..really odd.

Lucky I have vacay coming in a week which is bittersweet. I'm still going to London but stopping in Germany first to meet up with my fiance. I'm hoping to get some sleep. I have never been able to sleep good throughout the night cause the dance classes I teach (so I understand MJ with this). When I visit my Fiance..I guess cause my adrenalin is not up..I sleep wonderful but have like 5 dreams every night..hehe.

sorry for the long post..just needed to talk and I've been awake since 4:00am..could not sleep the whole night and woke up with tears in my eye's. :no:
Yeah, I am a vivid dreamer too...I always know if I am dreaming...especially if it's something really bizzare.....

I am sorry you haven't been able to sleep. :(

If you need to talk anytime I am here. We all are :)

Much love to you, I know how much you are hurting xxxxxx