I seriously can't move on , i NEED your help !

Diana Hart

Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
I feel really horrible all the time , i feel like i don't have enough strength to do anything , this year & last has been a TERRIBLE year , the most terrible year of my life....
i don't know if you guys would understand or not , but i feel like my life is over , i know death isn't a sulotion but death is easier than this pain ,
First of all i lost Michael , we all lost him , he was my childhood hero,
few months later i lost my father,

this tears me apart ! i've been depressed ever since , all what i'm thinking about is suicide , i need serious help 'cause i think my life is over
i got nothing to live for
this pain is just too real ! i can't handle it , i just can't
i know it's been almost a year since their passing but i loved them more than anything...

i've always acted like i got nothing & likeif i'm fine , but i'm not
i know they're happy & free up in heaven but this feeling tears me apart ,
i'm sure you know this feeling , you love somebody so much but you can't see them or even be with them.
hun i know how you feel im gonna open up here a bit and i hope no one minds
a week or so ago i was with a close friend im hospitalized with anorexia so i dont get out much so i use the net as my home

well i was upset i was freaking out and couldnt calm down or sleep at nights i was a suicidal wreck had been for weeks prior to what i did

i actually tried to hang myself and took an overdose but it failed i nearly lost my close friend through it i adore her so much without her and without the support of others i would of died i would of committed suicide and what for i have a life to live

im goin to recover from my anorexia and go back to school to get my degree

believe me hun life aint worth committing suicide over it has its ups and downs but be strong i have faith in you ur younger than me im 29 now

im always here if u need someone to talk to :hug:
i'm so sorry to hear that :(

I think you need to see a psychologist ASAP. Thinking about suicide is not a good sign. I don't think you will ever get over this pain.. but you NEED to learn to cope with it. Please diana you still have a whole life ahead of you, it's not going to be easy but please don't throw it away :(
i'm so sorry to hear that :(

I think you need to see a psychologist ASAP. Thinking about suicide is not a good sign. I don't think you will ever get over this pain.. but you NEED to learn to cope with it. Please diana you still have a whole life ahead of you, it's not going to be easy but please don't throw it away :(

thats how i tried to put it being dead aint gonna change anything its just gonna bring hurt on those left behind believe me hun ive been there
hun i know how you feel im gonna open up here a bit and i hope no one minds
a week or so ago i was with a close friend im hospitalized with anorexia so i dont get out much so i use the net as my home

well i was upset i was freaking out and couldnt calm down or sleep at nights i was a suicidal wreck had been for weeks prior to what i did

i actually tried to hang myself and took an overdose but it failed i nearly lost my close friend through it i adore her so much without her and without the support of others i would of died i would of committed suicide and what for i have a life to live

im goin to recover from my anorexia and go back to school to get my degree

believe me hun life aint worth committing suicide over it has its ups and downs but be strong i have faith in you ur younger than me im 29 now

im always here if u need someone to talk to :hug:

i'm so sorry to hear that :(

I think you need to see a psychologist ASAP. Thinking about suicide is not a good sign. I don't think you will ever get over this pain.. but you NEED to learn to cope with it. Please diana you still have a whole life ahead of you, it's not going to be easy but please don't throw it away :(

thats how i tried to put it being dead aint gonna change anything its just gonna bring hurt on those left behind believe me hun ive been there

please allow me to thank you for supporting me :flowers:
it just kills me that they left me alone & they can do nothing about it
i know they always wanted to stay here but i miss them so much
i would never kill myself , i just wish if i never existed.

i alway dream of them , i always see them...i don't know if it's just a dream or a ''vision'' actually yesterday i had a dream of my father
i'm sorry i can't say alot about it , but i've always saw them in my dreams & you can tell they would never to ee me or anybody sad because of them....

i just wanna know are they happy up there in heaven ? i know they're in heaven but i just wanna know are they really happy ? & do they like it up there ? , since nobody can hurt them up there :)
it's really hard for me to accept that i would never see them again , as long as i am alive & here in this world

but i know i'll be with them , after i die.
i think that gives me strength
thank you guys for trying to help me , i really apperciate it :hug:
I wish I could ease your pain and cure your heartache with a few words. Muster up all your strength as when the night is darkest, dawn is closest. Protect your life that I am sure your beloved father worked so hard to ensure that it was great. If everyone of us wanted to escape tribulations by death, a very few would remain alive on this planet or no one. We don't know for sure that taking our lives is better for us and there won't be a second chance. I hope what I said relieves you even the tiniest bit. Remain strong sister. It is good you wrote here. It means you have the will in you to turn things around and be strong. Seek as much help you could god knows we all need help from time to time in our lives. You are not alone.
I wish I could ease your pain and cure your heartache with a few words. Muster up all your strength as when the night is darkest, dawn is closest. Protect your life that I am sure your beloved father worked so hard to ensure that it was great. If everyone of us wanted to escape tribulations by death, a very few would remain alive on this planet or no one. We don't know for sure that taking our lives is better for us and there won't be a second chance. I hope what I said relieves you even the tiniest bit. Remain strong sister. It is good you wrote here. It means you have the will in you to turn things around and be strong. Seek as much help you could god knows we all need help from time to time in our lives. You are not alone.

I gotta admit , your words really helped me
by saying nobody gonna stay alive & everybody gonna die
just made me feel better
i knew that death waits for no one
i will always stay strong or at least do my best
I'm a religious person & i know that The lord is always with me holding my hand,please let me thank you for your sweet words , my friend.
Hi sweetie, I just wanted to leave support for you. If I can help you at all with advice I am here for you. What you've been through is difficult and I understand the pain of what you're feeling.. do you have an adult you can talk to about this? I really think you need some support. We aren't meant to go through these things alone. :huggy:
Please know that you're life is precious and there is hope. I believe there is always hope. Don't give up, okay? :angel:
Hi sweetie, I just wanted to leave support for you. If I can help you at all with advice I am here for you. What you've been through is difficult and I understand the pain of what you're feeling.. do you have an adult you can talk to about this? I really think you need some support. We aren't meant to go through these things alone. :huggy:
Please know that you're life is precious and there is hope. I believe there is always hope. Don't give up, okay? :angel:
Hey buddy !
I wish if i have any adult to talk with about this pain & everything
i wish if i my family can do anything but my mom is always busy & there's somedays i don't even see her.
& my 2 brothers are so...not friendly ! i dunno what to say :(
all what i have is you guys , on this forum :hug:
..all my relatives are so mean :( they think i'm just looking for some attention...nobody understands my pain ,
i know there's always hope but i just wish if My dad & Michael are here to help me :(
you know i used to dream about them , & when i wake up i cry tears of joy because at my dreams is the only place where i can see them , i can feel them very close to me , i can feel them like angels over my shoulder
...maybe i said too much details..
anyway thank you my lovely friend :flowers:
i promise i won't give up or at least i'll try my best.

Do you have any other adult, outside from your family that you could talk to? A teacher or something..? I think you really need to talk about this to someone personally. We do our best here to help you too and remember that we care about you, you're part of our MJ fan family :)

Keep the faith and try to hang in there, it will get better someday.
:better: I've said everything that I've needed to say to you in a PM, but sweetie as I said everyone deals with the loss of loved ones differently and in time although it never heals completely it does get easier.

If there is anything you need to talk about any time night or day, send me a PM and I'm only too happy to listen and give you a shoulder :huggy:
First of all, I'm so glad you posted here. You know we are all here for you, and we will do everything we can to help you. Michael's army of love for sure! :hug:

I'm so sorry you're finding things so hard. I'm not sure how things are where you live but I would really really urge you to get help. Talk to your doctor, or somebody in your life that you can trust. It's not about weakness, it's about having the strength to turn your life around to be something that you want it to be. Life is very precious, it may not seem it right now, but it is. And it can be everything you ever dreamed, really. Take your grief and pain and turn it into something that will make you happy. Michael and your other loved ones that have passed are all behind you, willing you to make things happen, you can be sure of that.

Please keep talking to us here as well, we will do all we can for you, listen, not judge, just simply be there. We love you, and love can overcome any evil. I wish you all the luck in the world. :hug: