I hope they do a GREAT movie about Michael's legacy


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
I loved the movie "RAY" made about Ray Charles. I hope they do a movie about Michael's life that will honor him and his legacy in the same way the mamorial did. And it would be nice if the people from "RAY" did it.
Hollywood knows that if the movied does not depict the truth about Michael's life, the fans will not go and see it. They will write it off as another trash piece.

I don't think we have anything to worry about though because they will have to get the rights from the family first. And the family is gonn make sure the truth is told.

I just hope Johnny Depp gets the adult Michael role.
Johnny Depp doesnt want to play Michael and said that no one should do a movie and I agree.
Who in the world can play Michael it just cannot be done.
yea it can't be done. A while ago someone had a thread about saying how the movie likely would go. Im sure its going to be the same as that member said here. something like. J5>Thriller>Marriage>allegetions>death.

Something like that.
Just out of curiosity: Was there ever an Elvis movie about his life? Like cinema-type big movie?
you can't say it can NEVER be done because there are and will be alot of actors out there, some known , some unknown..one of these people may be perfect to play him but yes this would be a very difficult film to achieve because there were so many re inventions of michael so you could'nt have just one person play him...

maybe if they did something like bob dylan's ' i'm not there'...that might work....however, the only way this would be beneficial to mj is if it was done like ray.That film showed the humanity and genius behind the person whislt at the same time not shying away from his struggles and battles...all of this would need to be shown and not misconstrued into lies and tabloid mystery like that stupid 'man in the mirror; joke of a joke..

I urge EVERYONE to watch the james brown biopic starring wesley snipes and directed by spike lee when it comes out...that will show us how a mj film should be done i guarantee
I think Walk the Line was also really good!
Shame that Joaquin seemed to have lost it a bit though... ;)

But I do think a movie would be possible and I agree that there is probably someone out there who could portray him. Obviously they'd have to use several actors for different eras....like they did in The Jacksons, An American Dream.
I urge EVERYONE to watch the james brown biopic starring wesley snipes and directed by spike lee when it comes out...that will show us how a mj film should be done i guarantee

Wow, I had no idea about this project. Mr. Snipes and Mr. Lee are two of my favorite people in the film industry. Thanks for letting us know about it michael4eva. :)
i really hope there won't be a movie about his life. in my opinion, no one will ever be able to fill his shoes even if it is just for a movie. it would just look tacky if somebody else tries to do what Michael did . there's only one Michael and nobody will ever be good enough . that's just how i see it .
Don't we already have something similar in "The Jackson's, the American Dream"? I have to say, that movie was really good. I thought all of the actors and actresses did a great job and were perfect for their roles. Even some friends of mine that aren't Michael Jackson fans thought that the movie was really good. Yeah, someday I'd like a Michael Jackson movie, but I am quite happy with the Jacksons movie.
i really hope there won't be a movie about his life. in my opinion, no one will ever be able to fill his shoes even if it is just for a movie. it would just look tacky if somebody else tries to do what Michael did . there's only one Michael and nobody will ever be good enough . that's just how i see it .

I know what you mean. The actor portraying Michael would have to be a world class actor and a world class dancer and singer on top of that. One way they could bypass these difficulties would be to make this hypothetical biopic, dare I say it, a CG film. I don't know if that would work or could work.
I know what you mean. The actor portraying Michael would have to be a world class actor and a world class dancer and singer on top of that. One way they could bypass these difficulties would be to make this hypothetical biopic, dare I say it, a CG film. I don't know if that would work or could work.

yeah....they should save themselves the humiliation , in my opinion . no one's good enough . i really hope there won't be such a film.
i am telling u this RIGHT now...who EVER plays MJ in a bio type movie...that person WILL win an Oscar...i can GUARANTEE it!
i am telling u this RIGHT now...who EVER plays MJ in a bio type movie...that person WILL win an Oscar...i can GUARANTEE it!

Yeah if Spike Lee does one you know he'll do MJ justice! And I believe it can be done.
yep spike lee and wesley snipes ...i think it wil be epic and hopefully surpass everything that ray achieved because i truely feel alot of people don't understand how big and important this man really was..some people just know him as the guy who did i feel good mans world and papas got a brand new bag..but this guy was on mj's level..hell he invented music genres, changed up the beat and was original in every aspect of dancing , singing, stage performing and as a buisnessman in music...truely the biggest innovator..he was the father to people like michael jackson and prince and the whole of hip hop..some people just don't understand how hugee this guy was in terms of music..no wonder michael idolised his every move and step in music...makes perfect sense too
I REALLY hope they don't. I don't want anyone attempting to touch his life or legacy. He was a complex person that NO ONE will ever fully grasp enough to make a film about, and I seriously don't want to go through the pain of watching his 'life' on screen. But of course that's just my opinion.
I hope they don't. This is Michael Jackson we're talking about, it's impossible to summarize his life in a 2 hour movie. That's the first problem we're talking about.

And what about the actors..it's gonna be so damn hard to find someone who can actually play Michael, without looking like a fool. I'm getting 'Man In The Mirror' deja vu's. Seriously that guy somehow reminded me of Magic Johnson who was ''trying'' to sound like Michael, it just looked so stupid.
Not only is it hard to find someone who can play Michael, it's also hard to find a serious actor who's tough enough to take the responsibility.

Is there gonna be dancing in the movie? If so, do they have to use a real dancer to play Mike when it's about dancing, or are they gonna use the same actor who's playing Michael.

There are just so many things to deal with, it's almost an impossible thing to do.
And let's be honest, we MJ fans are very critical when it comes down to Michael. I mean, we already made fun of all those Madame Tussaud figures. It will be very hard for those directors to please us.
If there are going to be reports that Michael is wearing pink loafers instead of black , we'll probably all boycot the movie before even watching it.
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I definitely don't won't that either. Theres no way that can happen, if they did do this, I bet you it won't do justice for MJ fans lol.
I REALLY hope they don't. I don't want anyone attempting to touch his life or legacy. He was a complex person that NO ONE will ever fully grasp enough to make a film about, and I seriously don't want to go through the pain of watching his 'life' on screen. But of course that's just my opinion.

I agree. I don't want to see anyone's attempt at telling his life story.