I Have HAD IT!!!


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Why WHY is it that if the tabs are having a slow news day they pick Michael and a trumped up story to sell it? WHY cant they LEAVE HIM ALONE!!!! I am getting SO sick of all the BS going around about his nose falling off or skin cancer or AKON saying hes lip syncing his concerts. People need to get a LIFE and get out of MICHAELS!

His life is turning around and they still want to drag him through the mud just because they think they can. But if the shoe was on the other foot the people talkin sh!t would be suing and pitching one hell of a fit. Im tired of it. I know its all shit but its raking on my last sane nerve.
Ginny, I DO understand. Sadly, it's always been this way. Just the mention of his name generates income (vultures!), and probably negative mentionings generate more income than the positive. It's all about the money. I'd say that to the best of your ability, ignore it? We may not be able to change it, but we can avoid fanning the flames by taking it seriously, or by (of course not!) buying or subscribing any of the tabloids that do this. It's not just the tabloids, either. Mainstream media have, for years now, been picking up tabloid stories as if they were real. So I'd say just ignore all but official statements that emanate directly from Michael or his REAL representatives?
Gosh I feel your anger!
Well let me add... why do tabloids really exist?

I dispair of human nature at times, I really do!

But yeah the best advice was given... we got the strength to ignore for some reason! It needs some practice at times... but it's working! And that's all what those slamming Michael deserve. They want to use us! Don't let them!
b/c they know the fans will read it and most likely send links all over to show other fans adn they'll get hits or sell papers.

mj's been an easy target since the pic of him in the hyperbaric chamber. if u let it get to u, it will. best thing is to realize that no matter what they write or how many times they write it, it doesn' tmake it true.

they can only have power over u if u let them.