I need to come out with this.. Would be glad if you listen and gave advice... :(


Proud Member
Nov 9, 2011
I have a best friend (guy) of almost 5 years..
We have only meet two times. Yes that is sick.
He is nephew to my the husband of my aunt.
We live 35 km away.
But we can't take to one of our home because we have a strict culture in our family. I can't take guys at home and his parent will start rumour and chikane him because "I am a girl and niece to his uncle's wife."
So it's difficult to meet. I haven't seen him over a year now, I have waited, waited, and waited but nothing happens. I made plan, I tried to make it work by talking to him.
He even asked to meet more than 3 times but later cancelled because of his strict parent.

I can't take it anymore.
I get pissed of because my aunt keeps talking about him when she is the one who meet him every second week while I don't.
I even talked about this to my aunt.

But I don't talk about him anymore to anyone.. even my aunt.. but she keeps talking about him... like she is always asking how our friendship is, and then she says: "He was here in sunday with his family.." and she says that ALL THE TIME.. I get SOO PISSED OFF... Because I soo wanna be with my best friend..
I haven't meet him over a year now.

Then I had enough..
I stopped talking to him, I started a new school, new friends, new start.. I even have crush on a guy in my class..

But whenever I try to ask for help to people it's like.. they hear me but they are not really listening...
It's like God don't want us to be together.. I tried everything just to meet up..
And it's not funny if we have to meet up in public all the time, especially in winter.

I just have gives up in our friendship.
He still texts me but I ignore it.
I'm done..

What do you think of this situation?
I think it's a good choice to put an end to this. It seems like it's not going to work so don't waste any more energy on it.
I wish you all the best.