I know this is personal, but I start therapy today


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
United States
Hey, I know this seems weird but only my mom and sister know I'm starting therapy today. Mostly because like Michael I've been having a blank or white relationship with my father since my parents divorce and I tried to make myself better but I need someone to confide in. I adore my mom but she thinks it's better that I talk to someone objective. One of the problems is I have no really close friends to discuss this with. My best friend lives in another state and he's heard enough of my complaining but I feel like some prayers. I can't post this on facebook cause I don't want to hear responses from certain people.
One of the things I hope to discuss with him is being isolated from peers because I was the youngest daughter raised by a strict Mexican Catholic father. Like Michael I have a hard time relating to anyone but children and people much older than me and I feel more alone in a crowded room than by myself. That's one of the reasons I come here. I can discuss how much I love and relate to Michael but how i have an insatiable need to relate to everyday people. You don't have to be famous to know the pain of feeling like an outsider. Wish me luck everyone.
Best of luck to you. And just wanted to add that I think everyone needs therapy. I've never met anyone that didn't need it or at least couldn't benefit from it in some way. If I could afford it, I'd have been in therapy years ago. I always tell people that there is no "normal" where people are concerned; there are just different degrees of screwed up.

Take care.
Well, I hope it works out for you. Personally, I think theraphy is nothing but rubbish. Then again, I was forced by my mother to attend it due to circumstances which had nothing to do with me. Thus, six years of what I am sure was the best theraphy has to offer were wasted on me. What a bloody pity, heh?

Anyway, your circumstances sound quite distinct from my own. I reckon that, if you're not forced into it and you are fortunate enough to acquire a halfway competent shrink, theraphy may just solve something in your life. Different things work for different peope, after all. Here's to hoping this theraphy thing brings forth the desired solution. Most things are worth trying at least once, so I hope this works out for you.
Thank you everyone( hugs back), the therapy session went well, so far I like the guy because he's more friendly than distant and authoritative. xsmooth criminalx, I definitely get what you mean about a good deal of lousy therapists. I had a lousy guidance counselor in school when dealing with bullies. My mom did not force me at all, she loves me to the point where she just wants me to get the best advice she doesn't feel equipped for. I especially like him because he made it clear to her the marriage was bad and not going to get any better. Don't get me wrong I love my Dad but he could have done better and their marriage was doomed from the start. He married her because she was pregnant with my sister and he wanted to preserve his honor. I find coming here a comfort too. I absolutely agree with you too TinaG, we all need therapy, just different degrees.
Here's hoping for a succesful run of sessions for you. Keep us posted as often as you can :)
Good luck to you... how did your first day go, did you feel relieved to finally be able to open up to someone?
That's brilliant, I hope it helps you. Good luck, feel free to update! :)