I Miss you Michael


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
I thought i got past it...but it's so sad.

I looked at this and it brought it all back...Most users ever online...

illl never forget that night.
it was awful, i remember trying to get on here to find out what was going on and it wouldnt work because it was so busy

I remember I kept trying to access the site that day, but too many people were trying to access it as well. MJJC kept crashing and I was going crazy. I didn't know if the rumours about MJ being gone was true, but all I knew was that I needed to talk to other fans and see what the case was.

As the day went on, I started to hear more and more that he had in fact passed away and from reliable sources too. That's when I lost it. I will never forget logging onto MJJC that day with a total feeling of numbness and disbelief. I was hysterically crying one minute and then I was in shock the next and unable to speak or think. Everything was blank.

I will never forget that terrible day.
Michael, you are everywhere around me and you are in my heart.
Yet I miss you so much :cry:
Everything seems to be different without you, but I hope I'll never forget how things used to be before everything turned upside down.