I Lost My Job....

Severus Snape

Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
The Dungeons
...and I couldn't be happier! Thank god! I absolutely loathed that job. I know it's a tough economic time at the moment, and I shouldn't be whining about the satisfaction a job brings or doesn't bring, since you get paid for labour and not to have fun, but Jesus that job sucked! I'm so glad to be through with it at last! Truth be told, I would have quit ages ago, but I really needed the money. Now that the school year is coming to a close, though, they told me they didn't really "need" me to do anything there, so I don't have to show up anymore. Thank god. Lol, not that I ever consistently showed up--perhaps I would have, if the pay was halfway decent. I got paid a bloody pittance, but I stuck with it for the majority of the year (despite the endless source of frustration/deathwishes that job brought about) only because I really needed the money, but now I don't.

I reckon the other reason I stuck by that job was also because I had no other source of income.

Now, however, I have another job. I posted a thread on it a while ago--and I absolutely adore my other job. It's such a source of pride and joy for me. ? I love the work I do--I assist one of my professors with his research, and with whatever he needs me to do for him in general. I wouldn't give that job up for the world! :D

This week, he needed me to find a book for him in digital format, for one of his classes. I think it's safe to say I excelled at finding what he needed with flying colours. :)

I also created a 20 page report on some research he wanted me to do, all neatly organized for him. He said I did a really good job on it, which made me happy. :D

This is definitely the best job I've ever had, and I think it's due to my complete satisfaction with my other job that losing that first job felt more of a relief than a source of anguish. I feel like a heavy weight has been lifted off me.

The other thing about my first job is that I had to work with two students. One of them was an absolute incurable moron, and it always annoyed me that he left his stuff at my work station, so I would always have to move it so I could work. God. The other one was more tolerable, but she was on too good terms with my former boss, and I couldn't help but to feel as though there was slight favouritism towards her on the boss' part. It's just uncomfortable to have to work in that kind of environment, especially doing something you don't want to do with people you'd rather not be with, and for pay that's subpar at best, with no positive feedback whatsoever.

I'm the only one at my new job, though, and it's certainly much better this way. My boss is wonderful, intelligent, amusing, and I feel as though working for him grants me an opportunity experiencing part of his profession, so as to better prepare me for when I go into it as well. Moreover, he and I get along excellently. He always tells me what a great job I'm doing, and that he has confidence in my abilities (something I was never told at my other job...)

I'm finally somewhere I actually belong, and the feeling is great. :D
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^Ehm, it's a good thing. :blink:

Like I said in my post, I have another job, with a boss who actually appreciates me. I don't need to job hunt because I have that job.
Haha, I actually read the whole post (lol) and I'm happy for you! Sometimes things just happen and work out well, which it has for you, so I'm happy for you. :)
^Thank you, Stacey! While I do appreciate the well-wishes of the other two posters, losing my other job was more of a relief than anything else. Thank god. Since there's less than two weeks left in school, I can't imagine I would lose that much money anyway, and it's not like it matters. Soon enough, I'll have a part-time summer job (hopefully) which means I'll be able to make real money.

As much as I like my present job now, my prof's going on sabbatical next semester, which means no job for me until he comes back again, but at least I get to work with him and make some money for the rest of this semester. :D
Awesome!! I know work has its moments,but we manage to find ways to either deal with it. I would like the newer job too!
Aww, I am happy for you. I hate my job too because I'm a student. I'm only gonna be there for like 2 more months so..yay.
^Ah, but you don't get paid to be a student? (some places do pay for that, surprisingly.) In any case, you'll only be there for two more months, so hang in there!

I had to tolerate that other job for almost a year, until now that it's basically irrelevant for me to show up, so I've acquired more free time, and I have a better job to boot!
^ Sorry, I just meant I'm still at school - I didn't pick my words carefully. I've yet to start university. I'm going to quit in two months because I'm moving away. I'm going to uni this year.
Congrats Mikage. Sometimes we really want to change our circumstances but we feel boxed in by responsibilities. Then something unexpected happens that gives us the result we desired in the first place. I love when that happens! :D Well, enjoy your time "off" from work you did not enjoy. I am sure you feel more fulfilled!
I read the whole entire post as well....I am so happy that dead weight had finally been lifted off of you I do remember when you posted way back when you got the current job..the one that you adore...atleast now you can relax and enjoy the rest of the year with this one job alone. I am glad that your professor gives you the credit that you deserve...good job..:)
^ Sorry, I just meant I'm still at school - I didn't pick my words carefully. I've yet to start university. I'm going to quit in two months because I'm moving away. I'm going to uni this year.

Ah, I see. Well, good luck to you! I'm sure you'll enjoy it. You mentioned in another thread you were going to law school. Are you wanting to be a lawyer? What kind of job do you have now? (if you're comfortable sharing this with us.)

Ginvid said:
Congrats Mikage. Sometimes we really want to change our circumstances but we feel boxed in by responsibilities. Then something unexpected happens that gives us the result we desired in the first place. I love when that happens! Well, enjoy your time "off" from work you did not enjoy. I am sure you feel more fulfilled!

Thanks! It is certainly more up to par with my abilities than the last job. The other job was too mindless and "routine" (i.e. repetitive motions like stamping, binding, and covering books--something a chimpanzee will be doing in no time, I am sure.) Moreover, the uncomfortable atmosphere with the two students and weird vibe I got from my former boss (thinly veiled dislike) didn't make things any better, and the pay was certainly nothing to be jolly over.

In this job, however, I get to have more freedom to work at hours which are actually convenient to my schedule, in addition to helping a very prestigious and intelligent individual with his research and whatever else he needs me to do for him. I get to basically partly experience his profession, so I can be better prepared for it. After all, it is my only aspiration in the world to become a university professor, and what better way to go about doing that than to actually work side by side with one?
Ah, I see. Well, good luck to you! I'm sure you'll enjoy it. You mentioned in another thread you were going to law school. Are you wanting to be a lawyer? What kind of job do you have now? (if you're comfortable sharing this with us.)

Thanks! It is certainly more up to par with my abilities than the last job. The other job was too mindless and "routine" (i.e. repetitive motions like stamping, binding, and covering books--something a chimpanzee will be doing in no time, I am sure.) Moreover, the uncomfortable atmosphere with the two students and weird vibe I got from my former boss (thinly veiled dislike) didn't make things any better, and the pay was certainly nothing to be jolly over.

In this job, however, I get to have more freedom to work at hours which are actually convenient to my schedule, in addition to helping a very prestigious and intelligent individual with his research and whatever else he needs me to do for him. I get to basically partly experience his profession, so I can be better prepared for it. After all, it is my only aspiration in the world to become a university professor, and what better way to go about doing that than to actually work side by side with one?

I want a law degree and then convert it when I move state side. I've got my whole life planned. LOL. I just work as a waitress. :( #Icannotdealwiththisanymore #povertydaysareaheadofme (Sorry, I'm in a twitter mood).
...and I couldn't be happier! Thank god! I absolutely loathed that job. I know it's a tough economic time at the moment, and I shouldn't be whining about the satisfaction a job brings or doesn't bring, since you get paid for labour and not to have fun, but Jesus that job sucked! I'm so glad to be through with it at last! Truth be told, I would have quit ages ago, but I really needed the money. Now that the school year is coming to a close, though, they told me they didn't really "need" me to do anything there, so I don't have to show up anymore. Thank god. Lol, not that I ever consistently showed up--perhaps I would have, if the pay was halfway decent. I got paid a bloody pittance, but I stuck with it for the majority of the year (despite the endless source of frustration/deathwishes that job brought about) only because I really needed the money, but now I don't.

I reckon the other reason I stuck by that job was also because I had no other source of income.

Now, however, I have another job. I posted a thread on it a while ago--and I absolutely adore my other job. It's such a source of pride and joy for me. ? I love the work I do--I assist one of my professors with his research, and with whatever he needs me to do for him in general. I wouldn't give that job up for the world! :D

This week, he needed me to find a book for him in digital format, for one of his classes. I think it's safe to say I excelled at finding what he needed with flying colours. :)

I also created a 20 page report on some research he wanted me to do, all neatly organized for him. He said I did a really good job on it, which made me happy. :D

This is definitely the best job I've ever had, and I think it's due to my complete satisfaction with my other job that losing that first job felt more of a relief than a source of anguish. I feel like a heavy weight has been lifted off me.

The other thing about my first job is that I had to work with two students. One of them was an absolute incurable moron, and it always annoyed me that he left his stuff at my work station, so I would always have to move it so I could work. God. The other one was more tolerable, but she was on too good terms with my former boss, and I couldn't help but to feel as though there was slight favouritism towards her on the boss' part. It's just uncomfortable to have to work in that kind of environment, especially doing something you don't want to do with people you'd rather not be with, and for pay that's subpar at best, with no positive feedback whatsoever.

I'm the only one at my new job, though, and it's certainly much better this way. My boss is wonderful, intelligent, amusing, and I feel as though working for him grants me an opportunity experiencing part of his profession, so as to better prepare me for when I go into it as well. Moreover, he and I get along excellently. He always tells me what a great job I'm doing, and that he has confidence in my abilities (something I was never told at my other job...)

I'm finally somewhere I actually belong, and the feeling is great. :D

I absolutely adore this post!

Thank you - yes, it so does matter what a job include! sometimes we are forced to do horrible jobs in order to get income, but when we can change these surcomstances (or are forced to) this is a truely blessing.

I have a job that I realy enjoy, it doesn't pay much, but enough to have a decent living and a little fun on the side - but I absolutely enjoy the enviroment. My boss really aknowledge my job, and we work totally equal in the hiararchy, each doing what each does the best.
I was recently invited for a job interview - I would get higher in the ranks (similair to my boss), and paid more - BUT pheeeew that job would have sucked every inch of happiness out of me. my boss said she would let me go if i needed to fly - as it was a good oportunity, but she would really miss the work relationship, as I would have to go to a different department. I declined the position - I would be doing the same as I am doing now, but in a worse atmosphere, and in a smaller department and where I am I can really do a difference. I would be stuck doing the same thing with the same people day in and day out - but I would have a great title, and bigger income - NO THANKS!! I must be where it matters - be where it's important that I do the job instead of someone else, a place where my skills can do a difference.

A lot of people thought I was stupid making this decision - I felt good!

Thank you for sharing this relieve with us, and God Bless you. We spent so much of our lives on our job - that it must matter to us.
Dang Mikage! I'm so glad for you. It's pretty awesome to get paid for doing a job that you love so much and not have to deal with annoying co-workers on top of it. That's what's up! ;)
Really pleased for you - it's horrible doing work that you don't enjoy, isn't it. My last job was really tiresome and I didn't like it in the slightest - we were all treated like children as most of the workers were 15-18, so at 22 I was a good few years older than them and had nothing in common with anyone either. They were all talking about getting drunk or sleeping around, seriously!!

Anyway i've hijacked this thread a bit now, sorry! I hope you continue enjoying your 'other' job :D best of luck to you! xx
Thanks! Unfortunately, the semester will come to a close next week, and so will my other job, temporarily. The prof's going away, so I won't get my job back until January of next year.
Congrats on losing your sheety job and condolences on losing your new job til January.
Thanks! Unfortunately, the semester will come to a close next week, and so will my other job, temporarily. The prof's going away, so I won't get my job back until January of next year.

Aww.. That's a bit of a long time to wait, isn't it?. Not that you won't be be busy devouring your studies and/or books. ^ Really nice to know you feel truly content about your job, a quite rare announcement to make nowadays.
Indeed, it is. I figure I will look for some do-nothing job as a computer lab aide for next semester, while I await the prof's return, and hopefully, the return of my job.
Like Alma said, sounds like a plan and I hope it all works out for you!
good for you!!!! working on a job that you really dislike is so sickening!!!!! i've experienced that too...

now, i have a new job that does pay much as i had on my first job but still i love this present job since my life is "normal."