I just want to know what you think about this.


Proud Member
Oct 14, 2009
Neverland since 1991
please don't believe I work for this place just because I'm new here. but I read this and gave me some peace and I really want to believe in this. The thing is I'm still confused and heartbroken but this actually helped me.

I'm sorry if this is not the right place to post this kind of thing or if it has been posted before.
this are some of the posts of the Native American Psychic Cherokee Billie.
I had a very interesting day today, I was contacted by an Australian morning radio program and they wanted to know if I could channel Michael Jackson and answer questions for his fans who are very upset by his passing. I knew that I could and accepted. I was only given about two minutes before they put me live on the radio, so I had to quickly get quiet and contact Michael Jackson's spirit.
What is channeling?
The definition of channeling in the Merriam-Webster 11th Collegiate Dictionary is, "The process that conveys thoughts or energy from a source believed to be outside the person's body or conscious mind; specifically -- one who speaks for nonphysical beings or spirits."
The mind must be emptied of conscious thoughts for a spirit to talk through him/her.
My Experience
I was amazed at how quickly he came to me. The host greeted me and asked where Michael Jackson is now. I explained that he has not fully transitioned, but he is in Spirit in the White Light surrounded by the Heavenly Host.
Throughout this conversation I could feel the happiness that Michael feels now that he is released from this planet. He stated that he was happy and didn't want anyone to be mourning him because he is free from the pressures of being Michael Jackson. They had two young fans that were extremely distraught over his death and wanted an answer from him. Michael stated that they shouldn't be upset because they will be with him on the other side and he is never far from them.
The last question I was asked was what Michael Jackson considers his most treasured artifact. The answer was quick and simple "My Children." The hosts thanked me for being on and signed off. It left me very exhilarated because I had never thought of contacting Michael Jackson since his passing and I always find it fascinating to go to the other side. It's truly an indescribable experience. So do not mourn his death he is free.
I truly wish that the family could see how happy Michael is now. They are too caught up in grief to realize he is free and happy. The family would be greatly comforted if they knew that his spirit is happy and he is with them even though they cannot see him.
He is going to be doing so much more in Spirit then he ever did on this planet. The spirit world is very active; we tend to forget that there is another dimension besides this third dimension. The spirit world is far busier than we are here, but with different priorities.
Already people are starting to see that they should change their lives and live showing more love and caring like Michael Jackson did. His death has cause people to think more about dying and what happens after you leave this planet. Many more people are turning to God because of his death. It's wonderful that he is able to help people start having a connection to God and His Spirit. He feels that this was one of his missions on this planet and he's very happy that he is able to help people turn to God.
His work on the other side is going to be far more powerful than anything he ever did when he was alive. Right now he is just enjoying being on the other side and is not having to do anything in particular other than connecting with those he loved and those he admired
He will be going into a learning process shortly where he will be instructed on what he should be doing as a Spirit Guide. People, who in life achieve greatness such as he did, get to this level on earth because they are Chosen to help in a spectacular way. In other words we have not seen anything yet and the best is coming from Michael Jackson over the next few years.
I know it's hard for people to believe, but this is what I feel is so marvelous about Michael Jackson. His passing is a loss for his family, but it's a great gain for the world because he's changing people's views about spirituality. His legacy will be great because he's transforming the world after passing

And this is the most important.

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