I never heard Michael cuss before until today..lol.


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Brynar <3 :)
In all my times listening to Michael Jackson's music and watching his footage, I never heard him say a cuss word. That is...until this morning when I paid close attention to all the lyrics in "Scream" as I was following along singing it in my head. When I heard "it", i was like "haha! what!?" Then I looked it up and sure enough... "it" was in there. It really shows how far the media pushed him, considering what the song is about in the first place.
Poor Michael...

Anyways, thought I'd share that. heh. After all these years, today, I find out. :doh:

Have a great Monday everyone :cheeky:
In "This Time Around" he says "...this time around I'm taking no shit..."

But "Morphine" is really the best ;)
I was 15 when the HIStory Album first came out. And I remember hearing how the HIStory Album wasn't suitable for kids under 15. When I had gotten it that summer of 95 and heard songs like Scream and This Time Around. I was very surprise cause the worst I ever heard Michael say is damn from his Dangerous album. I said to myself it is no wonder why this album is not suitable for kids under 15. I was surprise but I just totally love hearing Michael saying those kind of words. But I very much understand why he said them in those songs of his. Because of those allegations 2 years before and he was angry. Which he had every right to be. And what I really love is the pictures I have of Michael sticking his middle finger up. Especially the infamous Scream picture. OMG that has got to be one of the most greatest pictures of Michael ever taken. If you haven't seen it here it is:


OMG do I love that picture of Michael. And I didn't even know that picture even existed until a few months or so ago.
I never really understood what is he talking about in that song?
Wow, Morphine is really heart breaking. Its amazing. He took his music into everything he went through. You can make a book of his life using all his lyrics.
It's not in a song, but there is a video on YouTube during the trial, he starts yelling and you can read his lips and he says something but I can't remember. He cursed at a photographer, that's all I remember. I'm a big help huh? Lol
It's not in a song, but there is a video on YouTube during the trial, he starts yelling and you can read his lips and he says something but I can't remember. He cursed at a photographer, that's all I remember. I'm a big help huh? Lol

From memory he's screaming "no! no! F-ck!". Apparently the police were pushing and beating the fans, which is why he was getting so angry.
From memory he's screaming "no! no! F-ck!". Apparently the police were pushing and beating the fans, which is why he was getting so angry.

Yep, He was angry, one fan (a female) got body slammed right on top of his SUV and others where being thrown out of way in the street by those L.A cops! I was at home watching with my mouth opened! :O

By the way I love Superfly Sister! lol
From memory he's screaming "no! no! F-ck!". Apparently the police were pushing and beating the fans, which is why he was getting so angry.

You see him say 'fuck you'. Don't hear it though.
In all my times listening to Michael Jackson's music and watching his footage, I never heard him say a cuss word. That is...until this morning when I paid close attention to all the lyrics in "Scream" as I was following along singing it in my head. When I heard "it", i was like "haha! what!?" Then I looked it up and sure enough... "it" was in there. It really shows how far the media pushed him, considering what the song is about in the first place.
Poor Michael...

Anyways, thought I'd share that. heh. After all these years, today, I find out. :doh:

Have a great Monday everyone :cheeky:

I never head it until recently. So your not the only one :D