I have something to say.

Mike P.

Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Florida, United States
Hello everyone, I haven't been around here in awhile but I'd like to share something with you all.

I'm terribly sorry about the length, but it took me along time to find the right words to say. I sometimes have difficulty putting my thoughts to senteces.

If there's anything positive to come out of recent events, I'd have to say I've found it a lot easier to admit being a fan of MJ without having to worry about being harassed or having to engage in heated arguments over whether or not all of the bulls**t the media says about him is true even though I know its not. alot of the people I've encountered lately seem to be more open about him now.

One of the biggest reasons I've been a fan of MJ for all these years besides his Music and his amazing talents is because after reading his book "Moon Walk" and hearing some of the things he's said in his own words in interviews and such, I've always felt that I could relate to him somewhat because I've been through many similar situations as alot of what he's said over the years.

Even though I've never met him, I've always kinda thought of him as someone I could look up to, especially because we both share alot of the same goals and interests and are both misunderstood individuals. When I read "Moon Walk" for the first time, some of the stuff he said sounded like he had used some kind of magic to read my mind. I couldn't believe how much I had in common with this man, and even though he grew up in the spotlight, alot of the experiences he talked about sounded all too familiar to me.

I think one of the reasons I used to be afraid to talk about Michael is because when people would talk bad about him it almost felt as though they were attacking me as well because I felt such a strong connection to him.

The day He passed away was one of the strangest days of my life. My favorite musician of all time who I felt so close to even though we had never met had just died and I didn't even know how to feel, It was almost as though my mind was refusing to accept the fact that he was gone. It wasn't until the next day that it really hit me, The King of Pop was gone forever.

Since I quit my job about a year and a half ago, I have been volunteering at a Childcare center and the support I get from my co-workers and and the children there have helped me greatly to overcome the sadness and difficult times I've been through in the last year. I am currently in the process of getting my certification and hopefully this leads to a job soon because I love it here so much, It's almost like my second family. I sometimes feel as though I am being attacked when people say bad things about MJ and Children. I now know what he feels like when he is around children and I can honestly say that I know he would never have let any harm come to a child. I care for children almost every day and I don't think I could live with myself if anything happened to one of them. They are always so supportive and loving and they aren't so judgmental like so many adults are nowadays. I have found that I am a lot happier working here than I've been in a long time and it's because of the love & support I get from everyone I work with.

The day after Michael passed away, The teachers I work with had the radio on and we were all very sad that he was gone. We spent most of that day discussing his Music and his many Accomplishments, and sharing stories from when we were younger about wanting to meet MJ. and since that day I have credited Michael for bringing us even closer together. I would never have guessed that these people who I work with and see everyday were almost as big of fans as I was. Even the Children I work with were saddened of his loss.

I will truly miss the legendary King of Pop, But I will always be grateful for what he has left behind and for helping me get though tough times through his words and his music.

Michael Joseph Jackson :angel:
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Thanks for sharing with us Mike P. I totally relate to what you are saying. I have said to my friends that if they cannot 'get' Michael, then on a fundamental level they do not 'get' me either.

While the media hoopla is very distressing, for the most part I am coping okay because I know that Michael lives in me and millions others. What a powerful thought.
Great post. For me, one good thing to come out of this tragedy is the fact that my 8 year old daughter and I are closer than ever. She has become absolutely infatuated with Michael over the past few days since he passed, and she's sort of been coming out of her shell in a way. She's always been a little reluctant to express herself, but she's been hooked on MJ's music and it's been helping her feel more more confident, lively, and has put a spring in her step.