I just watched the History Tour live in Bucharest

Jul 25, 2011
And man, I have to say, Michael was killer in that show. His dancing was so good, he was just on point. His speed and his accuracy was crazy, and he was just fluid and full of controled energy, and just how he puts all of his strength in to each, minute movement, I never get tired of seeing it because its so incredble. He's just so clean and pronounced with his dancing and with that speed, dang, he's the best dancer there is. Just a great show. He was really feeling it that night.
Damn when was the last time I saw you start a Thread, this show must have been killer like then. What amazez me about Michael at the History Tour is that the brother is a A GROWN ASS MAN ! 39 Years old to be exact.. lockin and poppin and running up and down a stage for 2 hours at that age? Dayum! Who cares if MJ didn't sing all the songs live if he going to give his all into the dancing even when age is clearly against him? I appreciate the gift this man gave to us, just watching him at work makes me feel real honoured considering he could have just disapeared forever after the '93 nightmare. I wish I could see this particular concert because Copenhagen is my personal favorite!
I dont think 39 is too old to be doing all the stuff he was doing. 50 would suprise me.
But he was still in his 30's which i think is particularly still young so it doesnt really suprise me he was able to do all he was doing.

He was actually 38 on the Bucharest concert :)
Well, 38 isn't too old, its true. But to keep it up for 2 and a half hours, constantly dancing, that's what's impressive at that age, because you are technically passed your physical prime. Michael was really in his prime though going in to his mid 30s. His dancing in this show was just spectacular though.
ok i'm watching the OTW melody on utube and although it's lipsung...omg...I don't mean to get all girly but...i can't get my eyes off of that man's...MMM! :lol: That's the thing about that History tour. The pants are distracting :lol:

It's like when he moves his legs....it's like...OMG :blink:

Okay, carry on :lol:

EDIT: I love how when he performs old songs like this (OTW)...his movements and body language seem to automatically imitate what he used to do when he was younger. It's a really weird effect. He's an older much different Michael Jackson, different clothes and all that, yet still the same movement, same energy as if this was 1979. For instance, that single knee kick he always used to do. MJ NEVER does it (if so rarely) for anything else, but he brings it back for the OTW melody. It's cute :wub: :lol:

EDIT AGAIN: I LOOOVEE the DSTYGE break down dancing :lol: And the ending literally made me laugh out loud :lol: MJ: "Don't stop til you get enough!" (POINTING FINGER POSE!) And then after a pause, he walks off stage with this expression his face like, "Yep. I killed it. Cheer for me NOW."

EDIT AGAIN!: :lol: Check out that spin in WBSS!!!! OMG. I love his spins during the history tour. It's slower, sure. (nothing like 88 grammys spin, lets say.) But it's kinda cool to see it slower, cuz it seems like it goes on forever. Maybe that's just me lol

EDIT (last one lol): His tech team needed to get FIRED that night btw :lol:
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It was my first ever live performance (well, on DVD) that I saw of him! :wub: I fell in love when I saw it!
Naw, you didn't kill it J5, just the general lack on interest in this part of the forum, lol.

You pointed stuff out, which is what this thread is supposd to do! Just from the opening, when the music for "Scream" starts, his precisian and speed is awesome. His lyp-synching doesn't bother me because it's one or the other at that point.

Whenever I watch Michael dance, I'm so amazed by the strength he puts in to each movement. I make this analogy all the time. Michael puts so much force in to each step, even the smallest of steps, and so much speed, but at the same time is able to stop, clean, on a dime, and then move just as cleanly into some other direction and pose, that it's like he just ran, full speed, to the edge of some high up point and stopped himself cold within a cenemeter of falling, no flailing about, no almost losing his balance, just stopping. It's like you can actully see this shutter run through his body from the force of a sudden dead hault to all this energy and intensity. Nobody else moves like that. Nobody else looks like that when they dance.
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I dont think 39 is too old to be doing all the stuff he was doing. 50 would suprise me.
But he was still in his 30's which i think is particularly still young so it doesnt really suprise me he was able to do all he was doing.

He was actually 38 on the Bucharest concert :)

I know right, 38 is not old..by any means.

But yeah, that was awesome show! Woohoo!
It's my favorite HISTORY concert I've seen..

Even with the technical problems the performances shined greatly.. If there was not mic problems, the concert would have been THAT much better..
yees i live 4 this show! the red thriller jacket superb lol! he was def on point....also th3 kuala lumpar show was amazing
What did everyone think of MJ's ad libs during the performance of Beat It? I thought they were awesome! And wearing the Red Thriller Jacket was a nice touch, he should wear that more in his shows. It's more iconic than the white jacket
I know he's worn it throughout the tour, but that gold... I don't even know what it is... that gold shirt-thing is the best thing I've ever seen, lol!

I know it has nothing to do with the show in particular, but I was watching Bucharest not too long ago and couldn't help but think "Who else can get away with that besides Michael?"... and I've come to the conclusion no one can. :lol:

It's a great show, though... never gets old.
And i love his shoes on the 96 leg..its like his heels are glass or somethin lol
I bought it from somewhere, I can't remember, lol. But Michael was bad ass in this show. He was feeling good that night, you could tell.