I Stood up for Michael to 2 rude radio DJ's :D


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
United States
Hey! I', feeling a mix of emotions as I write this because I just called into a state radio station this morning after 2 radio hosts made a list of rude jokes about Michael right after Billie Jean had just played like "Wow if we knew him then we'd know the kid really isn't his son" and "Yeah he's not into girls that way" and I forget the 3rd but it had to do with the allegations. This was right after Billie Jean. Now if it's a comedian I get if they're not a fan and ignorant but right after I was having a good time and knowing others probably were too...I couldn't get it out of my head so I wasn't going to let it ruin my morning without saying something. As soon as I got home I looked up the number and called the studio saying I was never listening again to their station, not while those unfunny clowns were on. Still I can't help but feel a tad guilty because I hung up on the girl as she started trying to reason with me. I'm pretty sure I messed up her morning but hey, someone had to do it and they nearly ruined mine!
I'm actually shocked they're still playing Billie Jean.. Anyway they're rude and MJ is no longer hurt by these idiots.. Let him rest in peace
Hey! I', feeling a mix of emotions as I write this because I just called into a state radio station this morning after 2 radio hosts made a list of rude jokes about Michael right after Billie Jean had just played like "Wow if we knew him then we'd know the kid really isn't his son" and "Yeah he's not into girls that way" and I forget the 3rd but it had to do with the allegations. This was right after Billie Jean. Now if it's a comedian I get if they're not a fan and ignorant but right after I was having a good time and knowing others probably were too...I couldn't get it out of my head so I wasn't going to let it ruin my morning without saying something. As soon as I got home I looked up the number and called the studio saying I was never listening again to their station, not while those unfunny clowns were on. Still I can't help but feel a tad guilty because I hung up on the girl as she started trying to reason with me. I'm pretty sure I messed up her morning but hey, someone had to do it and they nearly ruined mine!

My dear, first of all I'm giving you a BIG HUG ((())) and an even BIGGER pat on your back for speaking out against what is wrong and standing up for what is right:clapping:! Michael Jackson's not only the greatest artist of all time but also one of the most beautiful human beings to ever walk this earth. And the world needs to know this. Those who do not yet know about the goodness and purity of his heart need to be informed about it, and those who 'do not want' to acknowledge his greatness both as an artist and human being and in their meanness want to continue to slander his name MUST be stopped! For the past two decades I have relentlessly fought against the negative, unfair, prejudiced media, defending and supporting Michael and spreading truthful words about his absolute goodness and I will NOT give up this fight until we win it forever! Please have no mixed emotions about what you did, you should only be proud and happy that by doing it you not only stood up for Michael and for all of us, but also for what is Right, Just and Good!And that is what Michael has always taught us to do. These people are in the wrong and its they who should feel bad and ashamed because they are guilty of crucifying a beautiful, pure, innocent man who was doing his best to make this world a better place with his extraordinary talent, his philanthropy and his life. They are the ones who snatched him away from us! It is because of them-those in the media and those who have a way to spread their lies around through the media that this world has lost the most precious gift God had given to us, its because of them that three beautiful little children have lost their loving father, that millions of music and dance lovers around the world have lost their idol and this planet has lost its most genuine and dedicated healer! And it is because of these evil people that WE lost our greatest inspiration, our beloved teacher, friend, Angel, guide, mentor...who was our hope in this hopeless world, teaching us always to love, bless, help, forgive,...even if it meant suffering pain and agony and ridicule. You may have ruined that woman's morning, but people like her have ruined our lives and the future of our planet, of our children and our children's children. Becuase of them our beautiful beloved had to endure such heart-wrenching pain almost all his life and it was finally taken away from him. And now we have to live with this soul-shattering agony for the rest of our lives. They have blood on their hands! So be proud for what you did. For you have done us all proud. And I thank and bless you for it with all my heart...
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Hey! I', feeling a mix of emotions as I write this because I just called into a state radio station this morning after 2 radio hosts made a list of rude jokes about Michael right after Billie Jean had just played like "Wow if we knew him then we'd know the kid really isn't his son" and "Yeah he's not into girls that way" and I forget the 3rd but it had to do with the allegations. This was right after Billie Jean. Now if it's a comedian I get if they're not a fan and ignorant but right after I was having a good time and knowing others probably were too...I couldn't get it out of my head so I wasn't going to let it ruin my morning without saying something. As soon as I got home I looked up the number and called the studio saying I was never listening again to their station, not while those unfunny clowns were on. Still I can't help but feel a tad guilty because I hung up on the girl as she started trying to reason with me. I'm pretty sure I messed up her morning but hey, someone had to do it and they nearly ruined mine!

guilty? what are you feeling guilty for? good on you. you did right! why would that girl try to reason with you? if she was trying to reason with you, then she's on the side of the clowns. someone should try to reason with her, but she has no reasonable wits about her, if she's defending her radio station like that.

I'm actually shocked they're still playing Billie Jean.. Anyway they're rude and MJ is no longer hurt by these idiots.. Let him rest in peace

they're playing the song, cus it generates money for their station and them. so they'll exploit Michael, make fun of him, and make money off of him at the same time. that's how they are.
Good for you for standing up for Michael..good job...and dont feel guilty..YOU did what was right. People like them will never leave Michael alone..BUT..I am sure that these DJ"S will think twice next item they want to dis Michael.
They played Billie Jean and then DARED to make fun of Michael after? How awful. Sounds like their station is not worthy of playing his music. :no: Glad you stood up to them.
^^ Good for you! :clapping: Now I feel like I should have said something a few weeks ago, when they played Rock With You...I was all giddy in the car, hearing RWY on the radio, and then after the song, they had the gall to say, 'That was from his Off The Wall album, back in 1980 (they could have gotten the effing date correct), when he still had his original nose".....It astounds me that people still use that stupid joke....:no:

So, good on you for doing that! :D
I agree with what everyone has said as well. And I can't help but feel proud at what you did.
Hey! I', feeling a mix of emotions as I write this because I just called into a state radio station this morning after 2 radio hosts made a list of rude jokes about Michael right after Billie Jean had just played like "Wow if we knew him then we'd know the kid really isn't his son" and "Yeah he's not into girls that way" and I forget the 3rd but it had to do with the allegations. This was right after Billie Jean. Now if it's a comedian I get if they're not a fan and ignorant but right after I was having a good time and knowing others probably were too...I couldn't get it out of my head so I wasn't going to let it ruin my morning without saying something. As soon as I got home I looked up the number and called the studio saying I was never listening again to their station, not while those unfunny clowns were on. Still I can't help but feel a tad guilty because I hung up on the girl as she started trying to reason with me. I'm pretty sure I messed up her morning but hey, someone had to do it and they nearly ruined mine!

That part is epic and made me love you even more.:wub:
Hey! I', feeling a mix of emotions as I write this because I just called into a state radio station this morning after 2 radio hosts made a list of rude jokes about Michael right after Billie Jean had just played like "Wow if we knew him then we'd know the kid really isn't his son" and "Yeah he's not into girls that way" and I forget the 3rd but it had to do with the allegations. This was right after Billie Jean. Now if it's a comedian I get if they're not a fan and ignorant but right after I was having a good time and knowing others probably were too...I couldn't get it out of my head so I wasn't going to let it ruin my morning without saying something. As soon as I got home I looked up the number and called the studio saying I was never listening again to their station, not while those unfunny clowns were on. Still I can't help but feel a tad guilty because I hung up on the girl as she started trying to reason with me. I'm pretty sure I messed up her morning but hey, someone had to do it and they nearly ruined mine!

Congratulations. MJ needs more fans like you. Thank you for your courage.
Hey! I', feeling a mix of emotions as I write this because I just called into a state radio station this morning after 2 radio hosts made a list of rude jokes about Michael right after Billie Jean had just played like "Wow if we knew him then we'd know the kid really isn't his son" and "Yeah he's not into girls that way" and I forget the 3rd but it had to do with the allegations. This was right after Billie Jean. Now if it's a comedian I get if they're not a fan and ignorant but right after I was having a good time and knowing others probably were too...I couldn't get it out of my head so I wasn't going to let it ruin my morning without saying something. As soon as I got home I looked up the number and called the studio saying I was never listening again to their station, not while those unfunny clowns were on. Still I can't help but feel a tad guilty because I hung up on the girl as she started trying to reason with me. I'm pretty sure I messed up her morning but hey, someone had to do it and they nearly ruined mine!

Good on you for standing for mj!

Theres no need to be guilty, we all would have done the same thing if we were in the same postion.
I am always glad to stand up for Michael. I guess the guilt came from not getting to talk directly to the jerk guy making all the jokes instead of the enabling girl laughing along with them but that's just as bad now that I think about it. I doubt it got on the air since it must have been censored but at least they heard it. Plus I try not to be mean spirited like those who went after him and still do. I don't know how I managed to keep my cool and not cussed them out but I posted what I said, naming the 2 DJ's who I "especially" wouldn't listen to. If I went on a cussing out rampage I would be liek the other side of the coin like Nancy Disgrace, Diane Demon, classless and pompous Bill O Reilly, or even ignorant comedians like Rat Williams etc.

Normally I would never just hang up on someone without hearing both sides of an issue (another way of being a true fan by being unbiased unlike his haters) but in times like these when people go too far that's the last straw and and hot headed Sophia comes out.

I also want to represent Michael in a loving way but in my heart I feel like I did by specifically saying I was enjoying myself and how they ruined that with not just jokes but mean and disrespectful ones.

@Arklove I guess that joke is mild by comparison. There are so many jokes about him I really try to separate the jabs from the untruthful, offensive disrespectful ones that had to do with the issues that caused the most painful times in his life, the really serious ones and that's what pissed me off.

Regardless of that I love you guys for your encouragement and support. We oughtta do that more for each other in little ways. Michael's name clearly isn't going to be redeemed by mainstream anything so we need to be a grassroots movement to get the truth out there of who he was and how loved he is, not just as a musician but a person. With L.O.V.E
Don't feel guilty. I'm glad you did something. :clap: