I have come to the conclusion: Michael's got the right way to make music! Isn't it?


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
What I've learned it's best to make it IN PEACE. If you want most of the people listen. Think back how he's done his albums.

As far as I have seen Michael working, that looks like it's the only right way. And then if you add to that you as a person want to complete slowly it means SLOWLY IN PEACE..

So there's nothing that "weird" in Michael's way to create. It's just happens to be the way of the King Of Pop.
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Re: I have to the conclusion: Michael's got the right way to make music!

What has given you the incentive to post this? I have to admit I am little confused, as you seem to be responding to something in your initial post... of a brand new thread... that you have created yourself! lol.. Without explaining what your retort is... what response would you like from us?!
Re: I have to the conclusion: Michael's got the right way to make music!

What has given you the incentive to post this? I have to admit I am little confused, as you seem to be responding to something in your initial post... of a brand new thread... that you have created yourself! lol.. Without explaining what your retort is... what response would you like from us?!

I mean his music deserve to be waited... So don't be frustrated if it's not coming out.
lol no it isnt just you!!! I think its a little random!!! lol. But i know what you mean, i think michaels way of creating music seems to be a good way for him, and i suppose if taking his time means well get better music.... then im sure we'd all be happy to wait (well most of us, some people wuld complain!!)
Err... ok, prefix removed cuz it had nothing to do with the thread. Also moved to the right place.
I answered to this.. And there's no need to be confused about anything. And this is not "random". This has nothing to do with those kind of things. I meant I appreciate what he is doing... I don't matter how many takes does it take.
No Topflux.. my confusion is because no one has even mentioned being upset about waiting.. yet you make a thread on it.. that is what is random. Why bother making it, when no one has even moaned about it to you.. why not just put it in the 1000 other threads about Michaels new album?
I have not read this board at all. For weeks. I just said what I know. You mean you think Michael's new album really coming 13th February?! It's completely bullshit. Michael wouldn't ever release his album Friday 13th...
I don't understand why it's suddenly called "random" if someone just has a new issue to talk about... I am not crazy or anything. I just don't want to talk about nonsense and most of the threads here are nonsense.