I Met A Hilarious MJ Fan


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Canada - ON
Okay...so I was working at my dad's gas station for the day and he was there as well. So anyway I like to listen to music wherever I am and so I played it on my iPod Touch there as well. And it can go pretty loud usually so I was playing all of Michael's songs ( :rolleyes: what a surprise eh ) and this guy comes in. He was a truck driver. Black, tall dude with cool shades and stuff.
Okay...and he came in and heard that I was playing 'Bad' and he starts doing that Bad step RIGHT THERE. You know where Michael sort of skids from one foot to the other with his arms by his waist. Oh god! :rofl: it was too hilarious.
And he's like "Ohh!!! Which one is the MICHAEL JACKSON Fan MAN!!"
And my dad points to me and im just laughing like crazy and i go ... "me...." while i cant control my laughing. "and you-."
"are you kidding. Michael JacksonZ Ma Brotha!! He ma brotha froma otha motha! Michael Jackson the mannnnnnnn!!"
and im just laughing and i ask him "so are u going to the O2 shows this summer?"
"we be partyin all da way to london me and ma palz! michael the mannnn!!"
and thenn after some other people come and he leaves but the next day he's there again, buying some water bottles and my dad asks him where he's headed and he says to the US to make some delievery and i jump in spontaneously asking him , "omg do u think u could gemme some michael jackson posters please-."
and he goes "OHH YAHHH!! I get michael posters for ya no problem. i get da real michael for you. michael my brotha. i know michael! he the dude! i get big michal poster for you. no prob. no problemmmo!!"

hehe :rofl: so if the guy does come back with these posters or "da real michael" any time soon i'll be sure to keep you guys posted :p
Aww that is a cute story stargirl
lol "mj my brotha from another motha" that is so funny
Lmao :lmao:
I can just imagine.... Sounds very interesting with the posters!! Damn, I always love when those Michael-things happens so unexpected, it can totally make your day! :yes: Like yesterday I was at the dentist and while I was waiting in the waiting room I was looking in this magazine and it had a very positive article about Michael with some beautiful pics, and I was eager to get it! So, when it was my turn I asked the dentist if I could get the magazine since it was from like February and she looked at me and said "Sure, is there anything interesting in it?", "Yeah, a very nice article about Michael Jackson" and when I said his name a smile came to her face "Michael Jackson? Do you like him?" I go "Yeah, Im very crazy about him!" all proud.. lol.. And she goes "My grandson is sooooo crazy about him, yesterday on our way to Tivoli (an amusement park) he was listening to Michael Jackson all the way while singing outloud" and then she starts singing Billie Jean and making some moves, and Im like :mellow: "So are you going to see him in London?" and I almost scream "Yeah!! 8th July, the opening concert, I can't wait!!" and then we talked about Michael while she was making my teeth, but it was very hard for me to answer since I had all these dental things in my mouth, lol.
Okay...so I was working at my dad's gas station for the day and he was there as well. So anyway I like to listen to music wherever I am and so I played it on my iPod Touch there as well. And it can go pretty loud usually so I was playing all of Michael's songs ( :rolleyes: what a surprise eh ) and this guy comes in. He was a truck driver. Black, tall dude with cool shades and stuff.
Okay...and he came in and heard that I was playing 'Bad' and he starts doing that Bad step RIGHT THERE. You know where Michael sort of skids from one foot to the other with his arms by his waist. Oh god! :rofl: it was too hilarious.
And he's like "Ohh!!! Which one is the MICHAEL JACKSON Fan MAN!!"
And my dad points to me and im just laughing like crazy and i go ... "me...." while i cant control my laughing. "and you-."
"are you kidding. Michael JacksonZ Ma Brotha!! He ma brotha froma otha motha! Michael Jackson the mannnnnnnn!!"
and im just laughing and i ask him "so are u going to the O2 shows this summer?"
"we be partyin all da way to london me and ma palz! michael the mannnn!!"
and thenn after some other people come and he leaves but the next day he's there again, buying some water bottles and my dad asks him where he's headed and he says to the US to make some delievery and i jump in spontaneously asking him , "omg do u think u could gemme some michael jackson posters please-."
and he goes "OHH YAHHH!! I get michael posters for ya no problem. i get da real michael for you. michael my brotha. i know michael! he the dude! i get big michal poster for you. no prob. no problemmmo!!"

hehe :rofl: so if the guy does come back with these posters or "da real michael" any time soon i'll be sure to keep you guys posted :p


:clapping:i haven't laughed this much in ages.
oh the luck ! the joy! and the regret that i wsent there.!! aghrrrrrrrarrrr!!uhh.if posiblethy that you get many posters could you svae one or two for me??just a nice qestion.ehhh!i loove you soo....youre so likely a beutiful dream of aprince! aw ouyre so goodcutee and fiiiinneeeee...!! hihihihihi! michael is stil the same!!and hsis colour so as it shouldent have been changed atall.ane his hands the good soldsoft one to hold in mine.........is still the same oh so finee....!!hihihi!! se you! love..anja......:D!
LOL that's great Stargirl! I can't blame you for laughin, I'd be on the floor if someone came in to the gas station where I work and started to bust a move LOL
omg he only came in to buy some water and you send him off out to hunt for michael jackson posters lmao :)
That story made me laugh so much and so did jay jackson's story too. Thank you for sharing guys :).
lol thanks guys :p
wish i could capture it on tape :lol:
this man rocks.

and haha screamin ... u shoulda seen the dude. he looked like he SOO happy id asked him to get MJ posters!

AND HE GOT THEM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


They rock.
It's the new thriller poster, a blood on the dance floor poster, and a bad tour poster!

gotta love the man hehe.

but he didn't get "da real michael" :cry:

lol :p
lol thanks guys :p
wish i could capture it on tape :lol:
this man rocks.

and haha screamin ... u shoulda seen the dude. he looked like he SOO happy id asked him to get MJ posters!

AND HE GOT THEM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


They rock.
It's the new thriller poster, a blood on the dance floor poster, and a bad tour poster!

gotta love the man hehe.

but he didn't get "da real michael" :cry:

lol :p

wow he actually did get them!!!! how awesome is that!!!
yeah i know! tell me about it!

they look amazing. the thriller one is right in front of me when i go to bed :wub:
Btw. I experienced meeting a Michael fan as well the other day, or well, I don't know how big a fan she was, but she obviously liked him.

So my mom had invited some of her friends to eat with us, she does that like 1 time every month. One of her friends came all the way from Berlin 'cause she lives there now. Anyway, so my mom came to talk about Michael! I have this idea that she's kinda proud that I like him because everytime we have guests she just has to mention it, lol. That woman who came from Germany just starts clapping her hands with a big smile on her face, and my mom continued telling about me going to London. Finally the lady stopped clapping her hands and she goes: "Wow, is that true?? When I was little he was my biggest influence, that man is amazing" and she gets this dreamy expression on her face. I go "Couldn't agree more. He is amazing!". Then she starts asking me all kinds of questions regarding him, and all the other ladys on the table got kinda annoyed that we spoke so much about that one man :lol: One of the ladys actually asked us to change subject, lol.. But we continued the talk until I had to go to the theatre with my class.
But when I came home she was still there.. Lol, it was like she had waited for me to come home, cause the rest of the guests had already gone home :lol: So we continued the talk, and she wanted to see my room 'cause apparently my mom had told her that you weren't even able to see the walls cause of the many posters. She was very surprised to see my room, she actually said "It's beautiful Julie." :lol:
Hehe anyway, just thought I wanted to share it with u guys. :yes:
Wondeful stories! You can even enjoy work with his music. It's always so funny how people stand up and start to dance if they just hear one song of him.

Proud to be a Jackson fan
Btw. I experienced meeting a Michael fan as well the other day, or well, I don't know how big a fan she was, but she obviously liked him.

So my mom had invited some of her friends to eat with us, she does that like 1 time every month. One of her friends came all the way from Berlin 'cause she lives there now. Anyway, so my mom came to talk about Michael! I have this idea that she's kinda proud that I like him because everytime we have guests she just has to mention it, lol. That woman who came from Germany just starts clapping her hands with a big smile on her face, and my mom continued telling about me going to London. Finally the lady stopped clapping her hands and she goes: "Wow, is that true?? When I was little he was my biggest influence, that man is amazing" and she gets this dreamy expression on her face. I go "Couldn't agree more. He is amazing!". Then she starts asking me all kinds of questions regarding him, and all the other ladys on the table got kinda annoyed that we spoke so much about that one man :lol: One of the ladys actually asked us to change subject, lol.. But we continued the talk until I had to go to the theatre with my class.
But when I came home she was still there.. Lol, it was like she had waited for me to come home, cause the rest of the guests had already gone home :lol: So we continued the talk, and she wanted to see my room 'cause apparently my mom had told her that you weren't even able to see the walls cause of the many posters. She was very surprised to see my room, she actually said "It's beautiful Julie." :lol:
Hehe anyway, just thought I wanted to share it with u guys. :yes:

Aww that is a sweet story :)
Lol sounds u and your mum's friend had a wonderful time! :)