I 'm pregnant and wondering if there are other fans pregnant right now!?


Proud Member
Aug 19, 2004
Graz, Austria

As all of us my boyfriend and I are in deep grief. MJ's passing hurts so much. There are moments when I'm fine but suddenly tears stream over my face and I can't take it.

As mentioned I am pregnant (6. month). I am healthy, I am eating all right, I am taking care of my baby....... only my grief is worrying me a bit. Sorrow is a natural thing especially in such a case..... the child will be influenced by it for sure, but we can handle it all right. Is any of you pregnant as well with such feelings? Or has anybody else experienced such grief in the past while being pregnant? What did you do?

It is important to cry and to work this all out in a healthy way, anything else would definately harm the child but I think the way we handle this is all right.

My father is very worried and suggested to contact a midwife. I am thinking about this option but I think we get along alright alone. We have a supportive environment and have each other. My boyfriend, the child's dad and I are looking after each other.

I am sending all my love out to MJ's family, especially his children and to all his friends and fans around the world. This is a surreal moment for all of us and it all seems like a nightmare. Michael has been a huge part of my life for almost 20 years and he will ever be.

I am hurt, devastated and in deep pain. I miss Michael so much, I hope he is fine where he is right now.

Love, MJBlanket
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Crying is healthy yes. But stress can lead to disaster..im not going to lie to you,... I've seen it happen too many times.

Just be strong. I ask you to please take care of your mental condition and your baby for the sake of Michael and all of us. :yes:
My wife is pregnant right now (1st month), she's doing ok, but I am in tears since MJ's passing. In my opinion, grief, sadness, sorrow, are as natural as happiness, laughter, joy, so I don' think that we should refrain from our feelings.

However, it is important to accept death as a normal thing, as a part of our lives and not have extreme reactions that could lead to extreme results for our health.

Even though I am devastated, here is how I see it and maybe this will help you to accept it easier:

Your baby right now is in a world of her/his own, s/he probably feels and hear things. Her/his intelligence is developping right now according to what s/he hears and feels. In other words, your baby is experiencing LIFE. In this life of hers/his, her/his reality is completely different. S/he doesn't breathe, eat, move or perceive things the way we do, yet s/he is alive, aware, conscious on her/his own level. S/he would probably inherit some reactions or feelings you (in)directly transmit to her/him. Your baby right now, as s/he doesn't know anything else than what s/he experiences right now, would bet that LIFE is what she experiences and nothing more. Intellectually speaking, there is no possible way for your baby to imagine that there is somehing outside her/his reality.

Nevertheless, all her/his reality will stop one day, and that day will be the day you deliver her/him from that reality and bring her/him into your reality, a new reality. That day you could finally hold, feel, see your baby and it will be the happiest day of your life. But for your baby everything is going to be new: breathing air, eating with his mouth, opening eyes and step by step see things, hear differently, touch differently, learn how to move, crawl, walk... In brief, a new reality in an environment where s/he will be cherished and loved and watchd over by her/his mother and father.

One day will come where we will have to leave the reality in which we live right now, just as Michael Jackson and all the loved one that are no longer with us in our reality.

Nothing indicates tha there won't be new reality after this life, and maybe even better in which everytning will become clear, just like when your baby grows up and finally understands that one day s/he too was in her/his mother's womb in another reality just before tasting the current reality.

Just like in the newly composed song by Chris Brown, P.Diddy, Polow Da Don, Mario Winans, Usher & Boyz II Men "It's better on the othe side" - a tribute song to Michael Jackson.

Michael Jackson still lives within our hearts, through the music and all the achievement as far as this reality is concerned. As far as Michael's reality is concerned, he lives in a better place where he can finally find peace, far from paparazzi, crazy fans, crazy world of wars, corruption, allegations, accusations, divisons of nations, unnecessary money realted stress and problems, and many more other material and unjust things. He gave love around the world and he'll be loved forever, and I am pretty sure he can peacefully see us how we are concerned about unnecessary things of our everyday life, while he is patiently waiting for all of us -who were eager to see him perform- to witness his "This is it" concert.

Indeed we will have to be patient a little bit more to see him perform again, in our afterlife. In the meantime let's cherish the ones we love and kep his legacy alive until we pass, there is no rush, time flies anyway.


Take care of yourself and your baby and you will be fine! Children were Michael's greatest joy I am sure he is smiling down on you and your unborn! Such a special time.
It's hard to grieve in the state that you are. I would say the advice that some gave in another thread. Try to find something to take your mind off the grief. And if not, try to find something contructive e.g. writing, drawing about Michael or some positive music from him.

It might still make you cry. But one of the good things someone suggested is to go for walks. Go with your boyfriend, find a scenery and take in the tranquility, it will help ease your pain. Also, don't go alone, as you may become depressed with no one close by.

Avoid the news.
Thank you so very much for your concern and your responses, this means very much to me and helps a lot. It is very important for all of us to stay together and support each other.

One thing though I think is important, yes avoid the tabloids, BUT don't avoid new facts about his death or things like that, it is important for us to comprehend everything what has happend.

love, MJBlanket

Take care of yourself and your baby and you will be fine! Children were Michael's greatest joy I am sure he is smiling down on you and your unborn! Such a special time.

thank you stacey, I am very touched by your words and the picture they convey.

@Saeed: also special thanks to you for the time you spent for ur response!!!
Thank you so very much for your concern and your responses, this means very much to me and helps a lot. It is very important for all of us to stay together and support each other.

One thing though I think is important, yes avoid the tabloids, BUT don't avoid new facts about his death or things like that, it is important for us to comprehend everything what has happend.

love, MJBlanket

thank you stacey, I am very touched by your words and the picture they convey.

@Saeed: also special thanks to you for the time you spent for ur response!!!
I love you very much!:angel::wub:
Try to take time out for yourself - do some meditation exercises - remember - this is a positive thing - this world can give life as fast as it can take it away. Try to to take it easy. :)

p.s. i'm not pregnant by the way. But when I do, I'm going to try to talk my partner into naming my little boy Michael (if I have a boy) - as a middle name :p
Congrats on the new baby. My advice is to focus on the positive and not to get absorbed in any negativity. Theres a fine line between grief and becoming absorbed by it all which puts negative vibes into the body.

At the moment its all very intense, and unlike a family bereavement this news will undoubtedly go on forever which sorta stagnates the grieving process.

Remember also being pregnant your hormones will be all over the place.
being emotional during pregnancy is so normal. don't sweat it, you'll be fine. I was the most emotional bitch on the face of the earth. my partner and i had the most vicious of fights and i'd hold onto all the hurt and tears for days and then i'd get over it and then i'd start another fight haha. Your hormones are up the creek anyway. They say that stress can cause damage and blah blah blah, but in all honesty, as long as you are healthy (which you say you are) and you don't physically harm yourself during pregnancy such as under eating, drinking etc. everything will be as it should be. Remember, pregnancy is the most emotionally difficult time most women can have, and God would not have given us these freakin' hormone problems if he didn't think we could handle a bit of stress. For the record, after all the stress, tears and depression, my baby is the happiest little man on the planet.

Good luck with your impending bundle of joy xx
My wife is pregnant right now (7 months). And we are overjoyed at having our first child...I was out of town from June 22-25, and when I got back early on THursday the 25th, I came home to find that my wife had a professional painter decorate our nursery in a Peter Pan theme. It is simply amazing...I was on such a high after seeing that...then I went to sit down, relax, and check my email, and obviously I found out at that point that MJ has just been rushed to the hospital. I went from from a super high to a deep low.

Our due date is September 3, but I cant help thinking how close that is to August 29th...how cool would it be if my baby was born on Michael's b-day?
hey, how are you gonna name your baby? Maybe if it's a boy - Michael?
I'm gonna name my baby Michael Joseph :) or Michael Prince :)
I suggesed to my husband that if we have a boy next time I want to name him Victor Michael jackson. Of course, being a hater, he said no.