I Miss Michael Jackson So Much It Hurt


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
I miss Michael Jackson so much it hurt to think His gone and I wish his could come back and take this pain away but his not and that the hard part about it let him go and move on without him her byt no matter what how much I want him back and how much I need him I will never ever forget him and what his did for this world and for me my love for him will never far away as long his in my heart forever and ever I miss you Michael Jackson and I know someday I will see you angina till then I hope you and pray you watch over me and take me away from danger I feel loss without him in my life and I wish I could see him and tell him how much I will miss him and I love him my pray out to the Jackson Family and I love you Prince Michael Paris Katherine and Prince Michael 2 I am with you always

Michael I love you so much and I will always remember you and never forget you and I know in my heart you watch me right now and sometime I feel you come to me you was my angel on earth now you are my angel above I will miss you alot

Rest In Pace Michael Joseph Jackson 1958-2009
Dear Shannon,

I know how you feel, but remember we all going to die soon or later. I still can't can't believe it Michael is gone. His time was up. “To God we belong and to Him we shall return.” always remember that.

Michael will be missed
Sometimes, things happen in life that we just can't explain....or see the consequences of. Maybe God had a master plan for Michael. Maybe it was better for him to go out of this world like this.....with us remembering him the way we are.

We all have to go on living, and fighting the good fight. Personally, I am taking this message forward and "paying it forward" for Michael's sake.

I think it's still going to be very hard, but we have to start forward thinking. Don't think back. Think ahead. It'll help you cope with everything.
I know exactly how you feel Shannon. I still miss my beloved like crazy. Ever since yesterday I have been so badly wishing that I was on that plane that had crashed in to the Indian Ocean. That way I would be with Michael now. I tend to think I start to feel better but then I am not. I don't know how I am ever going to get through Friday and I am not even going to the viewing. As hard as it is for me I am trying to remember Michael in more happier times. By watching his concerts and performances that I have on taped. But as much as I get in to them and they do try to help make me forget where Michael is now. Because I was seeing Michael of how he used to be. But I tend to start to cry all over again after I am done watching them. I even want to go back and watch his Private Home Movies again. Especially my absolute favorite ones. But that is just so impossible for me to do now without crying. It is even hard for me to want to read my Dancing The Dream book right now. I did try and open it a few times but I just started to cry all over again. And I had to put the book down again. Michael was my greatest love and I just miss him so very much. And I so badly wish he would come back to me.