I thought about his death recently, before it happened..


Proud Member
Jul 16, 2009
I've been keeping this inside and I need to let it out.

Now, I'm not saying I "predicted" his death or anything of the sort. I didn't. But it was maybe around 2 weeks or more before his death that I thought about Michael Jackson dying. I was reading up info on the 'This Is It' tour, like where he was performing and just general stuff about it because I was curious. Then I thought, what if he dies before he gets to finish or do new things with his music? I have no idea at all why I thought that. It was just a very random thought that came to my head. Then I thought what everybody probably used to think, "Nah, it's Michael Jackson." The thought haunted me for about 5 minutes but I let it brush off.

When I first saw the "breaking news" banner that announced Michael being rushed to the hospital, I sensed something that almost told me it was Michael Jackson before I even saw the actual report come across the screen. At that time, it was just reporting it was him going to the hospital, but my immediate thought was, "He's dead. He's going to die." Then I couldn't stop thinking about how I had recently thought about it and how interested I was becoming in Michael before his death.

I had to let that out because for some reason I really don't know, it was eating me up inside? It's just very weird and ironic. Ever since, I've just felt so "connected" to Michael in a way and I think that's possibly partly why I'm being so affected over his death even though I wasn't a huge legit fan before. I was thinking about him a lot more recently around the time of his death and the timing was ironic for me.
Aww...maybe you just had some sort of an inkling, or maybe you were having a 'premonition' or something...
I felt something like two days before.. I hate myself for thinking about it but I was so worried about this tour and so worried about Michael :( The feeling was so strong that for me I had a bad feeling about him being in the US, I kept telling people he should stay in the UK..
Errr... :( Okay... I had a feeling too... that something was gonna happen.

It was around a month or so...before the tour begins...

It just suddenly hit me too. I was on youtube and someone commented that we dont really know what we have till it's gone.. and that once MJ died, people will finally understand how much of a genius he is. I dont know why, I started thinking about it too imagining it... T_T

But when I pictured it, I always imagined Mike as an old man surrounded with his beautiful grand children and caring children. T_T Didn't know it will happen so soon....
i had a dream a few months before woke up in a panic then had a lovely rush of relief realsing it was a dream and michael was fine. I remember then thinking about the many years in the future what it wud be like when he dies and i was thinking "not yet, not yet, he has to comeback first!" It wasnt a prediction or anything jst the results of the fears of my subscoscious as dreams tend to be.

:cry: makes me ill thinking about it, why did this happen.
My friend was going on and on about the shows saying "something BIG is gonna happen, I know it, he won't do the shows" I told her not to be silly :(

The media wrote EVERY DAY that he's dying.
and that has made me think of another conspiracy theory, but I won't write it here it's ot to this thread...

I didn't have anything like premonitions or whatever....but on the michaeljackson.com forums back in...april or may I think it was...anyway someone posted a thread about 'what would we do if Michael died' or something along those lines......

anyway, loads of people were like " oh man!! come the fuck on, that's not gonna happen!! this is MICHAEL JACKSON he will always be around, and for a long time! Dude we don't wanna think about that now, that day is a LONG way away" :cry:

I wondered at the time why someone would post something like that ..........

it makes me wonder if they had some kind of bad feeling... :(
I believe in things like this. We all have the ability to sense something before it happens. Some of us dismiss these thoughts...but some try to harness it...I've been reading a book on how to enhance my psychic abilities...It really does wonders for the mind..Please don't dismiss this as a coincidence..You could very well posess a strong psychic ability...With the right brain training, it can get stronger.
My friend was going on and on about the shows saying "something BIG is gonna happen, I know it, he won't do the shows" I told her not to be silly :(

and that has made me think of another conspiracy theory, but I won't write it here it's ot to this thread...

I didn't have anything like premonitions or whatever....but on the michaeljackson.com forums back in...april or may I think it was...anyway someone posted a thread about 'what would we do if Michael died' or something along those lines......

anyway, loads of people were like " oh man!! come the fuck on, that's not gonna happen!! this is MICHAEL JACKSON he will always be around, and for a long time! Dude we don't wanna think about that now, that day is a LONG way away" :cry:

I wondered at the time why someone would post something like that ..........

it makes me wonder if they had some kind of bad feeling... :(

It was freaky how everyone I knew+media were saying he wasn't gonna make it!! But I thought they were just searching for bad shit as usual. God I hate them.
I didn't think this right before his death because I was out of the loop about Michael after 2005, but I think after the trial happened and he moved to the middle east, I was thinking how I was afraid all of this was eventually going to be too much for him to handle and he would die from the stress of it all. I believed the media would just kill him one day, and in a sense they did. His death was still a shock to me anyway though because I just felt he would always be here.
I had a similar thing, but actually on the 25th of June....so the same day....:bugeyed
Told it before, but anyways...I was watching MTV and then they played Earth Song, I actually had to leave the house but for some reason it hit me more than usually...I wanted to finish watching even though I would be late for class, but I just needed to. I had this urge.
And then this exactly crossed my mind: "...what if he would die, wow....imagine....just before the tour...so we would never get to see it, it would be such a drama".
A few hours later it was the painful truth...:cry:
The media wrote EVERY DAY that he's dying.
Yeah, but I didn't find out about those stories until after he died. I didn't go straight to the media as my source for Michael Jackson or any other celeb, so I really had no clue of the things they said about him. I was aware they were harsh on him but I didn't keep track. But what I felt was really...real. It wasn't just because the media and stuff were around saying it. :]

I believe in things like this. We all have the ability to sense something before it happens. Some of us dismiss these thoughts...but some try to harness it...I've been reading a book on how to enhance my psychic abilities...It really does wonders for the mind..Please don't dismiss this as a coincidence..You could very well posess a strong psychic ability...With the right brain training, it can get stronger.

Wow, thank you.
Very interesting way to look at it.

Thanks to those who shared their similar experiences. It's so strange how so many of us felt this...
Oh man, I always pictured myself to be really old (middle aged with kids) when I hear about his death. I wished he would live to be as old as Joe Jackson.

I was going through some older articles from 2006/7 when he did the Ebony/Vogue photoshoots - it was sort of like his 'comeback' and the comments under these articles were horrifying. (Bearing in mind they were from 2007) people commented saying things like "This p**** is still alive?!" and "I thought this sicko was dead"

well, I guess the haters got what they wanted. :|
Oh man, I always pictured myself to be really old (middle aged with kids) when I hear about his death. I wished he would live to be as old as Joe Jackson.

I was going through some older articles from 2006/7 when he did the Ebony/Vogue photoshoots - it was sort of like his 'comeback' and the comments under these articles were horrifying. (Bearing in mind they were from 2007) people commented saying things like "This p**** is still alive?!" and "I thought this sicko was dead"

well, I guess the haters got what they wanted. :|

I know...it was like they wanted him gone. A week before it happened I wrote in my FB that it's like they all want him gone! :cry:
They were so nasty! Sometimes the articles made me cry.
Oh man, I always pictured myself to be really old (middle aged with kids) when I hear about his death. I wished he would live to be as old as Joe Jackson.

I was going through some older articles from 2006/7 when he did the Ebony/Vogue photoshoots - it was sort of like his 'comeback' and the comments under these articles were horrifying. (Bearing in mind they were from 2007) people commented saying things like "This p**** is still alive?!" and "I thought this sicko was dead"

well, I guess the haters got what they wanted. :|

:cry: That really makes me want to cry.
Seriously, how can be people be so cruel? I can't imagine how Michael would feel if he were to see those kind of comments. :(
:cry: That really makes me want to cry.
Seriously, how can be people be so cruel? I can't imagine how Michael would feel if he were to see those kind of comments. :(
You know, karma comes back around.
And especially now when he's in a higher place, I hope he can make those people regret...let them open their eyes and experience what they've missed out on. Mike is stronger than the average person thinks.
I truly believe he can do that and he's already doing it....look at all those people regretting and thinking 'why haven't I put interest in him before?'. I'm hearing this from many people around me, there are so many 'new' fans...they all seem to get this feeling all of a sudden, that they've missed out and should feel guilty and are changing their opinions.

I'm not saying his death is alright, cuz it won't ever be ofcourse, but I think it is a positive thing through all of this.:yes: