I think we should stop mourning...


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
New York
I remember being online going to his official website on google and then in the first search I saw TMZ.com and in bold letters it said he died.
I thought that was absurd, and a complete hoax, I went to click on his website but...nothing was there but the logo...i got a little worried. Then I turned on the TV and low and behold CNN and every other major news network in big bold head lines 'MICHAEL JACKSON DEAD'

I don't know where all the tears came from, I'v never even seen him in person, not a glimpse...it's weird but only the month before his death I began to take avid interest in him, watching all his music videos, going through fan websites...reading old articles of him like crazy, I just thought It was so unfair that he passed so young, and just before he would have made those concerts, I felt bad about how much he was ridiculed and made fun of, I never really understood him until I did a little research, and I think he was a very misunderstood person, judged far too harshly and the jokes about him were so cruel...

I cried on and off for like two days straight...i've never felt this bad about any other celebrity dying, in fact i don't feel bad when celebrities dye unexpectedly, they don't really impact my life at all, they seem too far away...y'know?

but for some reason.. even though I had only been interested for a month I felt like i knew him...even though i didn't...does anyone else feel that way?

I got this...vibe...like, i got a sense that he was a very kind person, with his share of problems and insecurities like everyone else...but he was scrutinized so heavily just because of the way he looked...

he fascinates me...he really does, i think he was and is such an interesting person, his life was so publicized...but he still held this mystique, this aura of interest, he seemed like no other celebrity or famous personality...in that even watching an old clip of him performing, or listening to his music,...it's like he was singing and dancing just for you, it's like even if you got no where near him, you could still 'feel' him next to you.

it's very sad, tragic...but every time I listen to his songs or watch a video of him..performing or not, I realize I have this smile on my face.

Any artist any performer just wants to make people happy, even if it's just for a moment even if it's just one smile...to provide an escape for a little while.

and I think that's all he wanted.

and because of that, we should all be happy to have known of someone that had the power to make millions of people smile, to make their day just a little bit better.
Michael wouldnt want us to be sad at a time like this he'd want us all moonwalking and celebrating his life and amazing achievements.
^ True. Even tho I've never met just like you not a glimpse of him. I think I will never stop mourning. If its not my brain thinking about him it'll be my heart.
i disagree

his death is a sad event and people should mourn if they feel like it

trying to avoid it can only make things worse
^ True. Even tho I've never met just like you not a glimpse of him. I think I will never stop mourning. If its not my brain thinking about him it'll be my heart.

Just remember as long as there is music there is allways Michael Jackson and he will forever be with us all.
Well everyone deals with things differently. Some fans are able to celebrate his life and be happy, while others aren't. I'm not there yet myself. It's gonna take me a while before I can come to terms with his death. I will someday, but I know I will always be sad over his passing.
I wish I could stop mourning and this pain and emptyness would go but it wont and I cant stop the tears and the pain of my heart being broke. x
People should mourn when they feel like it.
I,m mourning.
And every tear i drop is an ode to my hero......
celebrating his life will come one day, but not now.......it,s too early..
Someone else can not say that everyone should stop mourning....
In a week io,m flying to londen.....i had tickets for his opening concert......now we are there at the o2 and have a vigil for him.
ow yes, i,m in deep grieve......and cry my eyes out....

The sun will shine again, but not now....i ow this to him.....
Do what you feel is right for you!

But please that includes for everybody to let the others do what they feel is right for them.

Some need a short time to heal and some need a long time to heal.

Important is that there is some healing in the end.

So ppl should get whatever they need for that!
Do what you feel is right for you!

But please that includes for everybody to let the others do what they feel is right for them.

Some need a short time to heal and some need a long time to heal.

Important is that there is some healing in the end.

So ppl should get whatever they need for that!

Very well put and thought out :)
i'm not telling people what they should do...i just think it's important to try to be positive
Stop mourning if you like. Keep mourning if you like. Whatever helps you to heal, everyone's different. I would say I've come out of the "mourning" - the uncontrollable crying and sick feeling, but I am still grieving deeply. And my heart is going to feel heavy for a while. xx

i'm not telling people what they should do...i just think it's important to try to be positive

You're right, it is important to stay positive. Especially when there's so much c**p going on in the media. I see what you mean now. We have to rise above it, like Michael would want. It's ok to grieve and be positive at the same time.

It will take a while before the mass-mourning on tv and internet will calm down. It's the nature of the media.
Right now the pain is so strong I cannot stop crying so no I can't stop mourning not now. In time I'll celebrate but just now I will let the pain take over. Its too hard and so strong.
i'm not telling people what they should do...i just think it's important to try to be positive
Of course, as long as you understand that it might take a while for some: Mechi's post points that out beautifully.

Most people here grew up with Michael and have been a fan for many years. To lose someone that was such a huge part of your childhood and/or adult life can be quite challanging. Remembering the good times and celebrating his life and his legacy are wonderful ways to keep Michaels memory alive. But all in due time. Giving yourself a chance to cope with this loss is important aswell, most certainly for those who've been around him for a long and/or intensive period in their lives.
Right now the pain is so strong I cannot stop crying so no I can't stop mourning not now. In time I'll celebrate but just now I will let the pain take over. Its too hard and so strong.

I'm glad I'm not the only one that didn't feel like going out in the streets and dancing and celebrating his life. As much as I would have loved to - I just couldn't. :( I'm glad so many people were seen to dance and sing for him though, because it didn't give anyone the satisfaction of seeing fans upset. We're unbreakable. And that was the right message to give the world.

Like you, I will celebrate too, but not yet. xx
I want to celebrate his life, and I will. I just am not ready yet. The tears won't stop. I am hurting - not for me, but for HIM. I grieve for his children, his family and his friends - and for his fans. Maybe once he is put to rest I will find some peace myself. Until then, I just can't quite bring myself to celebrate. But believe me, I am looking forward to when that day comes.
I agree magic. I have been a fan for as long as I can remember, forever really. I was so young. Michael has been a part of my life from the time I was a child til' now and that's why it hurts and will take time. I have complete understanding that the mourning process is different for everyone and mine will take as long as it needs but after that I will celebrate like hell for having such an incredble force of nature in my life.
i was celebrating his life the whole time he was ALIVE. people should be sad. his life is no longer. it bothers me the way people immediately went to celebrating his life, his life definitely should be celebrated, but his sudden and too soon lack of life should be mourned and all the pain in his life that lead to this point should be a lesson. and like joe jackson said all this celebration is overdue and it's extremely hurtful that michael isn't here to see it. he deserved to feel all this love.
stop if you wish but for me, i cannot simply turn off my mourning. Not for anyone, i still mourn the loss of my youngest daughter and that of my best friend. that was nearly 8 years ago.

it should be understood that many cultures/regions of the world, actually make a celebration out of the mourning process.

we all deal differently and that is fine.
People should mourn when they feel like it.
I,m mourning.
And every tear i drop is an ode to my hero......
celebrating his life will come one day, but not now.......it,s too early..
Someone else can not say that everyone should stop mourning....
In a week io,m flying to londen.....i had tickets for his opening concert......now we are there at the o2 and have a vigil for him.
ow yes, i,m in deep grieve......and cry my eyes out....

The sun will shine again, but not now....i ow this to him.....

Ditto to everything you said.
Guys if u feel you are ready stop mourning and embrace mike legacy.. do it if that is what u feel inside

Dont let others tell u how you should feel!
he's not even buried yet. im not saying what we should not stop mourning. i think we should say what we should do, please dont do it. this tread made me feel lonely
sorry :(
I'm still very sad.
Thinking about Michaels life makes me even sadder.
If you've ever been called names at school, imagine how it would feel being bullied by the whole world!

I don't know how long'I'm going to feel this way, but it sucks.
No one can cut off their feelings. It hurts a lot of people that MJ has passed and people grieve in different ways. I'm still sad MJ has passed, to a lot of people Michael was their inspiration for staying strong in tough times in their life, like he was in mine. I celebrate his legacy but I still mourn because I'm still sad about his dying.
Nice that there are people out there already able to celebrate his life.

But i cant, not yet..

I am in Too Much Pain.

but for some reason.. even though I had only been interested for a month I felt like i knew him...even though i didn't...does anyone else feel that way?


Yes I felt that way too only a month after finding michael. i only found him less than 2 years ago but man i've been busy making up for lost time. i think your other perceptions of him were pretty accurate too. thanks for sharing your thoughts.
I agree that it would be good for us to stop mourning, he's gone there's nothing more we can do.
But it is very hard to stop, ever since I was lucky to get tickets to the O2 Ive been playing his music non stop (well more non stop than usual) and haven't tired of it. For me the saddest thing is that Michael is one of those artists like Led Zeppelin or Pink Floyd when you listen to their music you think 'how is possible for music to be this good?'
For me the saddest part is that the music world has lost a really talented artist that no one has even got close to over the years and that music will be less interesting now he's gone.
I also think its sad that he never got a chance to show the naysayers that he can still put on the best live show in the world. Although if the rehearsal footage is released that still may happen.
I felt the same way I do now when Richard Wright, the Pink Floyd keyboardist died last year, I got over it then so don't worry you'll get over it to sometime.