I think that a reboot of the Spider-Man movies would be great


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
I think that having a new series (with no connection to the Sam Rami movies) of Spider-Man movies would be fantastic. The Sam Rami movies are good and all but in my opinion they didn't capture what Spider-Man was really like (Sam Rami treated the movies more like Soap opera's than Spider-Man movies) from the comics. In every battle that Spider-Man has he's always cracking jokes, but in the Rami movies he didn't crack any jokes at all and that's what made Spider-Man's battles so fun was his wise cracks. Alot of people would argue that it would be cheesy but that's the whole point. It's ment to be cheesy. Plus seeing that would be alot more entertaining than seeing Tobey Maguire cry on screen for two hours.

If there ever is a reboot here's what i'd like to see

1. A director who actually loves everything from the Spider-Man stories. Sam Rami has said himself that he was only familuar with the Spider-Man from the 60's and 70's. So it would be nice to have a director who knows the full history of Spider-Man

2. Have a 16 year old to play the part of Peter Parker. In the comics Peter started off at the age of 16 as a high school student and i'd love to see that happen here and then we can see the character grow up throughout the course of the movies

3. Have Gwen Stacy has Spidey's love interest. It would be nice to see something different from Mary Jane for a change. Latley it's all been Mary Jane this and Mary Jane that. It's getting tiresome. So having someone new would be a breath of fresh air

4. Oh and did i mention that Spider-Man needs to crack some jokes during his battles? lol

I'm not saying that a reboot needs to be done right away but in about 10-15 years i think it would be a good idea.

And by the way if your a Spider-Man fan should really check out the new cartoon series The Spectacular Spider-Man. Now that's what the Sam Rami movies should have been like