I spent the day with Michael's jackets!


Proud Member
Oct 9, 2011
I visited the Grammy Museum today in Los Angeles. Michael's stage costumes are on display there until April 12th. I got blessed by this lady who was waiting with me for the museum to open. She let me use her coupon and I got in for $11.95 instead of $14.95. Anyway....

There were 8 jackets, one shirt, two single gloves, one pair of gold shin guards and one suit on display. All of them were made by some dude named Dan Winston or Whittier...something like that, I can't remember. Then some were made by those two guys, one of them named Michael. What amazed me was the weight of these jackets.......10 lbs to 15 lbs!! I also noticed that Michael has very broad shoulders!

1. The white suit that Michael whore on the cover of the Thriller album was on display. But it was not a part of the MJ exhibit....it stays there all the time...right between the costumes for Johnny Cash, B B King, Ella Fitzgerald and others.....guess who owns it?.........JOHN BRANCA!

2. All of the items on display in the MJ exhibit belong to Michael Jackson. And he will recoup them after April 12th. A lady who works at the museum walked up with a guy as I was standing there and she was telling the guy that Michael's clothes were good museum quality but that he would be taking them back after the exhibit ends. The guy goes, "Wow". :D

3. I recognized one of the jackets as the one he wore when he won all those Grammies for Thriller. It was red. In fact the notes said so.

4. On display also was the one he wore to the What More Can I Give concert. That thing was gorgeous! It looked really shiny and sparkly up close.

5. Also on display was that silver looking one he wore during the Victory tour. It was filled with all kinds of swarovski crystals and sequins. Very nice stuff. In fact, all the jackets were blinging all over the place!

6. The one shirt on display was the black one he wore at the end of the BOW video with the white arm band on it. Nice a silky.

7. The two gloves were royal blue and purple. The purple one had these crystal horns on it. Looked really funny!

8. And those shin guards looked hella funny! Although this pair was obviously brass plated, the caption card said that he also had a pair made that were 18 carat gold!

When I was standing next to the white Hugo Boss suit he wore on the Thriller album cover, I realized just how skinny Michael really was. Dude was tiny! But he is much taller than me! The white suit appeared to be really lightweight.

Other than the exhibit, Michael was on display everywhere in that place. I saw a huge display of him holding all those Thriller Grammies. It was all over the wall. Then I saw him again on a running video montage of pop music performing TWYMMF on the Grammies. The music was really loud and he was singing his butt off! Looked really good too. His presence is truly felt in this museum, even without the exhibit.

When I walked out, the security guard asked me how I liked the museum. I told him I liked it and I came especially to see Michael's exhibit. He said to me, "did you see how much those things weigh?" I said, "yes, they are almost as big as Michael himself!" He laughed.

It was a good day!
Good for you ATLF! Sounds like a lotta fun.
So much nostaglia, history and memories in those items!
Not to mention info about them that....well, who would have guessed!
Like the shin guards. :eek: And Oooooo at your #6!

It's great that you got to go. ;)
wow thanks for sharing. i wish i could have seen it
First of all, I love the thread title I laughed when I saw it :lol:

Thank you very much for posting your story! I would love to go and see it :D

Sounds like you had a fun time :yes:
Thank you so much for posting your story allthelovelyflowers :)
I wish i could go there lol
that's really cool!!
just think of the fact MJ wore THOSE clothes!!!
I'd love to see the black or whte shirt !!!!!

Thanks for sharing the facts and I am happy that MJ takes all the stuff back when the display is over. :D
what a wonderful experience.thanks for sharing.
I went this past weekend. The jackets were the best part of the museum. I was expecting more from the museum though.
Aw wow, that sounds so good! Thanks for posting, I wish I could go and see them. I love his jackets. :wub:
What a great way to spend your day! Good for you, AllTheLovelyFlowers!
thanks for sharing this with us . the what more can i give jacket and the grammy jackets must have been amazing to see in person.
Oh GREAT report
THANK you for sharing all the details
I wish I was on the west Coast to be able to visit

Do they allow you to take pictures ?
I love the title of this thread, I bet no one caould ever be so happy to see a bunch of clothing ha ha..sounds like you had a good time. Next time take me with you :)
Oh GREAT report
THANK you for sharing all the details
I wish I was on the west Coast to be able to visit

Do they allow you to take pictures ?

Unfortunately not. They don't even allow you to chew gum while inside lol.
Allthelovelyflowers isn't it wonderful been surrounded by MJ's clothes. I seen the items in Ireland, it felt like he was kinda there in a way. Sound like a stalker. Lol! MJ is a real style Icon.
Thank you for sharing this with us. Must have been really cool to see all the outfits up close.