"I love you more."


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
He'd always say that.

He must have loved us a lot.

Because I love him soooo much.
he did love us. I think he loved us just like he loved his kids. we were all his kids to him in some fundamental way.
Out of all the famous people in this world who tell their fans "I love you" - I've only ever believed Michael - it's the only sincere 'I love you' I've heard from someone who I don't know, which I have actually believed :wub:
Remember when he was in London,in March,the way he said that he loves us?

"I love you all so much...from the bottom of my heart.i really do"

To me he still loves us very much.

To me is taking extra care of all of us in heaven with the help of God
Michael I love you... I love you... I love you... I love you... I
love you... I love you... I love you... I love you... I love you... I love
you... I love you... I love you... I LOVE YOU!!!

Everyday more and more!!!
He loved us, No doubt about that.

Michael I will always love you More! :heart:
Gets me EVERY time..
He really means it. You can just feel it.. They aren't just words to him or us. Such a beautiful soul

Love you so much Michael :cry: :wub:
He really does loves us all. I believe him when he says it because MJ really means it. :D

I love you more, Michael. I don't care what people say, it's the truth!!

Oh god I miss him soooooooo much :cry: