I mean really... Is this strange?


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Planet earth
Is it really strange that I feel ''better'' after Michael died, than when he was arrested back when the second alligations were made? As much as I miss and want Michael I dont have to live with a constant panic and fear that people are going to hurt him. When he was arrested I lived in constant fear that something bad was gonna happen to him, police brutality (which happened..) throw him in jail and he would have to spend the rest of his life miserable and unhappy and be treated with no respect in a prison.

I know this sounds strange but I feel better about Michaels death than I did with the alligations.. Maybe its because of the knowledge that NOBODY, ABSOLUTELY NOBODY can ever touch or hurt him again. And that he is happy from all the pain, suffering and stress.

Its beginning to settle down for me these past few days and I just feel at ease with myself.. Yes he is gone, but he is also in a good place. Not in a prison cell, not being handled poorly by police officers, not being interrogated and humiliated..

He is in a safe place.. And that makes me feel calm... No more panic...
I know what you mean. The day after Michael died I sort of set that in my brain. That he couldn't be hurt anymore, he's safe now and he was in the peace that he always deserved. Then it began getting harder for me and I didn't want to accept him being gone. I thought, no this isn't fair. He should be here with his children, his family and performing on stage. This isn't right. I cried a lot too. Now I'm sort of going back to that "he's safe now" state and it makes me feel really good. I've smiled more about Michael rather than cried lately. He's in a much better place. This place was more like hell than anything and this world didn't deserve him. He's safe now and he's alright. :)
I guess one can take solace in that he is FINALLY at peace. Poor man spent his whole life in the public eye being scrutinised for everything he did. Had to go through two sets of false allegaitions - and being thought of by many as a peadophile. So yeah, I totally get what you're saying.
I agree with what your saying i am in a better frame of mind now, not crying all the time and i can watch and listen to MJ now with a smile but i am so p***ed off with all the crap that is STILL being written about him, will it ever end?
I agree with what your saying i am in a better frame of mind now, not crying all the time and i can watch and listen to MJ now with a smile but i am so p***ed off with all the crap that is STILL being written about him, will it ever end?


Sadly I think this media circus and tabloid crap will persist for a long long time. I am glad he is at least at peace, but I think of his poor children, his mother and family who still have to hear all these false stories and lies.
but i am so p***ed off with all the crap that is STILL being written about him, will it ever end?

I know what you mean. It's disgusting and I really wish they would stop to think about the children and family for once. They are still in mourning and the media have been up their asses ever since June 25th. The stories about Michael's "lovers" and all these "fathers" are getting so out of hand and the worst part is people are believing them.

I just hope Michael is happy despite all the crap going on here. He's watching over his family more than anything.
I know what you mean. The day after Michael died I sort of set that in my brain. That he couldn't be hurt anymore, he's safe now and he was in the peace that he always deserved. Then it began getting harder for me and I didn't want to accept him being gone. I thought, no this isn't fair. He should be here with his children, his family and performing on stage. This isn't right. I cried a lot too. Now I'm sort of going back to that "he's safe now" state and it makes me feel really good. I've smiled more about Michael rather than cried lately. He's in a much better place. This place was more like hell than anything and this world didn't deserve him. He's safe now and he's alright. :)

i nknow heaven is more beautiful place where spirits are happy
some spirits have unfinish things to do on earth and are send back to us as spirits/ghosts and try to talk to living person that will listen and leave us messages from heaven
from exprince with people on earth it can be like hell on earth
but i also exprice heaven the day i was accidently buried alive
its more beautiful in heaven
that when i fainly understand why dead person want to be my friend
i know michael is happy in haeven just watching over us