I hope he can see this...(My letter to him)


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Livingston, Scotland
Dear Michael

I hope you know how much we all miss you. Especially your friends, your family and most definetely your three beautiful children.

Michael, I had never seen anyone so sweet and kind before in my life. You were what alot of other celebrities refused to be. You were yourself. Thats what made me respect you even more. You never let your fame go to your head and it never turned you greedy. Heck, you spent so much of your money on building Neverland and it was all so you could give sick children the time of their lives!

You never did anything to deserve all the hate and cruelty that was thrown at you. Greed can be a powerful thing. Those who did you wrong, they never saw you as a person. They saw you as a gold mine. I am so sorry for everything that you went through and how they treated you.

The kindness and love you had shown the world is very much uncommen. You are the perfect example of how we should be as a race. However we still have a long way to go before we reach this. But maybe one day we will and you would of been the one that inspired us.

The entertainer you were was wonderful beyond compare. But the man you were...That 'Man in the Mirror' was even more wonderful. I hope you know that I always thought you were beautiful. Inside and out.

I love you so much Michael and I miss you terribly. The world just dosen't feel right without you. But I know your in a far better place than this. A place where no one judges you, torments you or tries to hurt you.

Thank you for everything you gave the world. Your music, your love and your kindness.

Rest in Peace. Your safe now. and don't worry. We'll do anything we can to help your family protect your little angels.

Love from
Ashley Tait
shooooooooot. im balling. if its any constellation to the way you are feeling. he knew how special he was to his fans and he loved each and every one dearly.
Beautiful letter. I am sure Michael can feel all of our love from where he is sitting on his crescent moon :)
Wonderful letter:)

I feel the same as you do.:wub:

I just never get the 'better place' idea, and This has NOTHING! against you darling:) because it was a beautiful letter:hug:

but I just always think even though there were those who completely and wrongfully disliked our Angel, there were many more people on this planet who loved him MORE, like Michael wanted and certainly deserved to be loved like.

I know that I miss him sooo much and lovehim even more:cry:
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I just never get the 'better place' idea

Michael has said a couple of times "I guess you could say it hurts to be me". He has so much crap to deal with, every single day. Michael was judged, attacked, rediculed, blackmailed and talked about by people who didn't know him, who wanted to hurt him for no other reason than the fact he was Michael Jackson. It's almost like it was hard for Michael to live his life, day after day. There was so much hurt in Michael's life. All he wanted to do was bring joy and love to people through his music, and look at all that happened to him. It was unfair, and sad.

So yes, Michael is in a better place now. No more heartache, no more sorrow, no more pain. To me, he was an Angel lost here on earth. And he is now home.
very heartfelt , and beautiful .
ty for sharing :yes::huggy:xx
This is beautiful....brought tears to my eyes...and every word you said is correct....I am sure Michael knows how you feel....hugs to you....:hug:
Absolutely amazing... such beautiful words...thank you for sharing them....
God, after re-reading what I wrote, I broke down...My heart is breaking again...I just want him to come back...He should be with his children...Not locked up in a casket!! IT'S JUST NOT FAIR!!
He should be with his children...Not locked up in a casket!! IT'S JUST NOT FAIR!!

I would bring him back for him to be with his children and family again, and I would even switch places if I could. And I would make sure that he would be happy and no one would ever hurt him again. He was full of life, and even when things were hard, he loved life. I just keep on fooling myself, thinking he is still here, or I don't know how to cope... I love and I miss him sooo much, it hurts. I don't know what to do..


I cant stop crying. The tears never seem to end...
I really wanted to believe it was not real but it is... He's dead. He's in a coffin. He was buried. He's not coming back. Oh God! I'm suffocating.
I would bring him back for him to be with his children and family again, and I would even switch places if I could. And I would make sure that he would be happy and no one would ever hurt him again. He was full of life, and even when things were hard, he loved life. I just keep on fooling myself, thinking he is still here, or I don't know how to cope... I love and I miss him sooo much, it hurts. I don't know what to do..


I cant stop crying. The tears never seem to end...
I really wanted to believe it was not real but it is... He's dead. He's in a coffin. He was buried. He's not coming back. Oh God! I'm suffocating.

I know when it happened i was trying to convince myself and everyone around me that it wasn't true, he wasn't really dead and that all this was just a cover up, trying to make myself feel better.....life is soooooo unfair
awww This is a beautiful letter. :hug:

Michael deeply cares for his fans and im sure he feels all the love we have for him.
I hope he can still hear our messages to him. :cry: