I need little help ;((((( IM DOWN


Proud Member
Dec 15, 2008
Hello fans,
Please spare 5min for my topic ;) I NEED YOUR HELP !!!! :D

I got little problem.I am MJ fan for like 4 years.I started to watch his dance and it looked cool to me.So i wanted to
dance like him.As time goes it came to my mind that i want to became MJ imperssonator.So started to collect
money .Every month mom and dad give me like 70 dollars which i can spend anywhere i want but i cant ask them
for more in case i need them.Its like my pay.And than i found few web pages where i can order MJ clothes.
I ordered Billie Jean glove and black costume and later on Thriller jacket.
Than the problems started.Mom and dad keep telling me that i should stop order clothes cos it is stupid.In other hand
they don't support what i want to do .It just kill my will and bring me down ;(((
My plain was when i got to sea side , i would dance at beach where lots of peoples are and it would be kinda cool
to spared MJ word and maybe earn some money which would help me to get new clothes and dance tutorial videos.

Here are few videos of me dancing let me know what you think:

If you got You Tube account please ad me as friend.
Please give me some of your thoughts cos my will is really down ;((((((((

--------->There is also voting for MJ songs which will appear on new album D

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year,
Last edited:
Hello fans,
Please spare 5min for my topic ;) I NEED YOUR HELP !!!! :D

I got little problem.I am MJ fan for like 4 years.I started to watch his dance and it looked cool to me.So i wanted to
dance like him.As time goes it came to my mind that i want to became MJ imperssonator.So started to collect
money .Every month mom and dad give me like 70 dollars which i can spend anywhere i want but i cant ask them
for more in case i need them.Its like my pay.And than i found few web pages where i can order MJ clothes.
I ordered Billie Jean glove and black costume and later on Thriller jacket.
Than the problems started.Mom and dad keep telling me that i should stop order clothes cos it is stupid.In other hand
they don't support what i want to do .It just kill my will and bring me down ;(((
My plain was when i got to sea side , i would dance at beach where lots of peoples are and it would be kinda cool
to spared MJ word and maybe earn some money which would help me to get new clothes and dance tutorial videos.

Here are few videos of me dancing let me know what you think:

If you got You Tube account please ad me as friend.
Please give me some of your thoughts cos my will is really down ;((((((((

--------->There is also voting for MJ songs which will appear on new album D

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year,

Dear Boris,
That is totally cool that you want to be a Michael Jackson Impersonator: However, the question you should, need to ask yourself, if this chosen gig doesn't work out for a career choice....What type of education, trade, other goal (s) do you have that you can fall back on?

:angel:please Think About It
It's really hard to be a MJ impersonator. I know it's your dream, but have you thought about looking into a second job in case the impersonator thing doesn't work out? Everybody needs something to fall back on.

Also, if you need money, having a regular job where you earn money could help fund your dream.
Yea guys i know what you think.I go to one of best schools in my city and i want to be manager .Im not smoking not drink.My only plesure is dancing and traning and all my love come to day when my items come and i put them on and dance.Of course when i hear some good MJ news watch his movies and similar stuff.
You know the point.I dont want that dancing be my profession and life earnings.I just want to have fun and to make MJ more popular.
I dont get support from my family at all and it really brings me donw ;(((((
Understand me now?
Dear Boris,
That is totally cool that you want to be a Michael Jackson Impersonator: However, the question you should, need to ask yourself, if this chosen gig doesn't work out for a career choice....What type of education, trade, other goal (s) do you have that you can fall back on?

:angel:please Think About It

i couldnt agree more
make sure boris that u have a back up plan and goals like susie said as sometimes being an impersonator dont always work out for everyone but good luck in trying hope things work out for u in the future
Dear Boris, yes I understand you. I am sorry that you don't feel supported by your family, they don't seem to understand your wants and needs. However, Im guessing that what they are trying to tell you is that they are worried and don't want to see you hurt because being an MJ impersonator is really hard......after all you have chosen an icon, a legend to impersonated.
Try to talk to them, reassure them that you aren't giving up everything for this ambition. Ask them to try to understand how you feel. Don't get angry or shout, be patient. They may not listen the first time round so keep trying and eventually the light bulb will burn bright!!
I am a mother of three young adult girls so I know what its like to worry, you desperately want them to be happy and not to make any mistakes in their lives. Its hard to except that they have to make their own way in the world and that they are gonna make mistakes, just like we all do.
Im sure your family react like they do because they love you.
I hope my post has helped a little. Think carefully about what you want in your life, take care xx
The only thing it piss me off is every months when they give me money i save that money.Put it on the side.And than when i order something they talk bullshit to me ....but they gave me money and i can spend it wherever i want.I save it ...
its same if i spend it by going to cinema or eating pizza.Or if i just buy MJ clothes.I know that becoming MJ impersonator is very hard but its not impossible and i think i done good job so far(there are some videos i posted if you want watch it).
One of BIGGEST thing i hate is when my mom get angry she start insulting MJ and telling me i should go marry with him or go live at him......
I really dont know what to say to this...i tryed to explain but it just wont go ;((((
Im sad that this is happening in your life.
And you are right, it isn't impossible, you are, indeed, very good. It is good to have an ambition and dreams to aspire to. Michael is such an inspiration.
It is difficult to know how to advise you because however hard you try you seem to be banging your head against a brick wall. Try to be positive in your thoughts and trust and believe in yourself, hold your head high and one day they will understand.
Take care
Ty all very much for helping me and gaveing me your advices. As i was reading Jeney last topic i saw her picture of MJ pointing into me.
It gaved me so much strength...ill keep up with my plains no metter what somebody say.I know one man will
always be here with me.
Marry Christmas MJ and all fasn on this forum and their family's!