I just turned 39 today...


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
I can't believe I"ll be 40 next year... I remember back in 1983 when I became a MJ fan i was only 11, and back than Michael was just 25 and he seemed so old in my opinion... Just to think, in Michael time line I'm way past the Thriller era, the bad era and even the Dangerous era... I guess I'm now at the history tour era... I just hope I'll still be around much more than 10 years... (BTW, my new Doctor is named Murray... :-O). Anyway, happy birthday to me...
do not look back that way, it makes it scary - look forward: I'm sure you are glad you are not 20 again... by the way looking at your picture, you had the bad look even before mike did hehe.

the 40's will bring you much joy I am sure - but ...hmh... I think I would have some difficulties consulting my doctor having that name... I hope he will be doing a better job watching over you - should you ever need it (God forbid)

happy birthday - I hope you had a good day
Happy birthday
Remember the best is yet to come
Happy Birthday! This is going to sound ridiculous to some of you because I'm young I guess, but I know exactly how you feel. I hit the big 2-0 this year and I'm freaking out :/ But with age comes wisdom :D That's what I keep telling myself anyway :lol:

and ..please...get a new doctor....:ninja:

Agreed :ninja:
Happy birthday! Wow, 39 is a baby to me (I'm 47). You are still young BUT the older you get the quicker time seems to fly by so enjoy it, lol.
I said it in the members birthday thread, but happy birthday!

And of course you will still be around in 10 years, haven't you heard 40 is the new 20! :lol: