I think we are being drifted to far ...


Proud Member
Dec 15, 2008
Dear Fans,

Probably many of you got questioned by topic of my thread but let me explain it to you.

Lately ,but when i say lately it means in last years (1,2 -3 ) many things where going on around Michael and his fans,especially this year 2009.Michael announced his series of concerts and all eyes where pointed in him and what he do ...mainly news where gaveing lots of rubbish to fans and we had to deal with it but as we all know its getting easier day bad day since we got used to it.

They always talk some rubbish how he is dieing , how he is blind , how he cant walk or talk , eat sleep ....MJ is glowing ....bla bla bla bla lots of rubbish ...

But one of reasons but not and main reason i opened this topic is tabloid and their hidden mission which seams to me that they are achieving it ....and it make me sad ...ill explain it later....

When MJ annoucned tour ,ALL fans where WOW thank you God !!! Thank you Michael!!!
I am one of them and that is of course great and we should act like that .Logical ...Ill also explain later why i mentioned this ...

*Keep reading it is getting more interested*

Lets go back to years 2002 and 2003....Martin Bashir documentary ...
You will now wonder why do i mention this rat ....of course i hate that guy ....but i watched that documentary lots of times and after first time i haven't seen Bashir in it .
I saw only Michael !

Now why i have mentioned him.
Please find in you tube[Living with Michael Jackson ] , part (i think its last part - i cant find it and post link since i have problems with connecting to you tube but i will later ) where MJ talks about children , sleeping in bed , adopting children all around world (2 kids from each continent ), MOST IMPORTANT THING -he talks about family and that children dont listen to their fathers and mothers ...they don't eat together .....etc...../there is also one part where he is talking about computers (maybe it isnt in this interview but im sure i saw it somewhere , i marked it deeply ).

So what i wanted to say by this ....If you finded this video and watched it ...please do it once again and don't look and listen to Bashir , just look and listen Michael ....

What i have realized in last months/year and what now camed to my mind like final and like truth is that is .............

I think most of fans forgot MJ words and his work for better humanity (PLEASE ,I DON'T THINK THIS LITERALLY , FORGOT COMPLETELY )....I think that we are focused more on money, concerts and all stuff that are material ....

If you think about this youl see that I am right ... Why i mentioned press ....They are here to drag as (our hearts and thoughts ) away from MJ (again not literally) .They are writing bad things , especially Sun and by that they take us time in our MJ universe ....we could spend that time in showing what Michael did good , why we love him etc....

Why i have mentioned This is it concerts ...cause i can see that again people forgot his words about world and making it better place ....most of us like me (that is the reason im writing this topic) forgot past events of good and concentrated on present by thinking now my dream will come true and i will meet Michael Jackson at concert ...


Thousands of messages , videos events for good and world making better place, love and peaceful songs ...do i need to write more since if i do ill need couple of forums to write everything i have on my mind ....

At end would would i like to say something or better to copy MJ words ...

“If you enter this world knowing you are loved and you leave this world knowing the same, then everything that happens in between can be dealt with.”

**reason i posted this : instead of dealing press every day , for every their press junk lets pop something up from MJ history in our minds and we wont need somebody from MJ team to say us that is false ....we will know it .....

[size=+2] Michael Jackson and his Fans are ONE PERSON !!!!! [/size]

Thank you for reading !

Love you all ,

*ps ; sorry if my English is bad , its not my main language and this are my thoughts
some of you maybe wont agree with me *
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pretty good with english. wish i could speak another language.

indeed, i think the fans do remember the important things Mike said. and that's why the press tries so hard to make us forget.

lol..you have never seen the press try so hard, to make us forget the good things, as they do try with Michael. cus they know we keep remembering the good things. and they know they can't get rid of his fans. they can't make his fanbase depart from him.

...'so their tongue became a razor.'
pretty good with english. wish i could speak another language.

indeed, i think the fans do remember the important things Mike said. and that's why the press tries so hard to make us forget.

lol..you have never seen the press try so hard, to make us forget the good things, as they do try with Michael. cus they know we keep remembering the good things. and they know they can't get rid of his fans. they can't make his fanbase depart from him.

...'so their tongue became a razor.'

I agree with you !

But again i think lots of us including me forget what was MJ telling us since we are struggling with press ....
Did you alter that picture of MJ in your signature... I really hate photoshoped pictures.... sorry to go O/T.. but this is really a concern of me...
don't know what to say...

hm... maybe:

Did you alter that picture of MJ in your signature... I really hate photoshoped pictures.... sorry to go O/T.. but this is really a concern of me...

Nope , i haven't that is actually real picture that was drawn by one artist .No photo shop.I think its oil ..something technique... ;)
I think us fans are pretty good at remembering the important things about MJ. We're fans after all. It's what it's all about. :happy: Love, loyalty, respect, admiration.
MJ has done so much and given so much over the years, it's kinda hard not to think about all the good things about him and all the amazing gifts he has given us, in his music and just being himself over the years.
At the same time, I appreciate your view and respect that maybe sometimes the press and hype and material things can cloud our minds. But that being said, I don't think it ever overshadows all of the more important things.
After all, MJ is one of the most incredible human beings on the planet and it's always evident, in his artistic creation, his attitude and his actions. :)
Nope , i haven't that is actually real picture that was drawn by one artist .No photo shop.I think its oil ..something technique... ;)

Oh good.. then I'm happy again.. guess I can't complain about that then...
What shall I complain about then?? :dont_mention_it: Oh just kidding.. :cheeky:
I think us fans are pretty good at remembering the important things about MJ. We're fans after all. It's what it's all about. :happy: Love, loyalty, respect, admiration.
MJ has done so much and given so much over the years, it's kinda hard not to think about all the good things about him and all the amazing gifts he has given us, in his music and just being himself over the years.
At the same time, I appreciate your view and respect that maybe sometimes the press and hype and material things can cloud our minds. But that being said, I don't think it ever overshadows all of the more important things.
After all, MJ is one of the most incredible human beings on the planet and it's always evident, in his artistic creation, his attitude and his actions. :)

Amen to that ;D
* just to point it once again , im not saying generally for all fans what i have written about :) .... i just have feeling that some things are started to drag us on some other side ...and im not saying we are dragged :DD -Its impossible tho XDD *
As much as you guys seem to hate the media, they aren't all out to get MJ. They have a lot of more important things to cover than MJ you know.
Dear Fans,
MOST IMPORTANT THING -he talks about family and that children dont listen to their fathers and mothers ...they don't eat together .....etc...../there is also one part where he is talking about computers (maybe it isnt in this interview but im sure i saw it somewhere , i marked it deeply ).

Listening to that (the family bond has been broken) I always wonder why Michael doesnt let his own kids see their mother, Debbie Rowe. If those values mean so much to him, they shouldn't have just their nannies as their moms.
pretty good with english. wish i could speak another language.

indeed, i think the fans do remember the important things Mike said. and that's why the press tries so hard to make us forget.

lol..you have never seen the press try so hard, to make us forget the good things, as they do try with Michael. cus they know we keep remembering the good things. and they know they can't get rid of his fans. they can't make his fanbase depart from him.

...'so their tongue became a razor.'

I don't think there's some big conspiracy about MJ. It's just that he's an easy target, he's the biggest celeb in the world and because he lives his life not giving a sh*t what they think, they decide to target him. It's cat and mouse, but everytime the media thinks they are the cat, they turn out wrong. Hopefully these concerts are the turning point.

Maybe he'll morph into a panther.
I don't think there's some big conspiracy about MJ. It's just that he's an easy target, he's the biggest celeb in the world and because he lives his life not giving a sh*t what they think, they decide to target him. It's cat and mouse, but everytime the media thinks they are the cat, they turn out wrong. Hopefully these concerts are the turning point.

Maybe he'll morph into a panther.
I think vncwilliam has proof that the heads of major media corporations have a weekly meeting on how they can defame MJ. LOL!
I don't think there's some big conspiracy about MJ. It's just that he's an easy target, he's the biggest celeb in the world and because he lives his life not giving a sh*t what they think, they decide to target him. It's cat and mouse, but everytime the media thinks they are the cat, they turn out wrong. Hopefully these concerts are the turning point.

Maybe he'll morph into a panther.

lol..well...it really doesn't make a difference whether it's called conspiracy or not, seeing as it's the same thing if a big group is out for the same objective.
laws were made to get MJ during the trial years. they stopped playing his music, and subsequently, somehow thought that would ruin him(which is easy for them to believe since there have been acts that went bankrupt even tho their latest music was still playing on the radio) but they failed to ruin him. quite frankly, just about every year, something is invented that could easily snare people into believing that MJ could be ruined. but the attempts never succeed. he might as well have the ability to morph into a panther.
You know what, I believe a truly devoted fan base is just like a family in every way accept blood. The thing we sometimes forget is a family can sometimes do and say thigs that drive one another crazy, but you never forget you love each other because you accept their flaws and love unconditionally. I hope we remember that when it comes to Michael. We definitely go through rough times still (even after that nightmare of a time that ended four years ago) but that's life, it ain't over till it's over. If there is one thing I can say about Michael Jackson fans including myself, is I have never known a mean spirited Michael Jackson fan, have you? We can get angry sometimes, lose our tempers but we never really attack anyone or make cruel jokes (unless they really really really deserve it, you know which ones I'm talking about) and we don't really go out of our way to cruelly disrespect anyone, especially each other. I am proud of that. I am sure Michael is too. No other entertainer has gone through a fraction of what he's been through and come out standing let alone with such strong fan base. I think more than anything, Michael would appreciate that we remember he is human rather than a mega star. He wants to be loved for who he is. He will continue to make mistakes which usually comes from over promising, but that's because he so desperately wants to be loved and approved of despite those mistakes. Remember he was raised feeling like just being Michael would never be enough, that he would be nothing without swarms of adoration. Let him know we love him despite his flaws, screw ups or mistakes.
Oh i remember that part very well...where he talks about how nowadays you have so many broken families. Both parents working...kid home alone etc....very powerful and very very true.

Also about Debbie Rowe..i remember during the other documentary from MJ's own camera people. (to show how much of a lying-ass bastard Bashit was)...Debbie said it herself she doesn't want the kids to see her...or something like that.....it's not really MJ's decision.
Focus should get back where it belongs.

He is a true humanitarian. (don't know how you spell it :lol:)

So happy he is back, I will not let the press get me down.
You know what, I believe a truly devoted fan base is just like a family in every way accept blood. The thing we sometimes forget is a family can sometimes do and say thigs that drive one another crazy, but you never forget you love each other because you accept their flaws and love unconditionally. I hope we remember that when it comes to Michael. We definitely go through rough times still (even after that nightmare of a time that ended four years ago) but that's life, it ain't over till it's over. If there is one thing I can say about Michael Jackson fans including myself, is I have never known a mean spirited Michael Jackson fan, have you? We can get angry sometimes, lose our tempers but we never really attack anyone or make cruel jokes (unless they really really really deserve it, you know which ones I'm talking about) and we don't really go out of our way to cruelly disrespect anyone, especially each other. I am proud of that. I am sure Michael is too. No other entertainer has gone through a fraction of what he's been through and come out standing let alone with such strong fan base. I think more than anything, Michael would appreciate that we remember he is human rather than a mega star. He wants to be loved for who he is. He will continue to make mistakes which usually comes from over promising, but that's because he so desperately wants to be loved and approved of despite those mistakes. Remember he was raised feeling like just being Michael would never be enough, that he would be nothing without swarms of adoration. Let him know we love him despite his flaws, screw ups or mistakes.

Excellent post! I completely agree!
Agree with you. That's why I don't read vicious tabloid lies, it's a waste of precious time, money and nerves. Since my personal experiences I'm through with TS. I know how they work, I'm through with that pamphlet forever. You can't forget what you saw with your own eyes. The problem is, German news stations / tabloids copy stories from that source.
I rather spend my time with the man himself, the art, everything about him.

I am very pleased to see so many who have come out to always see for themselves, where they can hear for themselves, and then think for themselves. Then you'll be in a better position to make an intelligent judgement for yourself. But if you form the habit of listening to what others say about something or someone or reading what someone else has written about someone, somebody can confuse you and misuse you.
You and I have to learn to weigh things for ourselves. No matter what the press says, you better look into it.

They just play scream at mjjtunes.
Good thread- thank you for starting it:)

No problem and thank you =D

To comment other comments :)

Im also trying to say that beside media money and material things popped up at first place , where we should pout what MJ tryed to teach us ...

What i have seen lately on some forums for example : MJ fan buy tickets for concert and than he doesn't go but he resell it for the price of repaying plain hotel etc...i think that would be fair ..so he didn't lost anything ....lots of people trying to earn by selling MJ ticket for extremely height price ....and they call themselves fan ???? Its like selling MJ ....disgusting ...i think its ok to resell ticket for bigger price if you are forced to sell it since maybe you need to pay surgery for example or something that you MUST do ... other than that .... im not sure its right thing to do....

I bought ticket for MJ concert and i got pretty good place ...people where telling me WOW you can sell that for over 1000 GBP ...do it do it ..... my family was telling me that also ..... but than i sit down and remembered ....i was saving money for this about hmm 3-4 years .... and now to resell it ...to earn on something that i have been dreaming about for ages .....NO THANKS !!!
No problem and thank you =D

To comment other comments :)

Im also trying to say that beside media money and material things popped up at first place , where we should pout what MJ tryed to teach us ...

What i have seen lately on some forums for example : MJ fan buy tickets for concert and than he doesn't go but he resell it for the price of repaying plain hotel etc...i think that would be fair ..so he didn't lost anything ....lots of people trying to earn by selling MJ ticket for extremely height price ....and they call themselves fan ???? Its like selling MJ ....disgusting ...i think its ok to resell ticket for bigger price if you are forced to sell it since maybe you need to pay surgery for example or something that you MUST do ... other than that .... im not sure its right thing to do....

I bought ticket for MJ concert and i got pretty good place ...people where telling me WOW you can sell that for over 1000 GBP ...do it do it ..... my family was telling me that also ..... but than i sit down and remembered ....i was saving money for this about hmm 3-4 years .... and now to resell it ...to earn on something that i have been dreaming about for ages .....NO THANKS !!!

as bad as those peoples' thinking is, isn't it ironic that they give away the fact that MJ is the most successful artist ever, by saying you could make tons of money off those tickets? most of those are the same people who would say that MJ is a hasbeen.
as bad as those peoples' thinking is, isn't it ironic that they give away the fact that MJ is the most successful artist ever, by saying you could make tons of money off those tickets? most of those are the same people who would say that MJ is a hasbeen.

Yea ... He is most successful artist in world and he has every right to be payed and to pout prices on tickets as he wants but than some people come and think they can earn on somebody else work....

That is discussing ....especially when MJ is the one we are talking about since we know how his childhood was ...