I hope I can make you Smile Today_Thriller Love

WOW They broke the Guiness record
Mexico had ove 13,000 dancing to Thriller
all in one place Thats awesome :)
Aaaw Love it, that little boy at 3:09 is adorable!
and that little girl at 5:44 awwww!
And the lezards at the are hilarious

Aw! I so love looking at things like that Muah big kisses to everybody on earth who ever danced Thriller, and who WILL!

Don't forget thrilltheworld2009!
I know its so fun seeing the children get so
excited over his music and try to do the dance
I loved those parts too _ I had so much fun making
it trying to find all the footage on youtube

Thanks for the positive rep :)
The SOBE Life water Lizard...OH MY GOD! LOL! The Gorilla lol The children so cute! and was that my fav halloween treat, Candy Corn doing the Thriller? LMAO! Loved this Video!
Thanks for putting together this fantastic compilation of Thriller dancers! :D

It's so cool the Mexicans now hold the Guinness record for the biggest Thriller dance on the globe!