I think this decade has been awful


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Since the 00's is slowly coming to an end now i'd just like to say that i think this decade has been terrible

List of reasons why i think the 00's are rubbish

1. TV (To many reality TV shows)
2. Nickelodoen is now the Spongebob Channel
3. 90% of the mainstream music has been awful.
4. High Gas prices
5. Hardly any good movies
6. MTV might as well be called RTV now. When was the last time they played music on there?
7. Stupid Wars
8. The whole ''emo'' trend makes me cringe
9. Celebrity obsessed culture. I know we've always had this but it's seems to have gotten worse this decade with the internet and all (It could be just me on this one)
10. School Shootings

Ok there were a few good things like Advancements in Technology (I Pods, Internet etc)

So there has been a couple things that i like but for the most part the 00's hasn't been that great and i'm not some 40 year old wishing that it was ''The good old days'' again, (not that there's anything wrong with that) i'm 20 years old and for someone like me who was a Teenager in the 00's i should have loved this decade but i could just never get into it.

Anyways i just had to get that off my chest and i'm sorry if i upset anyone who has enjoyed the 00's
Yes, I agree. And I'm not 40 years old either but I do dream of the "good old days" sometimes! :lol:
Especially the music. *sigh* May Michael bring ease to that!
We can't control the majority of what happens around us but we can determine how we respond to those events. Our paths in life and whether we are happy or miserable is our own doings. We may be steered in certain directions but it's up to us and us alone to find the good outta the daily crap we get. Don't waste precious time focusing on the down side look to the good :yes:
We can't control the majority of what happens around us but we can determine how we respond to those events. Our paths in life and whether we are happy or miserable is our own doings. We may be steered in certain directions but it's up to us and us alone to find the good outta the daily crap we get. Don't waste precious time focusing on the down side look to the good :yes:

Yeah, I am in thousands of dollars of debt these days but I'm trying really hard not to be depressed about it. I am just trying to find a way to get out of it, rather then focus on my past mistakes. I like trying to reach goals. I agree with analogue about how bad things have gotten in this world. All we can do is pray for a better place. I Totally agree with you on the 90% of music is crap these days lol.... I hope Michael can bring fresh music to these people's ears....

So yeah, try to focus on the positive, try not to look on the past too much but see what you can do about the future. :) "Make that change!"~ MJ ;)

No matter what happens, I always keep positive. We got through 911, terrorist attacks, SARS, we WILL get through the swine flu whatever happens, we got through Disney invasion, lol... I'm looking forward to the '10s. :)
the world has never been a perfect place but most people live in a bubble and don't realize that or they simply don't care unless it affects them personally
Since the 00's is slowly coming to an end now i'd just like to say that i think this decade has been terrible

List of reasons why i think the 00's are rubbish

1. TV (To many reality TV shows)
2. Nickelodoen is now the Spongebob Channel
3. 90% of the mainstream music has been awful.
4. High Gas prices
5. Hardly any good movies
6. MTV might as well be called RTV now. When was the last time they played music on there?
7. Stupid Wars
8. The whole ''emo'' trend makes me cringe
9. Celebrity obsessed culture. I know we've always had this but it's seems to have gotten worse this decade with the internet and all (It could be just me on this one)
10. School Shootings

Ok there were a few good things like Advancements in Technology (I Pods, Internet etc)

So there has been a couple things that i like but for the most part the 00's hasn't been that great and i'm not some 40 year old wishing that it was ''The good old days'' again, (not that there's anything wrong with that) i'm 20 years old and for someone like me who was a Teenager in the 00's i should have loved this decade but i could just never get into it.

Anyways i just had to get that off my chest and i'm sorry if i upset anyone who has enjoyed the 00's
I tend to agree with most of these things on that list but I think this decade has actually been great for movies. Another good thing about this decade, video games. They've reached a whole new level and a lot of the big games that have come out in the last few years have got 9/10 or 10/10 ratings. But music has been pretty poor, way too much reality TV and not enough sustantial programs, I can't stand pop culture at the moment (people are either emos or bimbos), and of course on a more serious note, politically this decade has been disastorous. But I think it seems worse then it is because we're living it. But in 10 or 20 years time will we look back on this decade as any worse than the 90s?
Since the 00's is slowly coming to an end now i'd just like to say that i think this decade has been terrible

List of reasons why i think the 00's are rubbish

1. TV (To many reality TV shows)
2. Nickelodoen is now the Spongebob Channel
3. 90% of the mainstream music has been awful.
4. High Gas prices
5. Hardly any good movies
6. MTV might as well be called RTV now. When was the last time they played music on there?
7. Stupid Wars
8. The whole ''emo'' trend makes me cringe
9. Celebrity obsessed culture. I know we've always had this but it's seems to have gotten worse this decade with the internet and all (It could be just me on this one)
10. School Shootings

Ok there were a few good things like Advancements in Technology (I Pods, Internet etc)

So there has been a couple things that i like but for the most part the 00's hasn't been that great and i'm not some 40 year old wishing that it was ''The good old days'' again, (not that there's anything wrong with that) i'm 20 years old and for someone like me who was a Teenager in the 00's i should have loved this decade but i could just never get into it.

Anyways i just had to get that off my chest and i'm sorry if i upset anyone who has enjoyed the 00's

I totally agree with this except for that all new technology stuff. Because I only love and prefer old technology. To me it is better than new technology. But you forgot to mention 1 important thing terrorist attacks. Like what happen to us Americans on 9/11/01.
Many things about this decade are awful. The media have too much control over how people think. Average talents in music are considered huge talents. Too much reality televsion, and events are hyped up and live live up to the hype. Terrorism is horrible, so is the war in Iraq etc. Also people have lost respect for each other, and are too aggressive.

The things I like about this decade is that I think there are more oppotunities for people. Fashion is a lot less restrictive than it was in previous decades, now we can where what we want and how we want to. For me, I love the technologhy of this decade as it's what I always dreamed about as a kid. I love being album to download music and videos when I want. iPods with videos, the internet, YouTube, Playstation 3/ PSP, DVD and Blu-ray and many other things. Of course I miss things like music on vinyl (which is now fashionable), and old technology like video recorders which I have connected to my recordable DVD player.

Let's hope the next decade isn't as dull and contrived as this decade.
I agree with you so much! I'm 18 years old, and I really just... hate the decade I'm living in, and my generation as a whole, actually. I feel so separated at school, because I'm not really like any of the kids I'm surrounded by.
I don't really think about it as the worst, I never really pay attention to decades like that. I have to admit there is more dull sh*t this decade then in the '90s, then again I was a kid in the '90s so of course I would say that. :lol:
the world has never been a perfect place but most people live in a bubble and don't realize that or they simply don't care unless it affects them personally

agree with whole post, but the bolded part especially. world could be so much better than it is, but most are invested only in themselves. a little investment into making it a better world by a bunch of people, and it could be such a wonderful place to live in.
^^ Unfortunately that'll never happen so I don't even look forward to it. Like f**k it, they ain't worried about me, why I gotta worry about them? F**k them. :lol:
1. TV (To many reality TV shows)
2. Nickelodoen is now the Spongebob Channel
3. 90% of the mainstream music has been awful.
4. High Gas prices
5. Hardly any good movies
6. MTV might as well be called RTV now. When was the last time they played music on there?
7. Stupid Wars
8. The whole ''emo'' trend makes me cringe
9. Celebrity obsessed culture. I know we've always had this but it's seems to have gotten worse this decade with the internet and all (It could be just me on this one)
10. School Shootings

Ok there were a few good things like Advancements in Technology (I Pods, Internet etc)

I agree, altough I think there has been some good movies. LOTR e.g.

The whole ''emo'' trend makes me cringe
What's emo?
I totally agree...these times we're living in just seem, odd. It's like, imo, everyone has become segregated, people aren't 'one' anymore. There's tons of different sectors that don't see eye to eye. Nobody has respect these days either, I have noticed that more and more in the past 5 years or so than ever. The 90's had a totally different feel to them. And I'm only 21! I just hope things change, the world is gonna go into meltdown if things carry on like this.
On a personal level this decade has been sort of a disaster.
But on the positive side, I think things are changing for the positive now.
Slowly but shorly:)

There will always be both positive and negative things happening, and the way you look at things are often what determines how you feel.
But I also think we have to start to regain or claim our own personal responsebility on how this world is going to be, how we as humans are going to live together.
Personal responsebility is about making deliberate choices.
Turning off the TV, finding good music, getting in toutch with people, getting educated, being helpful, looking for the silver lining, the good things in life, deciding to go out and have fun, smile to a stranger.

If there is anything I have learned this decade its this:
I am responsible for me, and for my life- nobody else.
The only person I have control over is me, what ever other people do is their choice- but I can be there to help if they need it. Unless my help only will enable them to go on in to disaster.
I have a responsebility towards my self and others to live a full and happy life.
There is freedom in this responsebility, because I will not wait for someone else or something else to make me happy.

And it does not mean that everyone should just mind their own business and not care about others. Its the opposite; if you take care of yourself, you will also be able to give to others.

I think that there is a quality that seem to have gone out of fashion:
just being helpful and friendly. It does not take mutch time or energy, just look around you- there is always someone who needs a helping hand. If you can help, do it. Because the reward is feeling good about yourself, and brightening another persons day.
Last summer, before i came to France I spotted an elderly lady really struggling with her shopping bags. She was walking home from Morrisons with about 5 carrier bags, not that full but still awkward to carry. I went over, smiled at her and introduced myself. She just carried on walking like i wasn't there. Thinking that maybe she didn't hear me I offered clearly to help her carry her shopping home, or to give her a lift back to her house in my car. She just quickened her pace and frowned at me, yelling NO, LEAVE ME ALONE! as she left.

It might have been that she thought i was being patronising or something, but I was really saddened to think that maybe she just didn't trust me. I've helped people like this before and it hasn't been a problem, so I don't think i can have sounded that patronising! :(
Times are changing and they are changing fast. I'm only in my mid-20's, yet I remember when I was a kid I could walk to school without issues. Nowadays, I'd be scared to send someone who's not in high-school to school on their own. It's a messed up world nowadays.
Very true, I don't even want to leave the girls that i look after in the appartment on their own while i go and check the mail downstairs (we're on the 7th floor of an apartment block)
Just saw on the news an infant child was thrown from a moving car in cold blood. Murdered by a man who had no business on the streets in the first place.

From John Couwels
(CNN) -- A Florida man has been charged with first-degree murder after authorities say he threw a 3-month-old boy out of a moving car on a Tampa interstate.
Police say infant Emanuel Murray died after his mother's ex-boyfriend threw him from a car on a Florida interstate.

var CNN_ArticleChanger = new CNN_imageChanger('cnnImgChngr','/2009/CRIME/05/05/florida.child.thrown/imgChng/p1-0.init.exclude.html',1,1); //CNN.imageCRichard Anthony McTear Jr., 21, was arrested Tuesday, hours after a confrontation at his former girlfriend's apartment in which he snatched the child, the Hillsborough County sheriff's office said.
A passing motorist found Emanuel Wesley Murray's body on the interstate. An autopsy determined the child died of blunt trauma to the head, the county medical examiner's office said.
Video on CNN affiliate WFLA TV showed McTear being led out of a Tampa police squad car after his arrest. He ducked his head as TV cameras surrounded him on his walk into a police building.
When asked by reporters if he had thrown the child out of the car window, McTear answered, "It's a dirty game. A dirty game."
McTear is not related to the child, said sheriff's spokeswoman Debbie Carter.
Police had been called to his former girlfriend's apartment about 3:15 a.m. The mother, Jasmine Bedwell, 18, told investigators that McTear had hit her several times and threatened "to kill the both of y'all," the sheriff's department said in a statement announcing the charges.
McTear threw a car seat containing the child across the room during the fight, causing the boy to fall onto the apartment's concrete floor, investigators said. He then picked up the boy and drove off in his blue Chevrolet Impala, throwing the child out while on the interstate, the sheriff's department said.
The child's body was found around 4:30 a.m.
McTear is facing additional charges of burglary with battery, felony battery, aggravated child abuse and kidnapping, the sheriff's department said.
on music.. fashion .. entertainment..tv shows.. movies..celebs. ive been pretty bored this decade. i was watching vh1s decades marathon whee they dig into what was hot in the 70s..80s..90s.. 00s... and i swear i switch off the 00s...yawn!!

I thought the 80s when i was born were amazing. Everything from the crazy styles.. to the movies /music in that time period.. even kid shows were better then.. the muppet show..pee wees play house.. lol..the 70s before that were interesting as well.. even early 90s were not bad.

i dont get why in modern times everything all of a sudden is boring to me. i thought i was the only one thinking this.

We try to make everything old..new again.. or have modern twists on the past whether its old hairstyles..clothes..even old toys are coming back because noone is creative anymore!! or hollywood remaking old movies of the past which were classic in its own time period/decade and if you remake it now it will be modern crap.
cant we have anything amazing for this past decade??..its soo boring entermainment wise. the celebs arent as interesting to me as in past decades. now we have reality celebs !! eeek.. The Hills cast :bugeyed
how sad is this........we used to have great variety shows..now reality hell.

some celebs now are famous with no talent in either movies or music.
what makes you a celebrity now is going on a red carpet at an opening for a new dance club and getting on the cover of a useless magazine like Life & Style. and they think they are huge. lol
and sitcoms which i love...havent been any good to me here in america since the 90s.
the only thing i can think of is new technology is better. computers are better..phones.. ipods.
but past decades we had certain styles.. fashion..now the look is so boring. i miss how we had more of a movement back in past decades..i hope we will improve starting 2010.
although i do like the starbucks phenomenon:wub:
and the president being of a different race finally in America. thats pretty big. and hopefully from that we can stop embarrassing our selfs with this race obsession in America.
Yeah, I got off track there thinking about the news today, but entertainment wise, things just aren't the same. Sure, there's still good music, but mainstream stuff isn't as good as it used to be. Fans with the taste of people on the boards.. I don't encounter you guys in real life. Everyone is all about Lil' Wayne and Flo Rida and not much else. I can't find another Stevie, MJ or Donny fan to save my life! I know y'all are out there, but where, lol.

Sitcoms suck for the most part. Dramas are good though. Going to the movies isn't as fun as it used to be. The atmosphere stinks. People used to laugh out loud more often, stand up and clap at the end of movies. Not anymore, it seems.
Yeah, I got off track there thinking about the news today, but entertainment wise, things just aren't the same. Sure, there's still good music, but mainstream stuff isn't as good as it used to be. Fans with the taste of people on the boards.. I don't encounter you guys in real life. Everyone is all about Lil' Wayne and Flo Rida and not much else. I can't find another Stevie, MJ or Donny fan to save my life! I know y'all are out there, but where, lol.

Sitcoms suck for the most part. Dramas are good though. Going to the movies isn't as fun as it used to be. The atmosphere stinks. People used to laugh out loud more often, stand up and clap at the end of movies. Not anymore, it seems.

I agree with you. Which is why now I only prefer to watch British comedies and the old American comedies from the 50s to the mid 90s. And as for the movies I only prefer to watch the old Hollywood movies from the silent era to the 1960s. And my beloved Bollywood movies thank god Bollywood still knows how to make a great movie. Especially the ones starring my beloved Shahruhk Khan. And the music of today just totally sucks to no end. Which is why I only listen to mostly Bollywood music anymore.

And can anyone please tell me who this Flo Rida person is because I had never even heard of him before.
On a personal note, the noughties' has been incredibly bad/very good at the same time.

I agree that things sure aren't the way they used to be :no: But it will never get better, things will only get worse so we need to make the best of the good things that we have now.

The things that's I've liked is the fashion, the technology advances (computers, Blu-Ray etc). TV sucks although I do like Lost and Neighbours (still going strong! :lol:)

Things I've disliked; rising prices, economy.