i have Dear god book i write in everyday


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
hi :waving:

i have dear god book that i write in everyday :yes: i startin this when i was in grade 7 so i was 12 years old i think :yes: :eek:

so my first time writting to him cause i was so upset about school teachers teat me mean to me all the time cause i was different :yes: so i run out of my feanch class (sorry about my spelling :wink:) so i hind in place in a room that nobody can't see me so when i got him i find blink book in my room so i call it Dear Good Book :yes: so i ask him a question so here is it i ask him "what i mostly understand give me a sign so the next day i woke up i run down strits and i get paper and pen i just startin to writting and i can't i wrote more then 100 songs in one day and know it's 2009 and i'm 25 years old i can't stop so thank you god

hmm, that's cool. I write to God too, but not everyday...I didn't do it for a long time in the past two years but I'm getting in the habit again. I like writing to God.
I used to have a diary, from the age of about 11 til 13, but i gave up on that many years ago after my 'friends' took it when i was at boarding school and read it!! I was really upset! I do, however, have a prayer list that i update regularly, so i guess i have that instead.
I used to have a diary, from the age of about 11 til 13, but i gave up on that many years ago after my 'friends' took it when i was at boarding school and read it!! I was really upset! I do, however, have a prayer list that i update regularly, so i guess i have that instead.

aww that was mean :( so much for being friends.

Rockstar that is awesome that you do that! I should start doing that again. thanks for sharing :hug: