I just do not have the confidence to get a job!


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Ok so I left school about 2 years ago or so. All my friends have jobs.

I however decided to go to college and do a music course. That didnt work out to well and I ended up being withdrawn from my course.

By then it was too late to start another course and I was way to afraid to get a job! :\

SO I ended up having a year off where I literally did nothing.....I then started another music course which I stuck to till the end. That ended in May.

I started the 2nd year of the course in September, however I found myself hating it and was having second thoughts about doing it. After a while I started missing a lot of days and was withdrawn from that course as well.

Now I guess I should be getting a job, the only problem is I just do not have the confidence to go out and get one. I spend most of the time kooked up in my house, its like I have some sort of phobia of going out and doing certain things. Im a very reclusive person and I hate it :\

Im so afraid that people see me as this lazy bum just because I dont have a job and dont go to college anymore.

But its not that im lazy at all, I think over the years I have just developed some sort of fear of certain things. I dont know what it is, but I hate it.

Im so different from everyone else :\ haha
Hey :)

Do you have a good CV? You need to write down your best points and begin searching on the internet for jobs as this is a little less daunting than going round to places and asking - that can come later. You're on the internet regularly, so just search for jobs that interest you. If you look for something you're going to enjoy, you may not be less nervous about it but you'll at least have a starting point. Good luck x
Hey :)

Do you have a good CV? You need to write down your best points and begin searching on the internet for jobs as this is a little less daunting than going round to places and asking - that can come later. You're on the internet regularly, so just search for jobs that interest you. If you look for something you're going to enjoy, you may not be less nervous about it but you'll at least have a starting point. Good luck x

Thank you. I think I will rather try the internet. I applied to work in a supermarket but I havent heard back from them.
It's so competitive right now, that I take the approach of applying to a lot of the listings online, never just one or two. I used to wait to see if I'd get a response but now I don't. I just keep applying. I go through job sites, I also send resume's by email to specific companies and at times have just walked into places and handed people my resume. I'm crossing my fingers here, I sent an email to a resturant here with my resume, just asking to consider me the next time they hire, and the manager wrote back that he's really needing staff, and to have me come in and talk to him.

I've been looking for work pretty much all year, so it would be nice if this one would work out. I really really hate looking for work.

I hope it works out for you as well! Just keep pushing along :)

I have a similar "phobia" of driving. Everybody else looks forward to it and describes it as being "freedom"...but I just don't care or like it at all. I'm only doing it because my parents want me to get a license. My confidence in driving is lousy while everyone finds it no big deal at all. I'd rather hang glide.

Back to you,
How about doing some volunteer work - maybe that will lead somewhere in the same organisation or company. :) There's a lot you can gain like confidence, experience and something good to put on your CV. Plus, because it's voluntary, you won't feel as much pressure. I'm sure there are plenty of opportunities available. Pick an area or something you're interested in if you want. Who knows what contacts you'll make on the way. :)
go to online jobs see what's available and apply to as many jobs as possible - that are suitable for you of course - and go to interviews and see what it's like, this will help you get a direction
you probably don't even know where to start from, going to interviews will help you a little
but with this economic crisis there are not many job opportunities out there it's really crazy it's been going on for more than a year, but you can give it a try with whatever you can find
You only fear going out and getting a job cause you haven't done it yet. You took a different route to your friends and that is great, you're an individual and have to find your own path in life. I think it's cool you did music and pursued something you love as opposed to something which is seen as more 'secure'. You're obviously dedicated to it or you wouldn't have returned to it and seen it through the second time around. So welldone :D

About getting jobs, the only way is to keep applying. If you get rejected (which everybody does at some point), it's important to try and get feedback on your application or interview so you can improve your technique. It's just about getting yourself out there and talking to people. Once you start, you'll find it a lot less daunting. I found job interviews particualry difficul untill I had to do so many, I became accustomed to the whole palava! LOL

Final thing I have to say is, theses things are a lot less scary when you actually DO them, it's usually scarier thinking about doing them. When you actually get round to it, it's not that big of a deal. Make the first step, and you will know what to do from there.

Goodluck and God Bless You :D

i went through something similar last year for a few months. its just really anxiety. remember their only THOUGHTS. try counteracting them by thinking postively. whenever you have a negative thought, just go do it whatever that needs to be done anyway. force yourself to get a job etc and your confidence will grow in no time. its mind over matter really. if you need to talk pm me :)

good luck :)
Don't worry, you're not so different from anyone else!

I had a phobia of driving, which I still have (although I got my license a year ago lol). I just havent been able to muster up enough courage to go out and look for a car by myself. The thought of driving it makes me shudder. But I can either sit here twiddling my thumbs or I can just face the music, so to speak.

You need to do some research into jobs you may enjoy and just start small. Fill in one application, see how you feel and then try more. Baby steps!
it is really difficult. Ive just graduated now and ive had to come home because I just cant afford to be anywhere else without a job which is so weird bcos the life ive known and loved for 4yrs is over. Im constantly applying to fast track management roles but you get rejected left right and centre so its quite hard but you have to keep aking the hits i suppose. Ive managed to get myself an internship part time but I am the same in that in that I have a lot of time when im doing nothing...the gym is good for this! I read in a post above that you should look into voluntry work. I think this is a great idea and infact I am doing that myself. Ive applied to VSO which is (voluntry services overseas) and I begin it in April of next year and it runs for 6 months in total. All the management schemes start in septmber of next year so its perfect timing for me if i can secure a job that starts then although this appears to be near impossible. I think voluntry work would be really good for you because it will probably change you and make you feel more outgoing and like your making a difference not to mention it looks amazing on your cv! In the current climate I would def recommend it...most of the application stuff is done online aswell!
I think you should set yourself a goal, and do everything in your power to achieve it...finding a job is hard but everyone is in the same boat one way or another. I think some vuluntary work would do you the world of good though, just my opinion!