i suffering with a big family crisis


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
hey guys, my cousin who died a couple of weeks ago hasn't been buried yet because her husband doesn't want to pay for her funeral and he has plenty of money and her parents are poor and barely afford the apartment they're staying in we're 2,000 dollars short my aunt have to take care of the four young kids and but she and her husband her sick and their dad doesn't want to take care of them or have nothing to do with the one with the mental illness he just abandon his family and took off with soem lady who is older than him and and now we don't if we ever going to bury my cousin our other family members don't want to help financally and i can't believe her husband told her mom that she should just burn her and bury in the ground and the only reason if he take the kids in if he doesn't have to pay child support and their going to big a big custody with my aunt and their dad, i mean idk what happen to him he seems like such a nice guy in the begginning and i wish i had the money to give to my aunt so her daughter can have a decent funeral and i'm soo heartbroken over this my aunt been crying nonstop and i feel sorry about my cousin she been criticised all her life about her weight from different family members and people that why she's been introverted most of her life and stays at home with her children they didn't even have bed to sleep on b/c her hubsand was spending money on this lady he left her for and my parents are not really financially stable plus we lived in louisiana and they live in texas i just there some way to mail them the money
Hey sweetie! First off I want to say that I can't believe that people have read your story already but there are no comments on here. I'm so sorry to hear about what you are going through. This is a big deal and I really hope it gets resolved soon. It sounds like your cousin had a real tough life when she was still here with us. And now that she has passed, she deserves go get some peace and I really hope this happens soon for her. I know you feel uneasy now that you can't help the situation with money and all, but that's ok. The most important thing you can do is stand by your aunt while she is going through all this. Because no mother should go thro what she is going through. Please just be there for her, even if you are far away from her. Just stay by her side on the phone or however you can. Let her know you're there for her and that you care about what's going on. That way you will bring her spirit up and she will be stronger so she can handle the situation better. Please don't hesistate to PM me if u wanna talk to someone. That's why we're all here to support each other. Thanks MJ for this great gift you gave us, we're all united nation to nation!!
Hi, Darling
this is horrible :(
i can't imagine what are you going through
i'm praying to Gof that everything will be ok for you & your family
don't worry , hun everything gonna be ok i'm praying for you
& may your cousin Rest In Peace, you know you can PM me ANYTIME
if you need to talk , i'm right here....i'm always here for you :)
Everything gonna be fine , don't worry too much , don't worry. :)
May God be with you !....
billyworld, I really don't know what to say. I am very sorry to hear about all of the difficulties you are going through.

I'm sorry, I don't know what to say to make it better for you. I wish I could help. I hope it all works out for your family...
I am sorry to hear about you cousin.:hug:...you are doing the right thing standing by your aunt..your cousin I am sure is RIP now...she is in heaven and does not have to be hurt anymore. Bless you for standing by your auntie....and as far as the husband goes....blah..there really isnt anything you can do about him..so dont worry yourself with him right now.
I don't know what to say.
People's cruelity shock the world out of me.

I will pray for you and your family. I'm sorry.