I have no talents. I'm such a jinx...


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Los Angeles, CA
I have absolutely no talents...I can't sing, I can't dance, I can't rollerblade that good, I can't swim that good, I can't draw or paint that well...

I look at someone like Michael who had soooo many talents. Singing, dancing, drawing, even an awesome spinner...I don't like sports and was never any good at them when I played as a little kid...I'm such a jinx with no talents to show...
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Sometimes you have to create your talent, or more so find it.
I truly believe that we all have some form of talent, but we most find and embrace it.
To find your true talent you most cancel out what you're not talented in.

I wanted so bad to sing when I was younger but I understood that I didn't have a voice for it since singing is basically something nature most provide you with.
It's like asking someone in a wheel chair to run 100 meters under 10 seconds, it won't happen.

You can't pick up a piano and expect to be good at it right away - There are 2 ways of learning to play piano.
1. You go to class and get taught how to play.
2. You get yourself a piano/keyboard and play wrong so many times that you force yourself by raw determination how to play right. It's like your body with time will tell you "no you better not hit those keys because you will play wrong"

And I think it's like that with most things, like dancing.
I mean, no one did a perfect moonwalk on the first take, not even Michael.
But you study it, you watch the tapes and not only study the steps... but you study the transition in between the steps.

Michael once said that the best education is watching the masters at work, and I truly believe that.
Aww, don't say that! There's more to be talented at than art, performing, and sports. You could be a talented speaker or writer. You could be good at listening to your friends' problems and helping them. You just haven't found (or maybe haven't realized) what you're naturally talented at yet. Some people's talent need a little coaxing, so maybe try finding something you like and practicing at it until you're good. How do you know Michael didn't practice his drawing and dancing all the time (which I'm sure he did)?
Everyone has a talent, if you haven't discovered it yet, you will soon enough. A lot of times we disregard our talents because they aren't as BIG as we would like them to be or they're not what we may want them to be. If you seek out the things you enjoy, sooner or later you find that you're extremely good at at least one of those things or you're good at something that has to do with those things. Don't count yourself out just yet ;) Get to know yourself again, think about it, if we all had the same talent we'd be bored :). Good luck in discovering yours!
I feel your pain!
I sing a level better than a cat getting ran over.
If shaking your ass to music is dancing, then I am a pro.
I can't draw a straight line with a ruler.
I can't play any instruments. My Dad bought me a keyboard yrs ago. My Mom got me a book for dummies on how to read piano music and how to play. Well, I can't play it. It's been underneath my bed for the passed 10yrs.
I have no clue what my *talent* might be.
Don't be so hard on yourself, everyone's unique in their own ways. I'm sure there's something you can do that even Michael couldn't.
If you really feel unhappy about it, maybe you should try and get involved in things you've not tried before? A dance class, a drawing class, Guitar lessons, I'm sure there's something you haven't tried yet.

Good luck xxx :D
I feel your pain!
I sing a level better than a cat getting ran over.
If shaking your ass to music is dancing, then I am a pro.
I can't draw a straight line with a ruler.
I can't play any instruments. My Dad bought me a keyboard yrs ago. My Mom got me a book for dummies on how to read piano music and how to play. Well, I can't play it. It's been underneath my bed for the passed 10yrs.
I have no clue what my *talent* might be.

Well get that damm keyboard out right now!!!!!!!!!Haha:D im trying to learn the guitar n keyboard, im not doing great, but i believe you get out of what you put into it!!

Jackie xx
I'm gonna use my keyboard tonight and study that damn book.
I understand why Michael couldn't read music. Looks like someone just throw up alphabet and symbol soup on a sheet of paper.

A great way to start learning how to play is to go to youtube and search for a tutorial to a song you like, and watch how they play... you'd be surprised how much you can learn that way. :)
Sheet music is really, really hard to learn if you don't start from a young age. I have been reading it since I was in 5th grade and I am a junior in college. It still throws me for a loop sometimes! If you have any questions I would glady TRY and answer them LOL
Bruce, I tried that with line dancing. I fell on my ass. Thought I was gonna break my damn leg!!

Hehe man... :D And when I as a kid tried to do the 4 spins I went right into the drawer. So I feel your pay, definitely :D

And why do we fall? So we can learn to pick ourselves up!
I have absolutely no talents...I can't sing, I can't dance, I can't rollerblade that good, I can't swim that good, I can't draw or paint that well...

I look at someone like Michael who had soooo many talents. Singing, dancing, drawing, even an awesome spinner...I don't like sports and was never any good at them when I played as a little kid...I'm such a jinx with no talents to show...

You sound like me in a way. My only real talent that I have is astronomy. And I am also quite good at astrology and numerology. As well as being a really good cook and baker. But thats pretty much about it.
A 'talent' doesn't necessarily have to be sports/music etc. I don't know you but maybe you are an extrememly giving, caring, considerate person, and you are active in this role, and extrememly good at it every single day.
Thankfully in my case i found my tallent at a very young age i'm a Pianist and i write songs for local bands to cover :), everybody has a tallent and is good at doing something theres no such a statement as " I can't do this" set your mind to whatever it is you wanna do/learn and then go for it :)
being a talented isn't so cool as it seems.. most of talented people finally realize that they can't do enough with their talents... then disappointmen came out. I know something about that :p

My advice: do something crazy to feel your life, jump with a parachute or something ;P Take your live as it is, you'll never get another chance ;)
for those of you tryinng to encourage others what are your talent..