i need to get this off

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Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
excuse me i need to vet here ok when the fan on this board posted a pic of MJ grave site how come every one saying how peaceful it was and all and not jumping all over her like your doing with KF ohh because she just a fellow fan!!!!!!! and you cant be mad a a fellow fan to me that is very disrespectful i dont care if she a fan i dont care if she did it for fans in the UK you guys where saying ohh thank you for the pic it look nice and all i was the only one mad at this " so called fan" to me she not a fan in my book MJ was place for a reason there so the pap wold not bother him any more she violated MJ privesy and you guys say thank you for that but if KF did it you guys are mad as hell well im not mad at KF im mad at this so called fan she not a true Mj fan in my book!!!!! because she was the one who posted pics of MJ crypt first ( even tho it was burly) i went to FL and i never ever took a pic of MJ grave because i fully respect Miss Jackson and her wises now let me ask you this

what if Mj was alive and she went over to his house and took a pic of his kids with out mask and post it in here knowing that he wanted to keep them coverd would you guys be mad at her or be happy she did that if you guys would be happy i dont know what to think any more !!!!!

and i dont care if i get ban form this forum for this im just speaking the truth
I understand your point of view, but I haven't seen many fans here happy about those pics or saying thank you. Those people are more in her Facebook account...

As for me, since the pics are out and we can't do nothing about it now.. I can say it looks peaceful and beautiful, that doesn't make the act of taking the picture less a mistake by her.

that person is me your referring too. I am a fan just as much as everyone else, just because I posted his burial pictures, which i deleted within 10 minutes of posting, i did it because i just saw it and it was a heat of the moment kind of thing and i thought it looked beautiful. i wasn't thinking straight but obviously i got a backlash and i respected that hence i deleted them and i apologised. karen faye posted them on her facebook and now her pictures have appeared on tabloids, and she's suppose to be a good friend of michael. look whats happened there? are you not blaming her for that?

this discussion is done with now. i posted, took them off and apologised and realised my mistake. sometimes people make mistakes and learn from them, its part of life.

i have been a fan of michaels since i was about 6 years old so please don't comment on how much of a fan i am and i would never post a picture of his children if michael was alive.
That was wrong for them pics to get out like that I see if she would of took the pics and kept them to her self is she putting them up on her facebook anyway this is the internet people are crazy and like to make up blogs etc. She needs a piece of my mind i don't give a flying **** if she is MJ makeup artist she nothing special to be making over Just a gunned down move period. Don't know her and I don't give a damn about that lying nutjob being mad at fans when she the one who took them.
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Many people took these pics from KF facebook and posted them everywhere. Some of these people did it because they wanted to be "the first" to bring the big news. Some others did it without thinking carefully, for they were shocked to see this. When they were asked to delete those pics, they recognized they did wrong and deleted the pics. Yes, they DID do wrong, but it takes courage to recognize a big mistake and try to fix it asap.

But this is not the question of who is first, the hen or the egg? This has a clear beginning and we all know it with name and surname. None of these fans would have posted things like this if THAT king of pics hadn't been published... nor to mention taken.

Some fans did wrong, sure. But if those pictures were not out there, this could have been avoided. And yes, yes!! It hurts to know they come from someone Michael trusted so much!!! That just makes it worst!
excuse me i need to vet here ok when the fan on this board posted a pic of MJ grave site how come every one saying how peaceful it was and all and not jumping all over her like your doing with KF ohh because she just a fellow fan!!!!!!! and you cant be mad a a fellow fan to me that is very disrespectful i dont care if she a fan i dont care if she did it for fans in the UK you guys where saying ohh thank you for the pic it look nice and all i was the only one mad at this " so called fan" to me she not a fan in my book MJ was place for a reason there so the pap wold not bother him any more she violated MJ privesy and you guys say thank you for that but if KF did it you guys are mad as hell well im not mad at KF im mad at this so called fan she not a true Mj fan in my book!!!!! because she was the one who posted pics of MJ crypt first ( even tho it was burly) i went to FL and i never ever took a pic of MJ grave because i fully respect Miss Jackson and her wises now let me ask you this

what if Mj was alive and she went over to his house and took a pic of his kids with out mask and post it in here knowing that he wanted to keep them coverd would you guys be mad at her or be happy she did that if you guys would be happy i dont know what to think any more !!!!!

and i dont care if i get ban form this forum for this im just speaking the truth

One there is a big darn difference between a fan and karen faye who worked for michael.

Two the press is not going to give a darn if some fan post a picture of his grave, they will pay more attention to karen faye photos.

Karen knew this was very private for the family and michael would want it that way, she knew what she was doing and then went all crazy at the press for putting the picture online. I don't get how people keep taking up for karen knowing she have a shady past of taking fans money, she not a fan or friend of michael's period in my opinion.

A good friend don't do that kind of stuff and then try to cover up what they did.
uuhm.... let me get this straight! KF posted those pictures first, knowing it wasn't allowed, and then gets ticked off that they got spread to other websites? umm.. isn't that normal? :scratch: You really think pictures like that aren't gonna be shared?
I have seen the picture on another forum and all the fans there were happy to see it and thanking the poster.
While were on the topic Karen Faye Banned me last Saturday night becuase of a comment i wrote loads of "fans" were obviously slating me but I couldnt see it all i was getting was laods of notifications so if anyone could pm me or fb me what she put back after deleting me that would be great :O)
You're comparing THESE to Karen Faye's pictures? I don't understand the premise of your argument...you can't see s**t in those pictures compared to Karen's. The poster's photographs were all taken while on grounds open to the public.

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