:angel: IN SOME way please Michael will love you ......i hope he comes back..please return..in a way...we had a countdown going...:(

i know u are sad , i am too :( but we need to stick together right now and be there for each other on this board. mike aint coming back. sadly :( its very hard to say this..
Im so sad right now... I want him back! MJ we want you back!
Michael will never die, to me he is immortal, I'll listen to his music watch his videos's, that is what gives me strength, his music gets me the through the bad times throughout my life and the good times. Just like Shakespeare, Mozart, Elvis he will never be forgotten, his music will live forever and ever.

I guess the only good thing that I can take from these awful events, is there will never ever be anymore crap, lies and horrible stories written about MJ, but only good things and I want the truth to come out about Michael.
Who knows? Maybe MJ is like Jesus, dying for our sins. Jesus was put to death by society, sort of like MJ was.
He's eternal.

The only one who can revive his magic and enigma will be his son.

And I will wait...dreaming...only of the man himself.
Why the pain gets stronger and stronger?!? Why I am crying for 20 houres and I can't stop?!? I can't believe it! I want this to me a joke...a nightmare...I wanna wake up ppl!