I think my head was playing tricks on me...(mj related)


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
st.louis missouri
Im not sure what to think about this but i figured i would mention it here since everyone here is so open and honest here. Monday night i was on here and i was looking at pictures of michael here and reading the board and with it being the day that the whole case was finally getting underway and or course spending hours watching it all unfold on TMZ's live stream i just started bawling my eyes out over Michael. i kept saying to myslef that i loved michael so much through my tears and i swear and like i said my head might have been playing tricks on me or something and i dont normaly believe in the paranormal but i swear i herd a voice say in my room btw " i love you to" and i just froze. i didnt say anything back bc i was just pretty freaked and confused as to what the heck had just happened. maybe im going nuts but im thinking maybe it was michael. i dont know. like i said i dont really believe stuff like that or maybe i watch too many ghost shows lol what do you guys think?? am i nuts?? lol
I say believe ur instinct and gut feeling:D if something deep inside of you tells you it IS michael... then it probably is:)
i know how u feel, no ur not crazy!!! let me tell you what happened to me one time, this was back when the OPUS was delivered to my house, and i was sooooo excited and so i opened it right away, and i was sitting in my living room, now u need to know that there is a french door in my living room, one that opens only on one side not both, and it always locked since we dont use it, but i swear to u when i started reading my OPUS both sides of the door flew open!! i dont know how or why!! but i felt his presence with me and just sat there on the couch looking at the door with tears in my eyes. I didnt know what to make of it. all i know is that door is never opened, and is always locked, yet it opened right when i was reading the OPUS! so no UR not crazy!!!!!!
Thanks. lol i hope it was him bc something tells me it was. i just didnt know what to think bc i dont believe in ghosts really but if it was Michael then i couldnt have felt more safe. whats funny though is my little sister told me the other day that she herd a voice wheil she was downstairs and no one was even down there at all but her and the eather that night or the night after i herd a noise that sounded like drumsticks eather falling or being moved and it was on my brothers room and he wasnt even home at the time and i was the only one downstairs in bed and the dogs where upstairs as far as i knew.
I believe it was him, especially if you dont believe in this kind of things. If you didnt feel safe is probably because you just dont believe in this stuff, and is normal to feel scared, I would have been scared too.

There had been so many cases about MJ after he passed! I'm from Southamerica and I know a lot of people here who had experienced this things. Includding me :)
i was a little scared bc i have never ever experinced something like that. i know there are places in my city that are reported to be haunted. If it was truly Michael i think it just goes to show that he feels our pain and just wants to let us know he is with us and he loves us.
Im not sure what to think about this but i figured i would mention it here since everyone here is so open and honest here. Monday night i was on here and i was looking at pictures of michael here and reading the board and with it being the day that the whole case was finally getting underway and or course spending hours watching it all unfold on TMZ's live stream i just started bawling my eyes out over Michael. i kept saying to myslef that i loved michael so much through my tears and i swear and like i said my head might have been playing tricks on me or something and i dont normaly believe in the paranormal but i swear i herd a voice say in my room btw " i love you to" and i just froze. i didnt say anything back bc i was just pretty freaked and confused as to what the heck had just happened. maybe im going nuts but im thinking maybe it was michael. i dont know. like i said i dont really believe stuff like that or maybe i watch too many ghost shows lol what do you guys think?? am i nuts?? lol

it is quite possible michael was there with you spirits of those we love get drawn near to us when we are upset or feeling low i have had the same experience not long ago
Yeah, I would go with what your gut feelings/instincts are telling you. If you really believe it was Michael, then it probably was. I can tell you from my own personal experiences that Michael does still live on in spirit. ;) Feel free to stop by the Psychics thread if you want. You'll see you're not alone there.
Thanks. im starting to believe that it was Michael. and i will check out the pychics thread soon. ive read some of it but its been so long and its gotten longer and longer lol.
I would believe your gut feeling. When the charges were filed against Murray and the autopsy report was published I had a horrible week after that, feeling very low, crying again often and suddenly I heard this voice saying "time doesn't really exist you know, think of me and I'm right there" and it was just so comforting and reassuring that I didn't need to feel sad anymore and at that time I knew EXACTLy what he/the voice meant although it's hard to explain.

Also, when it was so icy on the roads and I had to drive someplace I would ask Michael to protect me and I felt totally safe then and protected.

I talk to him alot ( inside my head) and I get the feeling he hears me and understands everything because it's all for LOVE.

Somehow there's a connection because of love, I really believe that!
And we can all have this connection too, it doesn't exclude anyone at all. There is plenty Michael-love to go around!