I just wanted to share a story...


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Sofia, Bulgaria
Hello, everyone!

My name is Denitsa, from Bulgaria. I am 27 and i am new here. Since the 25 th of June i have been feeling more sad than i have ever fealt in my whole life. Something really broke in me. I cannot explain it, i even cannot understand it for myself. I have never imagined that this would affect me so much. I watched all the interviews, all documentaries, almost everything dedicated to MJ on youtube. I wanted to share a story that happened to me on the 7 th of July. It is not something big, it not extraordinary, but for me it was really special and unique experience. On the day of his memorial i was leaving work and heading home. It had been raining, all wet. I was so sad, barely holding my tears on the street. I just wanted to go home as soon as possible, watch his memorial, listen to the songs, be alone and cry...On my way home there is a church. Passing by it, i checked my watch - it was 6 o`clock pm - from the news i knew that at this time he was supposed to be buried. I got off the bus, went to the church, lit a candle and sat there for a while. Then i left the church and headed for the bus station again barely holding tears. I cannot imagine how i looked in other people`s eyes that moment. While waiting for the bus, suddenly something colourful cough my sight. I looked and there it was, just lying on the wet grass, near the bus station - a plush toy ( i do knot know whether this is the right word in english). It was a clown, with a colourful clothes and a hat. The strangest thing was that the toy was dry and it had been raining just an hour ago. Of course i started crying just there, holding it in my hands. It was the most sweetest and touching thing ever happened to me!

I know in real word this is called just a coincidence, but in that moment i knew it was something more. Or i wish it was...

Thank you for reading!
Excuse my bad english.

ps. I am not sure i posted this on the right place, excuse me if it is not.
Hello, everyone!

My name is Denitsa, from Bulgaria. I am 27 and i am new here. Since the 25 th of June i have been feeling more sad than i have ever fealt in my whole life. Something really broke in me. I cannot explain it, i even cannot understand it for myself. I have never imagined that this would affect me so much. I watched all the interviews, all documentaries, almost everything dedicated to MJ on youtube. I wanted to share a story that happened to me on the 7 th of July. It is not something big, it not extraordinary, but for me it was really special and unique experience. On the day of his memorial i was leaving work and heading home. It had been raining, all wet. I was so sad, barely holding my tears on the street. I just wanted to go home as soon as possible, watch his memorial, listen to the songs, be alone and cry...On my way home there is a church. Passing by it, i checked my watch - it was 6 o`clock pm - from the news i knew that at this time he was supposed to be buried. I got off the bus, went to the church, lit a candle and sat there for a while. Then i left the church and headed for the bus station again barely holding tears. I cannot imagine how i looked in other people`s eyes that moment. While waiting for the bus, suddenly something colourful cough my sight. I looked and there it was, just lying on the wet grass, near the bus station - a plush toy ( i do knot know whether this is the right word in english). It was a clown, with a colourful clothes and a hat. The strangest thing was that the toy was dry and it had been raining just an hour ago. Of course i started crying just there, holding it in my hands. It was the most sweetest and touching thing ever happened to me!

I know in real word this is called just a coincidence, but in that moment i knew it was something more. Or i wish it was...

Thank you for reading!
Excuse my bad english.

ps. I am not sure i posted this on the right place, excuse me if it is not.

Loveley post :) Your english is perfect as well :) It seems we have all been recieving little gifts from Michael in our own ways, I was given mine last week i made a thread on it if you would like to here my storyx
Welcome deni. That was truly a beautiful story and I wish to thank you for sharing it with us. :)
Hi Deni & welcome! thanks for sharing with us, & hope you stick around. we need to look after each other here thru this sad time! your english is great and i look forward to hearing more from you xx
Thank you all very much! I did not expect such a warm welcome! Thank you! I am glad i decided to finally register and share thoughts here! Normally i wouldn`t do it. Especially when it comes to such personal matters.

Today i read almost everything from the forum. You, people are amazing! So much support, compassion here, understanding...It has been difficult for me here to explain why i am feeling this way, why i think Michael was not only a great singer, but an exeptional, sensitivie and wonderful person, as well. Nobody seems to understnad why i am so deep into this, why i feel so much pain. I do not blame them, i cannot even explain it ot me. I like listening to his songs since i was a child but it was not until recent years when i became more interested in him as a person, not only entertainer. Maybe it was normal, after all when you are about 18 you think differently, and when you are over 24 your view of life is already different. I cannot say i am of those kind of fans that would stalk him, desperatly wanting to touch him, crowding around screaming. I always prefer watching his life performances rather than the videos, trying to catch his eye expression, something that could show me not MJ the popstar, but MJ the human. I think when he died, a part of me, connected with those early innocent child days when you still do not know what life is really about, died too. He made me rethink over the whole idea of life and death, love and care, being good, turning to evil with good. Over the years he did that many times by his songs and the interviews and sadly with his ordeals and his reaction to them but now there is a feeling of something gone forever, something never to return, something lost.

I read today "Finding meaning in tragedy" post by Sephon - hats down! And also so many threads about grive and the same feeling as mine. It is so relieving to know you are not alone in this, your not "making a big deal", you are not strange...It does not make the pain and that strange feeling that things will never be the same again go away but at least you can share this. As i shared the story with the toy. It was....really incredible to me!

I keep rolling his last rehearsal, his last words, the video where fans helped him escape the paparazii and i keep thinking why. I wish i had a chance to show him along with all of you my love. This is the first time i write in a fan forum. Up until now i thought that my feelings towards a famous person who i have never met will be considered "teenage love to a singer" type of feeling.

Thank you for being here, for creating this amazing place, for sharing!

Sorry for the long post. It is just really overwhelming...

sugarbunny891, where i can find your story and gift from Michael? I liked how you define it :)

I hope you stick around I enjoy reading long posts, so hope you stick around? Are you coming to the o2 on Monday?
Becareful what you say about the age thing, we have some hardcore youngster Michael fans round here......*--waits for becca, and emma to pop up*** lol

Glad you have found a place to be yourself and express your feelings openly :)

Heres my gift from Michael - I lost alot of my MJ collection moving place to place when dad was in the army :( but this happend after the news of his death.

My dad was looking in oxfam and stumbled across loads of michael jackson things in a corner. He offered the lady £20 for the box and brought it home its got 30 postcards from the 80s all of pics on mj , 5 issues of a magazine called off the wall and various photos, postcards, posters and mags also 2x Moonwalker books. Here are some piccs of my new collection. Its all been kept in gorgeous condtion - just dont understand why anyone would get rid of it. Its my pride and joy at the moment love showing people





Wow Sugarbunny thats a great collection you have there!! Cant believe the person who was selling this!!
Wow Sugarbunny thats a great collection you have there!! Cant believe the person who was selling this!!

I no its crazy especially just days after his death....but like I said it was Michael who got them to me so I wont look any further than that :)
Sugarbunny, coming to London is my weak place right now. When MJ announced his tour in London i was on the 70th sky. I was so happy to see him working, finally overcoming his ordeals, he looked great. All my lyfe i regretted being so young to attend his spectacular tours, watching them only on videos. Now i had a chance to see him on his last "curtain call". Moreover, unfortunately i rarely travel outside my country. At this i would have been alone. But, here is one of life`s ironies. As a hobby i help homeless cats in an organization. Very often we look for new homes abroad since things concerning homeless animals here are just cynical. A few months ago i gave a foster home to two little kittens, one of which has cerebellar hypoplasia. A lovely lady in London decided she wants to adopt them and i had to bring them to her. I saw that as more than a coincidence. The dates of the concerts and my kitten trip were not so matching but then MJ announced a delay and everything turned out to be great. I thought there is nothing coincidal and accidental in life.

I want so badly to be there on the 13th but i will not be able to. Since 25 th of June it was as if i was living outside of me. I told already - i cannot explain it. I lost desire to do the things i like to do. I worked like a robot, then go home and all night till the morning i watched over and over MJ stuff. Just yesterday logging here i started to talk about that especially after reading people`s thoughts here, unlike the idiotic comments on you tube, saying not more than "RIP, you will be in my heart", etc. I know you will do good on 13 th just as Michael deserves.

What a wonderful gift! MJ surely knew and still knows how to touch and console our souls! "Moonwalk" is my favourite and most precious one! I hope they will release it again!

Here is again the long post :))