i put this in the category..'it's all in your mind'..hurry, this link may expire soon.


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
united states

the video where a man hypnotizes a woman into assisting him in his robbing of her bank.

edit..never mind...i went back to the link and it wasnt there. lesson learned about yahoo...sry
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ahahahaha I saw this on Horror Vision

let me paste the article :lol:

'Hypnotist' thief hunted in Italy
Saturday, 22 March 2008, 18:43 GMT

Police in Italy have issued footage of a man who is suspected of hypnotising supermarket checkout staff to hand over money from their cash registers.
In every case, the last thing staff reportedly remember is the thief leaning over and saying: "Look into my eyes", before finding the till empty.

In the latest incident captured on CCTV, he targeted a bank at Ancona in northern Italy, then calmly walked out.

A female bank clerk reportedly handed over nearly 800 euros (£630).

The cashier who was shown the video footage has no memory of the incident, according to Italian media, and only realised what had happened when she saw the money missing.

CCTV from the bank showed her apparently being hypnotised by the man, according to the reports.

Italian police believe the suspect could be of Indian or North African extraction.

Wow. I saw a hypnotist on stage live once. He got students from the audience at the university I was at. He got them to do some pretty silly embarissing stuff. He convinced one student their belly button was missing. I think the student starting crying or at least came close as they looked for it and couldn't see it. lol

Moral. Never volunteer to be hypnotized in front of an audience.
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i don't know what to make of this....if this gets worldwide, and there are others like him...what can the police possibly do? how can they prove he did this, even with visual evidence? i'm sure he could CONVINCE them that he didn't do it.

i don't know what to make of this....if this gets worldwide, and there are others like him...what can the police possibly do? how can they prove he did this, even with visual evidence? i'm sure he could CONVINCE them that he didn't do it.

They say you can't be convinced to do something you feel is morally wrong but apparently there are degrees to thjis if true at all. Isn't willingly handing over the stores cash to a stranger kind of morally wrong?

My best freind knew how to hypnotize people but I never let her hypnotize me. I will not willingly turn my brain over to another person no matter how trustworthy I think they are.

By the way, the person that started crying because of a lost belly button was a big jock of a guy. It was quite funny but I felt kinda bad for him at the same time. I am sure he got a lot of razing the following day.
that's crazy.

And very suspicious.

I'm reaaaally into hypnosis. I've done a lot of research and find it very fascinating. And I find it very hard to believe that this girl would be hypnotized into doing something that she REALLY didn't want to do. 1.) You won't get hypnotized when you don't want to be. You have to want to be. 2.) If you REALLY wouldn't do something in normal waking life, like tell a deep dark secret or something...then you WON'T do it in hypnosis.

All hypnosis is, is a deeper state of consciousness...where yes, you are more easily open to suggestion...but it's not mind control.
that's crazy.

And very suspicious.

I'm reaaaally into hypnosis. I've done a lot of research and find it very fascinating. And I find it very hard to believe that this girl would be hypnotized into doing something that she REALLY didn't want to do. 1.) You won't get hypnotized when you don't want to be. You have to want to be. 2.) If you REALLY wouldn't do something in normal waking life, like tell a deep dark secret or something...then you WON'T do it in hypnosis.

All hypnosis is, is a deeper state of consciousness...where yes, you are more easily open to suggestion...but it's not mind control.

so..you're saying that that woman wanted him to have the money, even though he didn't have a gun?

perhaps the suggestion here is..she doesn't want to get fired? why would she want to, in essence, give up something out of her own paycheck? maybe that's it...she doesn't, so, she wants to convince everyone, including her boss that she was hypnotized? lol
still makes me think of the TinTin stories where the indian fakir would poison his victims and then use hypnosis to make them do his bidding :lol:

my grandma suffered from years and years of headaches and was hypnotised at a party and he told her she wouldn't have one for about 10 years

and she didn't :eek:
still makes me think of the TinTin stories where the indian fakir would poison his victims and then use hypnosis to make them do his bidding :lol:

my grandma suffered from years and years of headaches and was hypnotised at a party and he told her she wouldn't have one for about 10 years

and she didn't :eek:
Yes. It does work. My ex-mother-in-law had a doctor who did hypnosis for childbirth. She had never been able to drink coffee while she was pregnant because she would get violently sick from the smell and since ordinarily she loved coffee that was the worst part of her pregnancy. Well she asked him to hypnotise her so she could drink coffee. He did and she never again got sick from the smell of or drinking of coffee while she was pregnant. It stopped just like that.