I hope this is true...


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
London, UK
On Dr Phil's blog(the blog is not that great) about the the good dying young following Michael's death. I noticed a guys comment underneath. His name on there is 'Irish Michael' he writes about how a friend of his saw Michael driving around in an old car in the Wicklow Mountains... Did he drive though?

Here is the post and a link to the blog:
Irish Michael says:
July 9, 2009 at 12:24 pm
I always remember Michael Jackson’s phenomenal success in the 80’s. Over the past week we were once again enveloped in a atmosphere of that time; the Jackson fever of the 80s was reborn, likely only temporarily though. How tangible it feels.
During those years I was a teen fan of MJ. There is no doubt he was deified among some quarters but is that not how the media operate. The propaganda machine raising Celebs up as a vessel of hope for the rest of us. The famous held up as a beacon of light, someone who we can look up to, guiding us out of the mire of life’s pains that we all experience, if only temporarily; giving us hope and escape during difficulty, providing us with some residue of meaning, helping us to plug the holes of our insecurities.
But how can an ordinary human being who has all the limitations and biological boundaries associated with our human condition be expected to live up to such expectations? Such a burden must be unimaginable. Who do these people turn to, who offers them escape when they need it and reality checks when called for? Like us all, celebs also need to get the right balance between escapism and reality. An imbalance between these can have terrible consequences. Let face it we all need a square dose of reality every now and then. Reality it’s so important but it’s the one thing we can’t handle too much of. Is that not why we are happy to be conned by the media when we welcome the raising of celebs to the status of idols.
The misnomer associated with calling celebs idols is easily checked when we see them for who they are; people, persons, nothing more and nothing less. I think about poor Michael Jackson when he came to Ireland a few years ago. He was seen by a friend of mine driving around the Wicklow Mountains in a clapped out banger of a car, alone, by himself; a world removed for the hype that surrounded him in the 80s. It was probably during this time that he was really himself. It was here he stood alone, alone with himself. This was the true man. Remove the façade and he was just an ordinary person with a great ability to entertain.
By making celebs idols; by us being happy for them to be elevated to such a status so we can escape reality temporarily we allow the propaganda machines to apply a load that is not manageable on our celebs that isn’t manageable.
I hope that Michael Jackson is truly free now and I pray for the same. God bless him and his family during this difficult time.

An Irish dude.


Here is a pic of those mountains, it looks beautiful if he did go there...


Just below Dublin you can see on this map http://imageseu.homeaway.com/vd2/propmaps/hr/en/3/9085/ireland_9085.gif

It might not be true... but its nice to imagine him in more serene environments :)
Those were beautiful words...
And yes, I believe of course Michael could drive. I've read some stories of him in the past involving driving a car.
This story made me sad. The fact that to be "normal" he could only do it totally alone. We loved him so much, but its the fans all around the world who actually made him prisoner. Everywhere he goes, screaming, chasing etc. We all (myself included) put him in a prison. We gave him the most incredible happiness and in turn loneliness because we loved him TOO much. Does that make sense? And he loved us too much and it cost him his freedom. The last years with his children - that is what makes my heart sing. Michael had a private life that was not alone. And those kids loved him unconditionally. To him he wasnt famous. He was just daddy. Heck they prob think all daddies can sing and dance like that.

Michael, we miss you so much :(
This story made me sad. The fact that to be "normal" he could only do it totally alone. We loved him so much, but its the fans all around the world who actually made him prisoner. Everywhere he goes, screaming, chasing etc. We all (myself included) put him in a prison. We gave him the most incredible happiness and in turn loneliness because we loved him TOO much. Does that make sense? And he loved us too much and it cost him his freedom. The last years with his children - that is what makes my heart sing. Michael had a private life that was not alone. And those kids loved him unconditionally. To him he wasnt famous. He was just daddy. Heck they prob think all daddies can sing and dance like that.

Michael, we miss you so much :(

Co-sign...Marlon talked a bit about this at the memorial. Wearing disguises just to have a moments peace without being recognized. I think if we were honest and tried to look at it from Michael's point of view...most of us wouldn't have fared very well if we had to go through what he did for most of his life. It's something everyone else who isn't well known or famous takes for granted. The ability and freedom to just be. :sigh: God Bless him for all he went through and I hope his children can find some peace and not have to go through what he did.
Yeah, he got his license in the early 80s after Katherine managed to finally persuade him to get it. :lol:
Michael Jackson in a mini-van. HA-HA-HA! I would pay money to see that. Bless him.
Awww, bless Katherine, always a piller of strength. It's very important to get your lic, you never know when you may need it. Thanks for sharing this info btw. :)
No worries. :)
Actually, that's the same thing Katherine said.
I forgot where I read it exactly, but Michael said he just wasn't interested in driving and didn't need to because he had his chauffeur.
Then Katherine said something like, "Say you needed to go someplace and your chauffeur was sick."
Apparently, that was enough reason for Mike to give in. :lol:
:tease:Most people forget that Mike is driving the car in he beginning of the Thriller video, so duh! he drives!
I think that Dr Phil was quite respectful and I think he finally did get that MJ was innocent. I could be wrong but just a few weeks after he was acquitted he had under "tell us your story" were you falsely accused of child molestation, then were you falsely accused of a crime and finally, were you falsely accused of something terrible that you didn´t do. He seems to follow celibrity stories so that was the impression I got considering the timing.
I always imagined Michael doing things like this so I'm not surprised
except that now it makes me feel sad...I feel like he should be here not only for us or for his kids, but for himself to enjoy that private time by himself, to enjoy life and the simple things
OMG...that's so sad. I like the fact that he got away...I dunno just makes me sad. :(
There is a photo of his Hawaii Driver's License somewhere on the board. I've seen it before.