I need to know your thoughts!

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Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Hi guys.

As some of you on here know, I have been wanting to record and release a tribute album to Michael, in his voice. For as long as I can remember, I have been able to do other people's voices, and I don't know why, but I have always believed that it's a gift.

This is difficult and I don't want to sound crazy, but I feel that if I sing as Michael, then I will help to keep him alive and with us in the world. I wont tour the album until I have enough sales from you guys and everyone else out there in the public. :)

Do you guys think I really have a gift and do you think I should use it? :(

Half of this album is all about you guys, and if you want me to do it, then I will. :)

Like Navi says, I don't want to bow down for this, I'm just grateful for the opportunity.

Today, I give the say to you..
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I don't know how to say if I think you have a gift because I have not heard you.
I would love to and I think if you have a gift, it should be used/shared. :)
Trust me guys he has the most authentic MJ voice I have ever heard and he's a nice guy as well I'd buy your album for sure mate
Wow that's a good site! Thanks Hocus. :)

Would I sign up as a believer or an artist? :)
As an artist! Then you can raise the money to make an album!

The Dutch singer Hind has also raised money with the help from this website. And now she has enough funds to make her album. :yes:
I'm worried about the media using songs that you have created and say "This is Michael Jackson..."

Then it would look bad on Michael.
This is a form of advertising and MJJC doesn't allow that. Gotta close this..
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