I really don't know how he handled it


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
We know it all, everything that Michael's been through.

I don't want to sound morbid, and I don't want you to misunderstand me, but I wonder how he handled all those things and managed to live 50 years? I've got a feeling that I would die much earlier, if such rocks were put on my neck.

Damn. The stupid price of fame. He had no one who could love him for who he was inside.
And I think all the time, as he put so much of everything. He was a strong man. How could they write such shit about him and why Michael has not filed in court for all his detractors.​
He was VERY strong, and VERY smart. He knew that for every person that despised him, 100 people loved him. It was his kids and his fans that kept him going throughout.
ive been thinking about this too. He was so strong, the more I think about it 50 years is actually a long time to cope with what he went through. I know I would have been crushed almost straight away. This is why whatever drug issues he may have had are completely understandable. I do not judge him at all.
I think in last few years his children kept him alive. I truly believe we would lost him long time ago if he didn't have those three angels.
And I admire him that he was able to survive for so long. He's my hero.
rhinoceros skin! Michael was a warrior he never gave up, what a courageous and inspirational person to go through all that crap and still come out fighting, I always respected him for that and always will, other people would have crumbled long ago
rhinoceros skin! Michael was a warrior he never gave up, what a courageous and inspirational person to go through all that crap and still come out fighting, I always respected him for that and always will, other people would have crumbled long ago

yes :yes:
read the 'favorite michael quote' thread. lots of positive quotes there....and there's lots more....which give some insight into how he handled it. if u stick a quote or affirmation on the wall & read it every day, that can help you do anything. and I have read michael did this.
he dealt with it until he couldn't anymore. i think that's a part of the reason he passed. he had donee all he could and endured enough suffering. the man upstairs knew it was time for michael to feel love himself, and be eternally happy with no more pain or hurting. no more nasty tabloids. there are only reputable sources in heaven =] lol
Yeah, i don't get that either. But i'm glad that Michael didn't died earlier, because maybe we would never knew him.
It is funny this thread was started because I was thinking the same thing today. When you really look at everything he had to go thru in his life he is lucky he lived as long as he did. From being abused early on by his father for not being perfect in rehearsals to being the families meal ticket from five years of age and missing out on his childhood to being one of the most famous people on the planet, not able to go anywhere on his own without bodyguards to having terrible acne problems and Lupus and Vitiligo that lead to self image problems to being burned during the pepsi commercial and possibly getting addicted to pain medication to people that are suppose to be his friend taking advantage of him in business and suing him for things he never did. It is amazing he lasted as long as he did. Luckly now, nobody can hurt him anymore.
I don't think we can even begin to fathom all the details or implications of everything Michael went through. We can't even imagine all the pain he endured.

Last night I really thought about what it would be like to have my skin change from one color to another. I mean psychologically, what would it be like for me if my skin turned dark? Can you imagine how that would feel? And on top of that, to be the one who had to apply the cream that completed the process on yourself?

In the interview with Joe two nights ago, Joe said that he thought everyone around Michael was cheating him. I can't imagine being surrounded by people who I cannot trust and yet I depend on.

I don't think we could even make a list of all the different things Michael suffered. I know that I really admire him for keeping his faith through extreme difficulties.
yeah he was a strong guy, its such a shame he was constantly riducalled, sorry cant spell.

Jackie xx
I don't think he knew how strong he was...Sometimes people rarely understand the brilliance in themselves...They see it in others much faster, because we are our own worst critic. I'm really beginning to feel as if Michael is TRULY at peace and that's what makes me smile.
He was VERY strong, and VERY smart. He knew that for every person that despised him, 100 people loved him. It was his kids and his fans that kept him going throughout.

rhinoceros skin! Michael was a warrior he never gave up, what a courageous and inspirational person to go through all that crap and still come out fighting, I always respected him for that and always will, other people would have crumbled long ago

I don't think we can even begin to fathom all the details or implications of everything Michael went through. We can't even imagine all the pain he endured.

In the interview with Joe two nights ago, Joe said that he thought everyone around Michael was cheating him. I can't imagine being surrounded by people who I cannot trust and yet I depend on.

I don't think we could even make a list of all the different things Michael suffered. I know that I really admire him for keeping his faith through extreme difficulties.

I agree.....
And to still have/keep the amazing personality and kindness that he had- it's unbelieveable! He was truly a special man. Any other person would have given up/ gone after people/ turned negative, mean and nasty towards the world...and he had a right to do all of these things but he didn't. THat's what's so amazing
I know he was a much stronger man than many!
What upsets me is everything he did was judged so intently and ridiculed without just cause.
If he made a tiny mistake then the backlash in the media was awful for what a headline!?!
He was a human being and they forgot that - my only comfort however small is that they say 'the world is cruelest to the ones they love the most' and one thing we know is true is Michael was loved, worldwide and always will be!!
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I know he was a much stronger man than many!
What upsets me is everything he did was judged so intently and ridiculed without just cause.
If he made a tiny mistake then the backlash in the media was awful for what a headline!?!
He was a human being and they forgot that - my only comfort however small is that they say 'the world is cruelest to the ones they love the most' and one thing we know is true is Michael was loved, worldwide and always will be!!

Yeah the minute he turned into a household name, they forgot he was a human being. He was a very strong man, simply amazing!!:)
I agree.....
And to still have/keep the amazing personality and kindness that he had- it's unbelieveable! He was truly a special man. Any other person would have given up/ gone after people/ turned negative, mean and nasty towards the world...and he had a right to do all of these things but he didn't. THat's what's so amazing

Yeah, that's one of the many, many things about him that I respect and admire so so much :wub:
He was still always ready to give, to help, to inspire, to smile.
He was such a true giant of a heart! I found comfort in Michael because he was someone else like me who had some kind of skin condition. I drew strength from his strength and now he's gone I just sometimes find myself staring into nothing :( But his music will always show me the light of day :)
He was such a true giant of a heart! I found comfort in Michael because he was someone else like me who had some kind of skin condition. I drew strength from his strength and now he's gone I just sometimes find myself staring into nothing :( But his music will always show me the light of day :)

His music is wonderful. It brightens me up when I am sad. I even walk with my MJ Jackson 5 music!!!
he's very very strong, he didn't care what the mass media had said some bad things of him.Because he knew that he hasn't done it before and he will not do it forever~~
He trust himself, and he believe that his kids, family, and fans will trust him, love him, believe him forever!!!

RIP Michael
he's very very strong, he didn't care what the mass media had said some bad things of him.Because he knew that he hasn't done it before and he will not do it forever~~
He trust himself, and he believe that his kids, family, and fans will trust him, love him, believe him forever!!!

RIP Michael

Well said.

I posted this in another thread and just wanted to say it here too:

You know what? The people who matter know the truth.
Michael knew that what he did was good.
His family and close friends knew it.
We know it.
The people he helped know it. (The children in hospitals, orphanages, people he spoke to, etc).
All the people who matter know the truth. And for now, I guess that has to be enough for us to keep fighting and trying to change the world. As MJ said, if you affect ONE person, you're making a difference.
I agree.....
And to still have/keep the amazing personality and kindness that he had- it's unbelieveable! He was truly a special man. Any other person would have given up/ gone after people/ turned negative, mean and nasty towards the world...and he had a right to do all of these things but he didn't. THat's what's so amazing
Yes that's amazing.. Michael had so big and loving, strong heart and mind! I know if I was in his position I would've lost it as soon as all the fame came after Thriller..
Michael really was so amazing person it's hard to understand sometimes.. so friendly and kind despite all the awful things happening around him. We should all try to be more like him in our hearts.
Well said.

I posted this in another thread and just wanted to say it here too:

You know what? The people who matter know the truth.
Michael knew that what he did was good.
His family and close friends knew it.
We know it.
The people he helped know it. (The children in hospitals, orphanages, people he spoke to, etc).
All the people who matter know the truth. And for now, I guess that has to be enough for us to keep fighting and trying to change the world. As MJ said, if you affect ONE person, you're making a difference.

yeah working on it haha
Yes that's amazing.. Michael had so big and loving, strong heart and mind! I know if I was in his position I would've lost it as soon as all the fame came after Thriller..
Michael really was so amazing person it's hard to understand sometimes.. so friendly and kind despite all the awful things happening around him. We should all try to be more like him in our hearts.

Im definately trying to do this

Jackie xx:)